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Level 2 Female

 45 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered May 27 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 26 2020 02:33PM
     Bring your own serving spoon to Thanksgiving, according to health professionals
What's your thanksgiving 2020 set up going to be like?

1 comment

Oct 15 2020 08:27AM
     Juuling and similar vaping habits leads to difficulty to orgasm. Retarded ejaculation
Ugh, it really wrecks the nerves. The long term effects are pretty serious.

The adrenals are compromised and anxiety will be hard to ever address naturally, unless u get off it for a bit and repair your nervous system.

This also goes for energy drinkers.

Overly taxing your adrenals causes retarded ejaculation: Delayed issues-- hard to orgasm... tremendously difficult. U will need to have so much stimulation, it will not be sustainable. That's why u'll always need more.

DE is no joke.


Oct 1 2020 07:55AM
     My vegan 🌱 views have shifted. Important read especially if u are plant-based
I’m going to own up to this.
After a few decades of being plant-based, I find myself in the wrong constantly promoting it for all.

For people who are depleted with minerals and muscle tone, some animals fat is pretty crucial, especially for hormonal balance and brain/nerve/reproductive health.

As far as veganism though, it’s really not a diet. It’s an “ethical” way of living, supposedly. We’ll I had to learn the hard way that you still can be a compassionate being without needing to be a constant animal rights activist. Because the most important animal to save is YOU!

For myself I feel I saved enough animals through my ZERO eating animal days (over 20 years), to eat an egg or incorporate whatever animal fat needed for brain and bone health.

There are many vegan athletes out there. But they will hit a road block eventually. I wish I can say this is only an opinion, but if you dig dig dig and research more, you will come to find (if you don’t know already), veganism will degenerate you long term. And these are facts UNLESS u live on an island with NO stress and have tons of coconuts and seaweed everyday. Seriously.

What animal products do I consider now? For men, do what’s needed to prevent testosterone replacements. Raw milk, eggs and even red meat. But do it clean. Do it plain.

For women, use your intuition! U crave something, eat the damn thing.

For myself. I really was deep into the programming. So I have to gradually incorporate animal products. Maybe eggs and for sure butter.

So, yes. I’m not 100% vegan any more.
If you are overweight and have high cholesterol, a little plant based living will help ya! If you are totally skinny with celiac type issues, don’t be restrictive on animal products. Eat food that doesn’t hurt ya.

I still feel pasteurize milk is not optimal. I would suggest raw. BUT I did have a bite of pizza for the first time in 20 years, I was like... laughing and crying at the same time. LOL

I’m actually normal now. And I absolutely love it!

If a vegan wants to debate me, that’s fine. The facts I will share will break your heart though.

Thanks for reading,
Coach Mila (AKA P...state Specialist)


Sep 28 2020 11:29AM
     Not too many houses for sale
Median house is over 700k in OC.
Lots of buyers, but not so much sellers.

Wouldn't it be a good time to sell if u wanted to, since you'll most likely get what you want for it?

Why do u think homeowners are holding?

Talk to me. Teach me.


Sep 23 2020 10:17PM
     Protect them testicles, jizz quality and boost your Testosterone levels by doing this
Stop putting your 5g cellular frying mini microwave against your nut sacks! Or by your rectum (back pockets).

See below clinical tests that support what I say. No more putting your phone in any pockets period, if u care about your gem health.
The influence of direct mobile phone radiation on sperm quality

Check out
Cell Phone Use Linked to Male Infertility

I've seen it myself. A friend had one testicle the size of a grape and his other was the size of a very huge plum.

Which testi has shrunk drastically? Notice if its the pocket w the phone. Then report to me. Im curious.

1. De Iuliis GN, Newey RJ, King BV, Aitken RG. Mobile Phone Radiation Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production and DNA Damage in Human Spermatozoa In Vitro. In Zhang, Baohong. 2009;4:e6446. PLoS ONE (Callaghan, New South Wales, Australia) [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
2. Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K. Epidemiological evidence for an association between use of wireless phones and tumor diseases. Pathophysiology. 2009;16:113–122. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
Attached Links
Research on cellphone and men's health


Sep 19 2020 03:50PM
     Mom and pops can take advantage
Of all the liquidations going on right now.

I bought a dozen NEW laptops at Frys the other day for so cheap!
The deals are endless with big companies dissolving.

It’s sad to see many go, but it gives the new mom and pops the opportunity to launch 🚀 their own businesses.

Has anyone started a business during post Corona? How is it doing? What’s your industry?


Sep 12 2020 12:26AM
     Eating inside restaurants again! Yippy
That outside stuff was fun, but it’s nice to eat inside again! I believe it’s OC not LA yet.


Sep 3 2020 12:32PM
     Yogurt Land, share your topping creations
Me go first

I put 3 flavors of frozen goodness in one cup, w these toppings:

Plain tart, topped w lots of ripe mango. Tastes like vacation
Pistachio with 🍒 cherries. Taste like Italian Spumoni
Strawberry with fruity pebbles. Taste like the holidays

Try these combos! I promise you will be so happy!!

K, share your yogurt selections and toppings!


Aug 28 2020 11:07AM
     Driving to Mexico or taking a tour bus
I know I brought this up in the past, but where can I drive that will be less risky for trouble? Puerto Vallarta?


Is there a bus we can take from states going into Mexico that may be safer?


Aug 28 2020 11:03AM
     Please share your LLC credit building tips
I have a 2 year aged one.

What now? Lol


Aug 22 2020 11:47AM
     Small businesses and transformation
As I watch so many close, I also see new ones opening.

We're all trying to reinvent ourselves.
Great opportunities out there.

If u lost it all, don't give up. You're right around the corner from starting a new venture-- a more manageable.

So let go. Accept some new changes. The bigger opportunity awaits!

A loss is very traumatic, but if u allow... u can take a bad experience and transform them into miracles.

Sometimes our life need to be dis-shoveled in order to create a more purposeful and simple one.

It's like the Universe is fast forwarding us to live the way we are supposed to.

Anyone wanna share their new ventures? Transformations?


Aug 17 2020 12:28PM
     Making arrangements with your mortgage company
I'm not an expert! BUT...

Understand your paperwork!!!

Some think they got everything under control with managable payment arrangements made with their mortgage company, only to find time-sensitive LUMP some must be paid.
If not payed... house MAY go to auction.

Also, "Temporary Relief", will it cause more stress in the end? Is it a scam?

Lastly, people who have not paid rent should they be evicted? Or should the landlord put them on a longer lease and have them do payments on top 9f rent?

Landlords, please share your view.


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