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Level 0 Male

 59 yrs old
Registered Oct 23 2017
Released Oct 23 2017

1 blogs/6 comments
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Oct 28 2021 01:03PM
     Nomination for Excommunication
I know many are not happy with the politicization of the blogs at HX. However...

One member is setting a precedent. And that precedent is that if he and he along does not like the subject matter of a blog, the he an he alone takes it upon himself to spam that blog with enough posts to close it out, and get rid of it.

Again, this is a dangerous precedent. This is a Level 0 person acting as a de facto moderator of the site -- deciding what you and I should or should not discuss. In fact, this person has spam posted about TWO HUNDRED one word posts in order to preclude the community from discussing the subject matter if they see fit.

That's not his choice. It's up to the moderators of this site...or it's up to ALL OF US to campaign, get together, and censure of excommunicate members here who don't follow the rules, or respect the intellectual freedom of members here to read and comment on what subjects they see fit.

I vote for EXCOMMUNICATION of the offender, as in my opinion this is a grievous breach of proper behavior on this site.

EXCOMMUNICATE member "Extra 2". The "kitty cat" guy.

No one here likes being controlled or told what to do or not do, what to say or not say, or how to act or not act.

EXCOMMUNICATE member "Extra 2". Please.

Link to excommunicate:
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