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Level 2 Female

 38 yrs old
Arcadia, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Dec 18 2018
Released May 23 2019

14 blogs/44 comments
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Apr 30 2020 05:25PM
     My mom told me to use what I got
I’m sure you guys have been wondering what happened to me . Or perhaps you’re just now seeing me for the first time

I’m Ang I’ve been here forever and truth is I loved every minute. Have made many real life friends here. Countless awesome connections with great people. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I’ve been caring for my mom. She has been battling cancer for 8 years and is now going into hospice. She’s insisting she wants burial even though she has no savings which is so like her but she just told me “Use what you got”

I was like “mom what are you talking about?”

She gives me sly look and says “I know you have successful friends😏”

I’ve always been open with my mom she doesn’t love it but she’s always known.

So here am saying I am too poor to give my mom what she wants can you guys help me out ?
Attached Links
Here she is


Feb 18 2020 10:46PM
     I know I’m weird to ask here but perhaps you guys know some place/hacks I don’t
So my mother is getting to the point where my siblings and I are thinking we should begin to prepare for end of life arrangements. I know nothing about the funeral/ end of life (?) industry. My mother has end of life reimbursement through her employment for LA county benefits but we are all kinda poor so my question is ....

Are there any shortcuts we can take to make a burial as cheap as possible? Because I know they’re gonna try to up sell us and I know nothing about what’s necessary and what isnt.

Cremation isn’t an option she doesn’t want that so yeah .... we’re screwed right?

Gonna try to research some more . But no prices are available online which sucks. Also some decently priced cemetery suggestions would be awesome.

Thanks guys you’re awesome


Oct 1 2019 06:41AM
     The Little things
It is said that being grateful for all the little things is the key to happiness or one of the keys rather.

name something you’re grateful for today

start your day off on a positive note

I’m Grateful For those who take the time to say hello and see how I’m doing. it’s so awesome that people care. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world


Sep 28 2019 08:22AM
     Grocery lists please
Any one who knows me knows I’ve put on a few pounds so I’ve been working out to try to lose the weight but my diet is horrible because when I go to the store I have no clue what is good and what’s not..... what’s on your grocery list? Help me out people.

If there’s all kinds of health ingredients for cooking please specify in parentheses what dish I called so I can google it and find out how to make it

Thank you so much .....seriously. 😐



Sep 22 2019 09:43PM
     Turning negative circumstances into positive
How do you do it?


Sep 20 2019 10:00PM
     I will never understand why
Why not wear a seatbelt?
Cars kill people. Every day.

I was driving on the 10 fwy last night when the car in front of me started to slowdown naturally I go to try to get around when I see a three car collision that literally just happened (I heard the boom but thought it was on the other side) glass everywhere. I drive around it and probably like a good 10 ft maybe 15... I see a woman laying in the road trying to get up. I was horrified. Still haunting me now that shit was terrifying.

I’m a seatbelt wearer it’s second nature to me thank goodness but like I said I’ll never understand why someone wouldn’t wear it.

I hope no young ones saw that. I hope she’s ok. Be safe out there...put it on! Doesn’t matter if you’re just going down the street.


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