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Level 2 Female

 45 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered May 27 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Sep 27 2019 09:05PM
     A little late but, anyone still wanna watch AB play?
There may still be a chance!

What do u think?


Sep 11 2019 09:47AM
     Fresh breath all day from your core.
Gut health and oral hygiene dictates mouth odor.

Gut solution: Eat waterich-fruit like watermelon more often and buy organic peppermint oil and put 3 tiny drops in a small cup or bottled water.

Sip all day. I stop eating by 5 to prevent any fermentation in the gut.

Brushing tips: use a toothbrush that has pokey tiny gum bristles. Not the plastic nubs. Odor is from the bacteria in the gut and gums.

I use both sonicare and pokey toothbrush.

Also I floss w a fat string.


Sep 11 2019 09:36AM
     Rectal itching?
Use the bacterial pulling salve recipe I posted for Stinky Armpit blog.


Sep 11 2019 09:34AM
     How to not stop stinky armpits for good
How to "possibly", I should say. Everyone's stinky meter differs. LOL

Ingredients: neem oil, baking soda. Coconut oil, peppermint.

Mix 1/2 tsp neem oil with 1 tsp of coconut oil. Add 3 drops of peppermint.

Massage armpit with this bacteria pulling salve recipe. Get generous with it. Do the entire armpit.

Lastly pat baking soda on it to sop up oil. You can leave this on as a deodorant for one week.

Commercial deoderants are toxic!


Sep 7 2019 01:27PM
     Who is on AB's side?
You all may like the new GM, but he lacks team communication and has serious ego.

Behind closed door AB was triggered over and over again.

Why doesn't anyone talk that?! ESPN is such a joke!

Emotions play a big part of being a good athlete.

Not gonna have NFL politics separate us, but I'm curious to hear your view. Ladies speak up as well.

If I can be real, GM talks to AB like a slave.


Sep 5 2019 09:47AM
     If your parents are alive, spend time with them
As much as you can!
This is all borrowed time.

Make the best of every second!


Sep 4 2019 11:52PM
     Does anyone still have an old school land line at home?
Does that still exist?


Sep 4 2019 11:51PM
     3 tips to help you sleep deep and remember your dreams
According to Dr. Oz. Try it and tell me if it works.

1. NO red wine before bed. It artificially tells the body it's tired. Your body will struggle to detox and get u up.

2. End the florescent lighting (a few hours before bed), especially in the sleeping area. Go back to old light bulbs.

3. Don't sleep with your phone. Have it 5ft away from you or turn it off.

Going to bed. I'll let you know if it works.

Sweet dreams,


Aug 29 2019 09:24AM
     Anyone else addicted to watching families reunite?
I can watch everyone’s story on YouTube all day long. Basically folks doing those DNA test find family members they didn’t even know we’re still alive.

A tear jerker for sure.

And here I am with a bunch of siblings that i don’t mind avoiding most of the time. 😂

Have you tried that DNA testing?


Aug 22 2019 08:41AM
     I choose to make my life a vacation
I learned years ago that it’s a drag to feel like I wanna escape all the time.

So every moment I’m present and all my thoughts and relationships come from a love space.

U can exercise your spirit anywhere! U can receive kindness anywhere.

Who u are, will attract that same like mind if u be REAL.

Authenticity doesn’t need to be compromised, ever. Exercise being free.

1 comment

Aug 22 2019 08:21AM
     When my neighbor
Plays worship music on his guitar ALL day!


I can’t even make up this shit!


Aug 20 2019 10:54AM
     Who has stuffed their face before a date?
I have a few times!
All I can say is choose a hearty salad instead of a fat burrito 🤣.

What’s your quick meal before your date?

Actually, a smoothie is probably the best option.


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