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 63 yrs old
Chino/Chino Hills, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Sep 11 2005
Released Mar 20 2008

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Aug 16 2020 05:28PM
     In Search of Starfish - article from a liberal sjw to brighten your day!
Preface - NOT what you think it might be.

Hey man just read this article from a FORMER liberal dem. Thought you'd be interested because of your 'now that's what leadership looks like' blog, see link below.
To me it shows there may be hope.

Atticus Finch
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Jul 7 2020 08:18AM
     A different take on blm from Black Americans Pt. 3
@ GE

'You keep taking about these successful black people you know'

Where did I mention my friends?
Maybe you should re-read the post, it obviously refers to the video.

But, seriously, tell me what it is about the video that chaps your hide?

What was said in it that was wrong?

The people in the video have obviously looked into blm and don't like what they see either because it goes against their principles/morals/values or because blm goes against what they're trying to accomplish and think blm will make it harder for them to accomplish those things.
Have you taken a deep dive into blm's mission statement etc.? Do you agree with it?

'when in so many other blogs many successful black people told you otherwise'

Yes I read what the guy said but does that really matter? It's his, and your, OPINION, I just happen to disagree with them. I honestly don't think he/she/they actually looked into blm but instead have just jumped on the bandwagon maybe 'cause that's what's expected.

Society evolves, too slowly but it does evolve. I've met a lot of Black entrepreneurs, business people and Black engineers. If racism was so rampant for the last 15-20 years how did they get so successful if they were constantly being blocked and/or held down?

Could the country do better? Absolutely. But minority communities, including my own, have to do most of the heavy lifting, it can't be done for them.
Blaming others and pointing fingers at one segment of the population and saying 'they're the reason I'm in the situation I'm in!' is counter productive. At some point they have to take an honest look at themselves and be open to the idea that maybe, just maybe it's the way they've been approaching things and that isn't working and be willing to change that approach.
It's hard as hell but once you do it things tend to get better.

Atticus Finch


Jul 6 2020 01:03PM
     A different take on blm from Black Americans Pt. 2
Once again ...

Black Americans who don't believe that blm has the best interest of the Black community at it's heart.

Seem like some people believe that 'Freedom of Speech' is only for those that agree with them.
Also seems like facts bug the shit out of them.

Atticus Finch


Jul 5 2020 02:47PM
     A different take on blm from Black Americans
Interesting video.

Black Americans who don't seem to think blm, as an organization, is actually helping the Black community.

Atticus Finch


Jun 4 2020 06:44AM
     Got Me Hypnotized
Most people know Fleetwood Mac as a pop band, but when they first started out they were a blues band.
This is the best tune they ever came out with, IMHO, features Bob Welch.

Atticus Finch


May 21 2020 03:09PM
     Can't Find My Way Home
Blind Faith - Steve Windwood, Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker & Rick Grech

Atticus Finch


Jan 10 2020 02:43PM
     R.I.P. Neil Pert
Died of brain cancer.
Amazing drummer and great lyricist.
Guess this really is the end of RUSH now.

Atticus Finch

1 comment

Aug 4 2017 03:23PM
     GOT episode 4
Just watched the leaked season 7 episode 4 of Game of Thrones.
A good episode, and one that a lot of people wanted, but I still think that the writing over the last 2-3 years has really gone to shit. Ever since they caught up to the books it's gone downhill and now they seem to be rushing as fast as they can just to get to the end, many mistakes/implausibilities and characters not acting the way their development would have them act.

Still wasn't bad and it frees up sunday night!

Atticus Finch


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