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Level 3 Female

 39 yrs old
Fountain Valley, OC, CA
Registered Apr 7 2019
Released Apr 7 2019

18 blogs/50 comments
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Sep 16 2024 07:48PM
     What's really going on?
I’m genuinely confused as to how a blog I just wrote got deleted for supposedly violating terms of service when there was absolutely nothing in it that broke any rules. To make things even stranger, a blog I wrote last year suddenly starts trending right after. Can someone explain how this makes any sense?


Aug 8 2023 01:09PM
     Seeking help.

I hope this is an appropriate platform for this kind of post, and I apologize if it's not. I'm reaching out to the community with a heavy heart and hope for some assistance.

My mother has been missing since July 20th and was last seen in Denver, Colorado at the Samaritan House. She had intended to undergo detox and embark on a path to sobriety. When I reached out to her roommate the following day, July 21st, I was informed she hadn't checked in. After waiting a few days in hopes she would return, I filed a missing person's report with the Colorado authorities on July 26th.

I'm sharing this information here, as I have on my other social media platforms, in the hope that perhaps someone reading this has connections in Colorado and could spread the word. It's also possible she might be making her way to California, potentially hitchhiking. Regardless of your location, any sharing or spreading of this information would mean the world to me.

Thank you so much for your time and attention. I appreciate your help and hope everyone remains safe and well.

Attached Pictures


Jul 8 2023 06:12PM
     Questions for the Females
#1 Do you remember the all female safety club back in the day?
#2 What happened to it?
#3 is there another one like it ? If yes how do I get in? If no would you like for there to be one?

Comment or PM



Jul 5 2023 01:06PM
     Who are these people??
What is up with the ratings from random people I have never seen?? First it was princeplanet. I sent a pm asking who the hell he was and letting him know I have no recollection of seeing him nor do I have any correspondence with him. He responded with a flirt that said he was staring at me calmly or some shit. Honestly, it creeped me out a little. A few days later I get an alert that there's another flirt from the same person but this time he's winking at me so again I send a PM asking who the hell he is and again get a flirt back that says he's winking at me. I read his profile again and saw that it says he has no mail privileges so I really don't know what to do about that... And then just now I noticed there's some dude on my network named fatfukk. I've never seen this dude nor have I corresponded with him. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening or dispute it once it does?? It's weirding me out a bit.


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