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Level 0 Male

 46 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Jun 7 2018
Released Aug 13 2021

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Dec 16 2021 08:43AM
     Yale and Princeton study confirms the obvious….
Ivy League Study Finds Liberals ‘Patronize’ Minorities, Conservatives Don’t

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“A study by Princeton and Yale researchers turns a common political narrative on its head: White liberals actually are more likely to act in “patronizing” ways toward minorities than are white conservatives.

White Democratic presidential candidates and self-identified liberals are more likely to downplay their own competence when speaking to minorities, using fewer words that emphasize competence and more words that show warmth, according to the report entitled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

In contrast, the study found that white conservatives do not address white and minority audiences in a significantly different fashion.”

“I carry hot sauce in my purse.”

“You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me”

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Oct 17 2021 03:44PM
     Woman locks her door 1 second before stranger can run into her apartment
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He’s been arrested 37 times prior but since it’s NYC he was free to prey on victims

Since he didn’t actually get to violate her I’m sure he’ll be out again in no time
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Oct 12 2021 04:27PM
     U.S. Soldiers Speak Out: America Is Under Attack, Prepare Yourself Now
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Need to watch..this admin is beyond disgraceful.
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Oct 12 2021 08:13AM
     COVID vaccines 95% effectiveness debunked.
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But it�s actually less...the vaccines don�t work. The actual efficacy... hold on to your hats... is a mere:

AZ - 1.3%
Pfizer - 0.84%
Moderna - 1.2%
J&J - 1.2%

Pretty unimpressive, huh? Here's how to understand these figures. For J&J, it means this.

If you have a control group of 1000 people who didn't get vaccinated. If 20 caught COVID, then they have a 2% (20 out of 1000) chance as a group of catching it. Now, let's say a different group of 1000 people took the J&J vaccine. Later 8 people caught COVID. Their risk was 0.8%. The ARR is then 2% - 0.8% = 1.2%. The vaccine is really only helping 12 people out of every 1000 from catching COVID. Like I said, pretty unimpressive. Drug companies know this, so they use the RRR number.

In this case, RRR would be 12/20 = 60%. That sound much more impressive. 60% of the people who caught COVID without the vaccine wouldn't have caught it if they'd taken the vaccine. These are the numbers the media and drug companies are using. They are misleading, obviously.

360/600 = 60% (RRR) as well, but that corresponds to an 24% ARR, which is much more impressive in terms of protecting people. As you can see, understanding the numbers matters. Most people will not even think twice when presented with RRR numbers because they don't know they're being tricked.


Immunity to the Coronavirus May Last Years, New Data Hint
Blood samples from recovered patients suggest a powerful, long-lasting immune response, researchers reported.

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Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination

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Sep 12 2021 02:48PM
     The longer this goes on...
The longer this goes on the more I understand how Nazi germany happened..

Just total and utter sheep without a care or question in the world, just following orders, just doing my job, just trusting authority, just trusting the government etc.


Sep 3 2021 01:40PM
     Newsom: “If you elect Larry Elder over me he will end mask and vaccine mandates!”
Almost sounds like he’s campaigning for Elder:

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