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Level 3 Female

 36 yrs old
Temecula, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 15 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 20 2021 10:24AM
     7 more days
Until I'm the big 33! Thanks to everyone who's shown me love already with my gifts, to those of you who haven't lets get on it. Can't wait to celebrate this year.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Mar 4 2021 10:23AM
     My Birthday Month
Hey HX community it's my Birthday month (March 27th) and I'm so excited to actually get to celebrate this year. Hope all is well with everyone! 💋

❤️ Allison Snow
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Feb 23 2021 09:41AM
     Your thoughts pt 2
Everyone keeps mentioning a Hawaiian pizza I never said anything about a Hawaiian pizza I specifically asked do you like pineapple on your pizza?


Feb 21 2021 12:18PM
     Your thoughts?
How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
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Feb 11 2021 04:53PM
     Allison Snow wants to know
What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?


Feb 5 2021 02:12PM
     The things that make you go hmmmm
What makes you nervous? Let's try and stay on subject ( I know it's hard for some but let's try please 😭 ) and I'd like your real answers please and thanks Hope everyone's Friday is going great, stay healthy and sane in this crazy time.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Feb 3 2021 05:26PM
     Conversation starter
What’s something that everyone, absolutely everyone, in the entire world can agree on? Everyone please stay on subject and give your honest opinion no b******* or messing around I would really like to know. Also be respectful please we already have enough drama going on in this community and we don't need to make more. I hope everyone is enjoying their white girl Wednesday I know I am.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Jan 26 2021 09:59AM
     Quick Question
Is human nature constant or is it molded by culture? Can human nature be completely changed by culture or society? Let's stay on subject & no rude or negative comments please.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Jan 21 2021 09:24AM
     Deep thought question
Who are you really? Who is behind the mask that you show to the rest of the world?


Jan 13 2021 10:29AM
     This or That Question
Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?

This one is super easy for me I will take loyalty over money any day for sure. Money comes and money goes but loyalty I feel like is worth more than anything. What are your thoughts? Please stay on subject and no rude or disrespectful comments. Hope everyone is having a great Hump Day, can't wait to hear everyone's answers.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Jan 8 2021 08:53PM
     Philosophical question
If someone you loved was killed in front of you, but someone created a copy of them that was perfect right down to the atomic level, would they be the same person and would you love them just as much?

Me personally I would never make a copy of a human being or loved one at that matter. Everything has an expiration date and on the unfortunate circumstance that they would die like that is horrible but everyone and everything has a time. I would definitely like to hear everyone's opinion on this subject. Please be respectful and stay on subject hope everyone's night is going great.

❤️ Allison Snow


Jan 3 2021 02:13PM
     Would you rather?
Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality? Please no rude or negative responses & stay on subject Please & Thanks.

Me personally I'll take the 6 w/ an amazing personality any day. Looks can be altered and or changed at anytime but personality is everything. Yes of course personality can change as well too but looks aren't everything

❤️ Allison Snow
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