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Level 3 Female

 36 yrs old
Temecula, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 15 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

225 blogs/968 comments
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Sep 17 2022 04:20PM
     Convo starter
Hey everyone it's been a while since I've been on, I hope all is well with everyone. Sooo I have a conversation starter: What would be your perfect weekend? I'd love to hear your answers!

My perfect weekend would be waking up to a nice breakfast, have a fun adventure planned ( shopping or outdoor activities....) then getting some lunch and finishing the day off with dinner and a massage 😉 oh sounds so good.


Nov 2 2021 09:54PM
     Need help please
So my apartment complex has been overwatering for about a month now. I have made many complaints within the last month and kept note of it. On Halloween I slipped and fell in the mud and sprained my wrist, knee, hip and ankle. I went to urgent care had to get an x-ray and they prescribe me muscle relaxers along with some Motrin. Does anybody know if I can file a lawsuit against my complex since they have done nothing and I can’t work my regular job for a week? Any and all information on this matter would be much appreciated thank you in advance.


Sep 24 2021 09:10AM
     Things that make you go hmmmm
What is the weirdest thing someone has done to you and thought it was okay?

Mine was this guy I wanted to date started licking inside of my ear and started moaning loudly. It was so weird but gross at the same time.

What are some of your weirdest experiences? Please stay on subject and be nice to each other.

❤ Allison Snow
Attached Pictures


Sep 14 2021 11:27AM
     Not trying to be rude
But.... if you don't have a network or a current network please don't even bother to contact me. I will not respond or give you the time of day. Also if I'm PM'ing you no need to be rude if I'm not your "type" I'm just trying to shoot my shot. 99% of shots missed are the ones not taken so I'm taking almost ALL of them 😭 respectfully speaking or typing whatever lol. That's all let's have a great Taco Tuesday I know I am!

❤ Allison Snow ( the shot taker )
Attached Pictures


Sep 2 2021 02:56PM
     Let's talk about hygiene part 2
Chief it was before the session they never do it after 😡


Sep 2 2021 02:40PM
     Which do you prefer
A dog or a cat and why? I love dogs for sure seeings how I have one now (Scruffy McGruffy). She's the best thing to ever happen to me She's always cuddling or snuggling me and to be honest I've never had a cat who liked to do that with me. I'd like to hear your opinions and please stay on subject and be nice to one another please and thank you

❤ Allison Snow


Aug 19 2021 01:03PM
Hey all it's been a minute since I've checked in 😜 I hope all of you are safe, sound and being prosperous (if that's how you spell it lol). Everyone please enjoy the rest of your weekend and leave me some love on here.

❤️ Allison Snow
Attached Pictures


Jun 29 2021 12:35PM
     Need to find someone
I have a really good friend of mine who has a dog that needs rehoming he is not asking for any money just a good home and good loving people, if anyone is interested please PM me for details. Hope all is well with everyone let's try to enjoy this Taco Tuesday.

❤️ Allison Snow


Jun 24 2021 08:59AM
     How do you like it
Your coffee? If I drink coffee I like mine with a lot of cream and 4 sugars. What about you? And please stick to the topic at hand I don't care to hear about the other bull ya'll want to talk about 😛💋❤️

Allison Snow


May 25 2021 07:08PM
     Did you miss me?
Hey ladies and gentlemen did you miss me as much as I missed you? Had to take a break but now I'm back. I hope all is well with everyone please send some love back to me.

❤️ Allison Snow
Attached Pictures


Apr 1 2021 02:38PM
     Where is the best place
To eat in Orange County? Things are starting to open back up again and I'd love to go grab some food and drinks, any suggestions would be appreciated. I hope everyone is having a great Thursday so far and an even better weekend to come.

❤️ Allison Snow
Attached Pictures


Mar 30 2021 12:32PM
     Thank you
To everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday and sent me gifts Thank You so much. To those of you who didn't 😛 (still accepting them until the end of the month). Hope everyone is having a great week so far, I have some exciting news as well that I will be posting about tomorrow.

❤️ Allison Snow


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