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Level 3 Female

 36 yrs old
Vegas, NV
Registered Apr 14 2012
Released Apr 14 2012

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Mar 25 2024 12:48PM
     would you look at that?!
Well well, what do you know?
Since my last post I have received nothing but properly addressed text messages and pm's, what you considered complaining resulted in exactly what I wanted -
A smooth and pleasant time for us all!
I don't complain or whine, I aim for resolutions! Stop approaching every situation so negatively!

Side note - Some of those responses were so uncalled for and were a direct result of being unhappy with oneself. Ask yourself why it makes you feel better to be nasty and rude and to women specifically.. You should practice not being so miserable, maybe a few moments of gratitude every day would change your attitudes.

carry on!

smooches 😘 😽 😙


Mar 24 2024 01:31PM
     I'm not understanding...
...The difficulty with texting appropriately for appointments.
after all these years you guys are still texting randomly for the first time, "hey available"

who is this? available when? where? how long? for whaaaaaat??

why is that never included in the text?

want to do all this back and forth when you could've been like:
Hey this is TomDicknHarry checking to see if you're available today in Westchestertonfieldville at 5 for an hour in..

why do we need to go back and forth asking who this is where did you see my ad and what do you actually want?!? all that can be stated in the first message!

WHAT IS THE ISSUE?!?!????? wasting time, that's why I don't respond because wtf? do you make hair or dr appointments like that? NO!


Apr 12 2023 03:22PM
     What is a pm you won't respond to?
It can range from petty to serious, what's something you'll see and go, "ughhh!" ??

I'll go first!:

asking about basic do's after being given a list of don'ts.

ignored, because I made it simple and you're doing too much
I can tell you're just going to further irritate me, no thank you 😂🤷🏾‍♀️


Jan 28 2022 04:37PM
     We need videos
When it comes to content and selfies I prefer them to be videos for so many reasons, mainly I just feel like they capture me better, I look better as a moving image to me..

When are we going to get the ability to post those in our albums if ever? I feel like it might be time..
I would love that so much!


Sep 14 2020 02:04PM
     Somebody say RAIDERS?!
Where are all my Raiders fans?! I know you saw that game! place your Super Bowl bets now!!!!!!
Been a fan all my life, we have the most haters but guess what, they're back like I am! Bigger, badder, and ready to smash!!!


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