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Level 2 Female

 39 yrs old
Registered Mar 31 2018
Released Apr 1 2018

4 blogs/106 comments
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Feb 26 2020 06:08PM
     Joe Biden pt 2
Wow Granite- your profile says 55 which puts you on the cusp of boomer, but I’m gonna place you in that generation. So you rattle off some accusations of entitlement at the younger generations, and in typical boomer fashion your assessment is based upon shit you make up yourself and not facts. So “gen Zs” are entitled because I called minimum wage “poverty wages”. I assume you really mean millennial because gen Zs are teens and super young adults right now. But let’s talk about this- fun fact- 1966 the year after you were born, enjoyed a MINIMUM WAGE that once adjusted for inflation and productivity would be worth exactly $19.33 in 2017 dollars. That’s the FEDERAL MINIMUM wage. Now mind you, the federal minimum wage is $ 7.50 currently so this means 19.33 for every McDonalds and Walmart worker in low cost areas like Alabama and shit. In California and other high cost markets, minimum wage is almost $13 right now, so I’m assuming an adjusted minimum for this area would be several dollars more, if not actually double that.

So who is entitled? I think it’s the generation that grew up with decent wages, super cheap universities 🤷🏻‍♀️ If growing up in that time doesn’t qualify for the entitlement badge the fact that you wanna pull the ladder up behind you, while at the same time spewing complaints based off of fiction you make up yourself would definitely do the trick.

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Feb 5 2020 12:46PM
     Let me help you right wingers.
I know it’s been so long since you guys have witnessed any, you probably can’t recognize it when its in front of your face..

This is what’s called integrity.


Jan 22 2020 10:53AM
     Boy oh boy, the liberals got pwnd by both sides in Virginia on Monday..
So much for the supposed white nationalist extremist rally narrative..

I also thought it was supposed to be a bunch of right-wing reactionaries but as it turns out, leftists like their guns too. Does anyone know if theres precedent on whether or not guillotines are protected by the 2nd amendment?

These photos really gave me the warm and fuzzies.


Nov 10 2019 10:41AM
     If someone’s profile and classified states that they are unable to send mail..
Maybe it might be a good idea not to PM them and expect a response? Idk just a thought 🤔🤯


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