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Level 3 Female

 36 yrs old
Temecula, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 15 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

225 blogs/968 comments
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Dec 23 2020 02:15PM
     I don’t get why
Literally everyone is on the phone on the freeway not going the speed limit swerving in and out of their lanes and just not paying attention period. I get it’s the Holidays and everybody is in a rush but geez Louise can we please be safe on the freeway so everyone can make it home. Everyone please stay safe so we can all at least try and enjoy the holidays with everything going on.

❤️ Allison Snow


Dec 18 2020 01:08PM
     How often do you people watch?
I'm kind of a creep when it comes to this because I love to watch people but not in a bad way I'm just very observant and like to know what's going on. That's me people watching lol j/k. What about you? Please stay on subject and don't be rude. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Dec 14 2020 03:14PM
     What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?
Anyone who knows me or has seen my profile know that I am tattooed and pierced. Honestly I love my tattoos as each one of them is a story about me or a part of my life. Do you have tattoos? How do you feel about them on yourself or people that have them? Please be respectful with your answers and do not go off subject it's much appreciated thank you.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Dec 11 2020 04:40PM
     Come one come all
Let's spread some good ol' Holiday Cheer. I know times are super crazy but let's spread some joy and positivity. I'm wishing everyone a great Friday & rest of the weekend

❤️ Allison Snow
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Dec 8 2020 11:46AM
     I'm this old


Dec 6 2020 09:27PM
     Which nut do you prefer?
I love all kinds of nuts in general but I'd have to say pecan or walnuts for sure! I also love brazil, macadamia, almonds and cashews. What are some of your favorite? Hope all is well with all the guys and gals.

❤️ Allison Snow
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Dec 5 2020 10:26AM
     So excited
I took my gun safety certificate and passed with flying colors 😍 I can purchase my gun tomorrow. Can't tell you how excited I am to have one again.
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Dec 4 2020 09:37AM
     Wish list for Xmas
1. apple airpods
2. puppy
3. cash cards
4. new boobs
5. shopping spree

Those are just some of the things I'd like for Xmas, what are you all wanting? Please stay on subject Thanks!
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Dec 1 2020 05:13PM
     Can't tell you
How much I love having a laptop, everything is SO much easier then trying to use my phone all the time. What is something that excited you when you purchased it?


Nov 25 2020 10:51AM
     Thanksgiving Dinner
I'm making homemade Mac & Cheese, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade sweet potato souffle' with a nice roast. What are you all cooking and or doing tomorrow? Please leave the negativity off this post & I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, I know I am!

Allison Snow
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Oct 29 2020 04:04PM
     Oooohhh my gosh...
I just went to Romantix today and let me tell you it was like a field day in there. Got some new toys and saw some others that I would like to get. Do any of you ever get excited about going into the adult store like I do? Happy Thursday everyone stay safe and sane.

❤️ Allison Snow


Oct 26 2020 10:01AM
     Just a thought...
I definitely need a puppy in my life. I would love to have a little companion that I can take care of. Any who I hope you ladies and gents are having a great Monday let’s all stay positive and have a great day.

❤️ Allison Snow


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