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Level 2 Female

 45 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered May 27 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 7 2020 04:33PM
     Healthy fats support hormones
Common knowledge in the holistic world. But just thought I'd share if u are seeking to revive a gland or 2.

Share your healthy fats!

1 comment

Mar 7 2020 04:01PM
     Hoag Classic
Any golf enthusiasts?


Mar 4 2020 01:04PM
     Least desired are black dogs 😭
I thought I'd add to the Least Desired Dog blog.

Please consider adopting a:
Pit, Chihahua, senior, special needs or a black dog.

Any rescue is a beautiful thing but the least desired stay in the pound for such a long time.

San Bernadino is a high kill shelter. I would absolutely go to those types of places first to adopt an animal. Time is ticking at those shelters.


Mar 3 2020 10:51PM
     Who else is addicted to 90 day Fiancé?
I promised myself to never get hooked on these dumb reality shows but I just cant help it.

I try my best not to judge but I have to say...

If its not the 20 year old from the Philippines begging to be w the American grandpa, it's the American grandma deeply in love w the Nigerian rappe in his 20s. LOL. Adorable. I just hope it's all real love!

With all fairness, folks in other countries are far more mature, so the age part don't matter. However, to watch everyone's chemistry is quite interesting.

Who is your favorite couple?

BTW no-neck Ed is actually good looking, he just needs to lose 30 pounds. Poor thing looks like Tattoo from Fantasy Island. "Airplane Airplane". Who remembers that?


Feb 24 2020 02:26PM
     Least desired
The top 4 most unadoptable dogs are:

1. Pits
2. Chihuahuas
3. Seniors
4. Special needs

God Bless you if you’ve rescued one of the 4! Or any in general!!!

U are my 😇!
Gratitude 🙏🏽 to you!
❤️ YOU!

If you are a breeder, I hope you love them extra special til they die! Please just don’t discard them.


Feb 24 2020 02:08PM
     Starfish sunning ☀️
Ok, this stuff works.
Did it at a wellness nude resort last week and I swear I felt like running a marathon afterwards.

1 hour of sunning your back and bum is enough Vitamin D nutrition to bring the bounce back into your life (according to an article). Don’t quote me on this! And don’t try it at home if your pastey white. Just sharing how I nourished my nerves! Sunblock was coconut oil. I learned it had a tiny percentage of natural SPF for darker folks. If u have zero melanin, research before u tan nude, I’d hate for u to get a sunburn on your tender spots.

Along with this, I drank plenty of water and binged on Cara Cara oranges.

Anyone else getting sitting kissed lately?


Jan 3 2020 09:45PM
     A road trip to Cancun Mexico with my dogs or should I fly w them?
Planning to do this soon. If you have done this, please advice the safest route. No Juarez path either. Looking for main roads.

And hold back w fear tactics, I'll be fine.

I would fly but I have senior tiny dogs. BTW... to all who have supported my senior dog rescue, thank u!!! It's time for me and my furry family to travel and take a road trip vacation.

Share your tips.


Dec 4 2019 02:21PM
     All you can eat?
Where did the all u can eat buffets go, in OC? Soup plantation is the only one left?


Nov 29 2019 03:29PM
     Star fish sunning! The awesome benefits!
According to a YouTuber

“In a mere 30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole, you will receive more energy from this electric node than you would in an entire day being outside with your clothes on".

I totally agree! I did it on my balcony and I felt like Iron man!

Anyone doing this too? Healing there perineum?


Nov 27 2019 09:44PM
     Who's doing soup kitchen tomorrow?
Anyone here gonna serve the community on Thanksgiving?


Nov 22 2019 12:03AM
     Change the meat that you eat.
I prefer no meat for me, but if u enjoy it, then at least select grass fed meat to regulate your hormones. Men will see an amazing increase with their testosterone if they DO NOT eat w grains.

Ladies, u will be more manly if u over eat.

And don't get tricked with organic meat. They can easily feed them shitty grains.

There is no such thing as humane slaughter, but there are farms who allowed a good life to their animals before the kill. At least choose those farms.


Nov 21 2019 10:40PM
     Heart disease is linked to diminished flow to other places! DUH
According to Dr. Ludlow, MD w Urologists Association he made a pretty interesting connection with how poor vascular health is linked to hormonal imbalance and below-the-belt dysfunction for men and women.

We need that clean rich blood to reach all of our organs, people! Move that obstruction so circulation can flow throw all your glands and tissues, ya?

Not a MD. But, I feel yoga would help! Restorative yoga! Relaxing stretches! Stress management! Cleaner diet. HUMAN touch. No fap. All of the above is a great start to wellness.

Share your suggestions for better blood making and flow, w easy to do activities.

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