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Level 0 Male

 63 yrs old
Chino/Chino Hills, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Sep 11 2005
Released Mar 20 2008

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Nov 15 2021 04:16PM
     Tulsi Gabbard - MSM's bias of Rittenhouse trial & Judge's ring tone
Sorry ISS, but gotta love this woman.

Atticus Finch

1 comment

Oct 12 2021 03:12PM
     Federal Judge grants prelim injunction against NY's vax mandate
I think this will only be the first of many.

There's a lot of law suits moving through the federal court system brought by various people & groups against vax mandates by cities and states.
This one's significant because it's in a 'major' state, and a major blue state at that.

Atticus Finch
Attached Links
Federal Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction

1 comment

Sep 25 2021 05:34AM
     Yeah - Let's defund police departments!
Who couldn't have seen this coming?

Austin, essentially the southern most district of San Fransisco, cut their police budget by about a 1/3 back in 2020.

The APD just announced they're not going to respond 'in person to non emergency' calls. What's that mean? This - collisions with no injury or burglaries no longer in progress or where the suspect has left, would not warrant a 911 call.

City elections are coming up and you'd think there'd be a big turnover in the city council but the people in Austin are as dumb as the people in SF.

Atticus Finch
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Sworn Austin police officers to stop responding


Sep 23 2021 09:54AM
     Aussie interviewed on lockdowns in Australia
Really interesting interview of an Aussie on Australia lock downs and life in general during their tough restrictions.
It's a long interview from essentially just a normal guy.

I was approached by an engineering firm in Brisbane about 10 years ago, things just didn't work out but now that seems like I got lucky after hearing this interview.

Atticus Finch


Sep 21 2021 02:23PM
     Covid vax Whistle Blower - Federaly employed nurse on Project Veritas
A nurse employed by the federal government shows recordings she made while working at the hospital she's stationed.
Actual video starts @ 3:48

Before anyone can call - Bullshit! or say 'She's a fraud' etc.
The below video is Alison Morrow interviewing an Orthopedic Surgeon who's also employed by the federal government - the VA.
He corroborates he claims.

Atticus Finch


Aug 28 2021 05:20PM
     Interesting interview with Rich Baris top U.S. pollster/statisticans on covid mandates etc.
Allison Morrow interviewed Rich Baris on Odysee.

The first 36 minutes were on utube so self censored but they do go into why most polls are so wrong.

Skip ahead to 36:12 when the interview goes strictly on odysee to hear the unself censored stuff.

Very interesting data he's found - like most PhD's don't trust the vax's and that the trust level in the vax's is going down and that a majority of people don't trust them, even though they've had to get them etc.

Atticus Finch
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Aug 18 2021 06:46PM
     Retired Lt. Colonel's take on Afghanistan
Nice to hear from a higher up 'in the know' marine officer.

Atticus Finch


Aug 8 2021 01:01PM
     World renowned doctor views on covid vax's
Dr. Peter McCullough's views on the ethics of requiring to get the vax 'for the good of society', vax efficacy & employees mandating employees to be vaccinated.

Atticus Finch


Jul 25 2021 06:34PM
     Insider trading by pelosi is being exposed
I think most here would agree pelosi is a disgrace and would have been ousted a while ago if it wasn't for the tech companies and most of the ceo's living in her district.

She's already been busted for it twice - with no consequences.
Maybe now she'll face some kind of repercussion.

Below is a vid by a left leaning reporting team.

Atticus Finch


Jun 30 2021 10:20AM
     Vaccine side effects are not required to be reported
This is just wrong.
The people in charge of the nations health should want to know about any side effects people are undergoing because of the vaccines, no matter if it's a large or small population.
Why the censorship?

Atticus Finch


Jun 24 2021 09:31AM
     Monmouth University Poll - Show overwhelming support for voter I.D's
New pole by Monmouth University shows 80% of the population support requiring a photo I.D. in order to vote.

Atticus Finch
Attached Links
80% Say 'Yes' to voter I.D.


Jun 9 2021 03:06PM
     Ground News
Anyone else go to this sight for news?

It's a great sight as it has a 'bias' meter for every article and shows who's reporting on it the %'s of liberal or conservative or center media that's written an article and then has links to the articles written by each liberal, conservative or center outlets.

The nice part is that it's all on one site so you can get different perspectives without having to go to a bunch of sites, just have to go to this one.

Atticus Finch
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