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Level 0 Male

 63 yrs old
Chino/Chino Hills, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Sep 11 2005
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 23 2022 02:20PM
     Arte quits
Angel fans finally have something to celebrate after 20 years - arte's had enough and is selling the team!

I'd say this is good news for the team & the fans. He's on the list of worst owners in the league.

Atticus Finch
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Arte throws in the towel


Aug 19 2022 11:30AM
     According to dems: fences/walls don't work! Then why
Is biden building one around his vacation beach house? - at the tax payers expense of course.

Ah, they don't work for 'you', but they work great for us.
Got it.

Atticus Finch
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Biden beach house barrier


Apr 25 2022 12:39PM
     It's OVER: Elon Musk and Twitter Have a Deal
So much for twitter's board and their 'poison pill'. Apparently when they were threatened by law suits from the share holders they caved and began negotiating in good faith.
It'll be an interesting next few days as the 'blue checkmark' brigade and msm completely freak out, not to mention the far left wokies.

Let's hope Elon was telling the truth and he's a Free Speech advocate.

Doesn't affect me at all but I like the idea of watching far left-woke idiots and the msm run around with their heads on fire.

Atticus Finch
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Apr 24 2022 12:54PM
     Twitter Re-Examines Elon Musk's Bid, May Be More Receptive to a Deal
Let the pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth by the far left begin ... again.

Atticus Finch
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Apr 14 2022 06:12AM
     Musk offers to buy twit - $43 billion
Well we now know why Elon turned down a spot on the board.

He's now offering to buy buy to buy the platform outright. If this goes through it'll have every employee there, including the ceo, freaking out as they know they'll be unemployed as soon after he takes over.

Atticus Finch
Attached Links
Elon Musk Offers to Buy Twitter for $43B in Cash


Feb 23 2022 02:18PM
     Jeff Beck & Tal Wilkenfeld

Damn this girl can PLAY!

Nice to see another bass virtuoso.

Atticus Finch


Feb 21 2022 10:25AM
     CDC caught hiding booster shot data
Anyone surprised by this?

Didn't think so.

Atticus Finch


Feb 5 2022 06:29PM
     Favorite Instramentals
These are some of my favorite instrumentals - 3 of many.

Michael Heges - Aerial Boundaries album - Aerial Boundaries

Jefferson Airplane - Embrionic Journey on Surrealistic Pillow (1966)

Ronnie Montrose - Town Without Pity album - Open Fire

Atticus Finch


Jan 21 2022 01:43PM
     Federal Judge blocks brandon's federal workers mandate
Federal judge in Texas has blocked brandon's mandate that all federal workers/contractors have to be vaxed.

Things are falling apart for him REALLY quickly - polls showing his approval rating is below 40%, mandates getting struck down, mid terms getting ready to wipe the dems out of power.

It's so bad he'd be reaching for his favorite stuffed animal ... if he could remember where he put it.

Atticus Finch
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Wrong again ... brandon


Jan 17 2022 02:45PM
     NBA owner ACTUALLY says out loud what most people knew already
Chamath Palihapitiya is one of the owners of the Warriors and actually says out loud that the only thing that he and the other owners, the league and the players care about is that the money from china doesn't stop flowing.

I guess the best thing you can say about him is that he's at least honest - a despicable human being and complete asshole but ... honest about it.

Atticus Finch
Attached Links
Owner Admits chinese genocide isn't a problem


Jan 6 2022 08:51AM
     Maddie de Garay and the phizer 'vaccine' cover up
Major side effects covered up by phizer in Maddie's case.
Question is - How many times did phizer and the fda cover up side effects that other people reported?

My guess would be that the numbers are significant.

Atticus Finch


Dec 25 2021 10:36AM
     Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas Everyone.
Whether we disagree on stuff or not - doesn't matter we're still Americans and human beings.
So Enjoy the day and the people you care about.

One of my FAVORITE jazz tunes.

Atticus Finch

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