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 73 yrs old
Registered Nov 8 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Mar 20 2021 03:15PM
     Honest question for Q's and cons
Would you prefer continuing to live under a Biden presidency of have him replaced by Putin ? No cop outs. It's an either or question .


Jan 30 2021 06:15PM
     Balls, Please pm
I told you we are a little busy now but if you want to give me your address, it will save time when we get around to it. It might be a junior lizard person showing up or a Jewish cabal with his spacelaser but someone will get to you shortly.

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Apr 11 2020 05:14PM
     Stimulus Check Part 2
1.Nowhere is there a dig at anyone. It is a fact that most Trumpy's want to control the reproductive rights of women.
2. It is also a fact that most Trumpy's also believe in an invisible(virtually all religions believe that their diety is invisible; man ( virtually all translations of biblical and other religious texts use the masculine pronoun to refer to the deity); in the sky ( one need only look again to the religious texts to see that the deity/prophet ascends into heaven). So none of what I said is even slightly inaccurate to the vast majority of Trumpy's)
3. It is also a fact that you and other Trumpy's try to focus on the most extreme possible position of anyone who tries to explain a liberal position) The vast majority of Democrats even in the Left wing of the party like Warren are capitalist. In most of the world this party is call Social Democrats.
4. The idea that Social Security and Medicare are not socialist programs is ridiculous. FDR fought the GOP and elements of his own party to try and establish Social Security. Their was socialist. They were right. If SS was not socialist it would not be compulsory to join, The contributions would be subject to the free market system and it would not provide benefits to anyone that never contributed such as the disabled. The idea of a savings account of some kind is to help the under educated sleep at night. Unless you are an unabashed free market Adams/Ayn Rand zealot. You are a socialist whether you like it or not. You can argue about the degree but not the fact.
5.The continued ad hominem attack on me for acting elite as if it was sort of dishonor is relished by me, By most measures I am elite ! Net worth, educational achievement, and standardized tests all put me in the to 2-3% of Americans. But my elite status begins and ens with knowing what I don't know. Trump claimed to understand virology and epidemiology because his uncle taught at MIT ??? He said we'd open the economy by tomorrow. He touts a malaria drug to treat the disease. Trumpy's seldom bother with facts if they don't fit your narrative. As long as you can have your guns, mess with women, gays and minorities; and think that your man in the sky is supreme, you will follow this orangutan into the abyss wherever that might be.


Apr 11 2020 04:09PM
     Stock market
I have long ago unofficially closed ths Stock Market and money club because of lack of interest. Recently there have been 100 plus requests to join. No disrespect but I am not going to restart the active management of the club. I will give the same advice that many of the club members made quite of bit of money when the club was very active in 2007-2009. The advice is "buy when there is blood in the streets". I started buying back into the market a couple weeks ago but I am a seller now. There is way too much optimism for as bad as i think things will get economically. I am going against my other never fail advice (dont fight the fed) but i think this time it is warranted.


Dec 15 2019 08:43PM
     Is the electoral college racist part II
More ad hominem attacks and the childish attempt to close debate. No the orang doesnt talk to me, he is too busy attacking a16 year old girl. I certainly am not trying to convince anyone by my description of the orangs voters. I am just stating facts and the results of polls. I notice you did not refute any of my assertions with cogelnt arguments. Does any orang voter actually believe he has an IQ over 100 ? I understand if you like his policies like separating children from their parents, tax cuts for corporations and the rich, embracing dictators, welcoming foriegn intervention in our elections, attacking federal judges for their national origions etc. But no one could possibly believe he is playing with a full deck.
And yes compared to the general population, I am brilliant. Compared to other physicists I am pedestrian at best. Thats why I became an engineer.


Nov 16 2019 04:35PM
     Trump undergoes un-announced physical
Could there really be a god ?


Apr 28 2019 11:54AM
     Are you southerners starting another election already ?
Putin has already cracked one county's election system. Why don't you just save the money and ask him who he wants?


Dec 29 2017 02:46PM
     Start an "S" corp
I have transferred all my property to my "S" corp which not only shelters all my income but pays for my trips down south. I can also deduct ALL my property taxes not subject to the limitations of the new tax bill. I don't expect to pay any taxes at all (federal) in the 2018 tax year. IF I do pay some it will only be to satisfy the current IRS audit algorithm.

Any wage slaves out there might consider asking the boss if he would still employ you as an "S" corp. Don't forget that if you try it you need to get sufficient income to cover benefits as well or have benefits from a spouse.

The best way to avoid taxes continues to be founding a church but the legal bills are enormous if challenged. Then again Scientology did it so how hard can it be ?

Even though I disagree with the GOP tax laws I'll still take maximum advantage and use my savings to start my church and make a contribution in Fubar's and JAck Daniel's name to the Black Lives Matter cause.


Dec 29 2017 01:18PM
     Since the FBI is a nest of liberal storm troopers and millions of fraudulant voters
Would you Trumpies have any problem with delaying or cancelling the 2018 and/or the 2020 elections ?


Nov 23 2017 04:37PM
     My priests
Although I have no doubt some priests buggered people the ones in my parish were just drunks. My ultra conservative Evangelical Grandmother was convinced that there were fetuses buried behind the convent as a result of all the sex the godless Catholics were having. Of course they both agrees that hating the Jews was a requirement for getting to heaven !
Still leaning towards Roman Catholicism as my out...just in case !


Nov 17 2017 12:11PM
     The Problem is Christianity
Nobody has the guts to say it but the problem with this country is Christianity especially White Evangelical and Roman Catholicism. ( also known as Mom and Dad). Both would allow Hitler ( but not each other) into heaven if any time before his death either:
1. Took Jesus into his heart as his personal Savior. ( Apparently getting dunked into water helps as well)
2. Go to confession, say a good act of contrition, and do your penance

Something like this for catholics. Bless me father for I have sinned...I killed 6 millions jews and by my actions or inactions I killed an other 100 millions or so... Say 10 "Our Fathers and 10 Hail Mary's or whatever.

For Evangelicals its even easier. Just be truly sorry for your sin and talk directly to God and He will forgive you.

Basically in any branch of the religion by accepting JEEZUS into your heart and being sorry for your sins makes you eligible for heaven.

...and don't get me started about the Mormons...if I could shake this caffeine habit that is by far the best religion if you're a man.

ROY MOORE for senate. He will ask God for forgiveness for being a lying creep as soon as he is elected.

My personal plan is to go back to a Catholicism on my death bed, since I already had the water sprinkled. Agnosticism is fine while healthy but why not hedge your bets !


Aug 3 2017 05:41PM
     Donald Trump DID NOT collude with the Russians
Prior to the election The Donald had no idea what the word meant so how could he do it ? The likelihood is that he is suffering from the early stages of dementia. The average adult with a high school education has the command of 70-80 adjectives in everyday speech. Trump only has command of 8-10. Loosing command of the intricacies of the language is one of the first signs of Alzheimer's or other brain damage. Self aggrandizement and a loose connection to the truth can be another sign. His paranoia is classic. As his illness progresses he can be removed by his sycophantic toadies that make up his cabinet but that is unlikely.

You southerners are FUCKED !

Verse of O Canada !

and would you guys quit F'ing up the got hot here in BC !


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