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Level 0 Female

 32 yrs old
Canoga Park, SFV, LA, CA
Registered Aug 31 2022
Released Aug 31 2022

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Jan 12 2023 10:35AM
     I truly forgot
How much EASIER it is to have a website and to book through my site than just replying to messages here and there! It’s so much streamlined and my business has increased 3-fold!!

Ladies, think about a website if you don’t have one yet!

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Dec 30 2022 01:02PM
     I finally did it!
I created my website and utilized SEO AND got approved on PD in the same week. I�m near fully booked on NYE and NY Day, but goodness.

What successes have you had this week?


Dec 17 2022 12:09PM
     You know What Time It Is!!
I’ll be taking a trip out to El Segundo in January! Please recommend FOOD!

Preferably, a restaurant I can get wagyu steak ☺️

I was treated to AMAZING wagyu Thursday night and now I'm obsessed and want more, but I’ll take any recommendations!

Thank you!!


Dec 11 2022 03:45PM
     Can someone please
Recommend some K-Dramas? I’m heavily studying my Korean and preparing for a language test and I need a great and engaging K-Drama to binge for the next 2 weeks!


Dec 10 2022 11:33AM
     I just had the realization
While I finish baking brownies and a pineapple cake for my regular they they are IMMENSELY spoiled!! Who else gets the full on girlfriend duties during a 6 hour date??

And I’m stupid happy to do it? Man, he better appreciate these cheesecake brownies and dinner while dressed in lingerie!

What are some things you do for your regulars or gifts you might purchase for a lady to make them feel special? I’m all about experiences in this business!
Attached Pictures


Nov 11 2022 06:16PM
     Pre-Date Jitters
I’m doing something completely new and a little unique and I’m slightly nervous about it. He’s very well screened and is someone I’m somewhat familiar with, but the activity is new and we’ll be out for 4 hours. What do you do to get your head fully in the game? I don’t smoke and I’d rather not show up at least tipsy or anything!

Or maybe some “private time”? Lol

What are your favorite methods?


Nov 1 2022 04:53PM
     OC Friends!
Can you recommend a couple of great restaurants in Irvine or Tustin? I’ll be visiting from Friday-Sunday and I want some great eats! I would like to emphasize I really want to treat myself to an experience!

Thank you I’m advance!


Oct 28 2022 12:23PM
     Best way to start the weekend is…
By taking the day off to see a gent and sitting on his face and allowing him to eat breakfast, THOROUGHLY

I love when my day works out like this, but I sure would love to see more fine gentlemen at my hosting location ☺️
Attached Pictures


Oct 26 2022 08:56AM
     How do the ladies…
Handle your inboxes? I swear I give clear instructions but I swear I ignore it for one weekend and it explodes!! It’s hard for me to take any of the inquiries seriously just based on my own experience. What Is your method? Feel free to DM me, ladies; I’ll see it and be able to respond!

Thanks ☺️


Oct 9 2022 02:45PM
     When did communication
Go so downhilll? When calling customer service, they sound dead and just over-tired (understandably); my vendors are over-worked and they still have a million sub-contractors and clients to answer to let alone my calls or emails. My staff can’t get me answers timely because of customer service and vendors not answering efficiently, which is also understandable.

People reach out for services and think first impressions don’t matter and it’s all “Unga Bunga, give me p*ssy”); such a turn off.

It’s very interesting how and when these patterns were established and how it’s steadily just trialing downward. I would say it’s sad, but it’s been a long time coming, I see.


Sep 17 2022 09:35AM
     The feeling when…
You start out your morning with a really successful session that leaves you wet and inspired and you’re horny for more and have energy for days? That’s my feeling now!! Sure, I love money but coming across some amazing and sweet clients inspires me to push past my limit for the day because I’m high on life!

Or maybe I’m delusional and it’s early into my incall weekend lmao


Sep 13 2022 08:56AM
     Breaks Are So Needed
I guess quite a few people wondered where I went, but I take break periodically to deal with my life! I’m strictly part-time with this extracurricular and I ultimately wish to be return to becoming a low-volume provider. I make my goals within a weekend, so I spoil myself with a few days off or my regular makes sure I ain’t stressed at all.

Luckily, I think I’ll make my goals by end of October!!! And then I’ll make the move to working towards my Visa requirement for next year ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

Exciting shit!!! So, I would like to see y’all! Make some time!


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