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 63 yrs old
Chino/Chino Hills, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Sep 11 2005
Released Mar 20 2008

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May 25 2024 07:51AM
     Better off without a wife?

Atticus Finch

1 comment

Oct 23 2023 11:48AM
     Turns out RFK isn't wrong
Turns out RFK is right about chemicals from pharmaceuticals, cosmetics etc. are causing changes.
Jay's research shows that the 'Frog experiment' is valid also.

As as engineer I know that waste water treatment plants AREN'T capable of removing or making those chemicals inert, so they go directly in the water shed & OUR water supply.

Dr. Anthony Jay - PhD in Biochem Boston U. & Mayo Clinic Researcher - researching toxic chemicals that have an estrogenic effect.

Short vid: 15 minutes

Atticus Finch


Sep 29 2023 05:57PM
     If true ... biden just lost!
RFK announced today that he'll be making a major announcement in Philly on Oct. 14.

Now this and other independent news orgs are reporting that he's leaving the dems and will be running either 3rd party or as an Independent.

If true it won't matter if he runs 3rd party or Independent the result will be the same - biden just LOST!

dnc and biden just MAJORLY FUCKED themselves!

Atticus Finch


Sep 9 2023 09:33AM
     DNC goes Facist!
The dnc is changing it's rules so that no one can challenge bidumb.

Any votes cast for another candidate in Iowa and New Hampshire will count.
The only votes that will count will be those cast for bidumb.

They're also going to link New Hampshire to Georgia so any votes cast for another candidate in New Hampshire votes in Georgia also won't be counted!!!!!!

Does ANYONE really want to stay dem?!?

Atticus Finch


Jun 22 2023 02:45PM
     Greenwald: Why the establishment is afraid to debate
Interesting take by Glenn Greenwald on why Hotez is refusing Joe Rogan's debate challenge.

Personally, I think hotez is a coward and not only knows he'll get spanked but also knows that it'll show he's been lying for years.

But even worse it'll show that the whole system that's supposed to protect the people is completely corrupt.

Atticus Finch


Jun 5 2023 06:12AM
     The right man at the right time?
I'm not saying RFK Jr. is the right guy at the right time.

What I am saying is that maybe people should be listening to what he's saying - rebuild the middle class, stop foreign wars, get big pharma out of the fda, cdc, nih & niaih, rebuild our manufacturing base etc etc.

Almost everything he's saying is very much what his Father and JFK said.

As far as the 'anti vax' label the main stream media has painted him, he's not.
He IS calling for safe vaccines and transparency in their testing and trials and not just having the fda rubber stamp their approval because the pharmaceutical industry pays for 50% of their budget and most of the top execs in the fda are from big pharma.

Listen to what he's saying, do your own research and make up your own minds.

Atticus Finch


Jan 11 2023 05:16PM
     FUCK! RIP Jeff Beck
Another legend dies.

Getting to the point that the legends are all dying, pretty soon they'll all be gone and we'll only only have incredible memories.

Atticus Finch


Oct 21 2022 03:11PM
     Someone please show this to the idiots in DC.
Biden and the rest of the idiots in washington are pushing us closer to all out war with russia.
Which will have one outcome and one only - all out nuclear war.

They NEED to watch and read this speech by a greater President then they could ever hope to be.

For those that didn't watch this or not all - this is how it relates to the Ukraine war:

'Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy - or of a collective death - wish for the world.'

John F. Kennedy - 1963 @ American University

Right now we're backing russia into a corner and forcing them to choose between all out nuclear war, or a humiliating defeat.
Which one do you think they're going to choose?

Atticus Finch


Oct 11 2022 09:09AM
     Going Independant? Tulsi Gabbard Quits the Democratic Party
Tulsi has finally had enough and left the dems.

I was hoping that she'd make another run for pres and hopefully drag them back to the center and away from the far far left idiocy they've embraced. I doubt she, or anyone else, can or could but it would be better for the country if both parties turned their backs on the far left and far right.

Either way if Tulsi runs as an Independent or repub she's still got my vote.

Atticus Finch
Attached Links
Tulsi Gabbard: 'Elitist Cabal of Warmongers'


Sep 16 2022 06:10PM
     Something for both left & right - Ending neoliberalism/raygun's bs economy
Everything Hartman says is spot on! America has to re-adopt Hamilton's 11 point plan and go back to a 'protectionist' economy where everyone benefits.

Atticus Finch


Sep 10 2022 08:06AM
     Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change

I always loved listening to Sagan lecture - I was lucky enough to attend one of his lectures at Cal Tech in the 80's.

Atticus Finch


Sep 4 2022 02:55PM
     Ukraine - Russia peace deal sabatoged by West in April
So there could/would have been a negotiated peace between Ukraine & Russia in April IF the U.S. & england WOULDN'T have gotten involved!

Seriously, with all the bs that's happened since he first got in office, then adding this on to the pile, how can people still support biden?

Would trump have interfered? I don't know.
BUT, I do know that biden DID - johnson doesn't go to Ukraine and tell him 'No deal' without U.S. instruction/approval.

Atticus Finch


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