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 45 yrs old
Registered Dec 4 2010
Released Dec 4 2010

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Aug 27 2020 09:54PM
     WTF was that shit Trump did tonight?
Hey Trump shills please tell us that having 1000 people sitting right next to each other( only a few wearing masking) on the Whitehouse lawn in the middle of a pandemic to listen to Trump's extremely weak ass speech tonight was a good thing.


Aug 25 2020 09:44PM
     Don't believe any of the political POLLS on this election
I think the election is much closer than any of the polls show!

I think you can't properly poll Trump.
There are some people that won't admit publicly that their voting for him.
I think some people won't even admit to friends and family members.
Some people will vote for him no matter how bad he's handled it or no matter how many people die from the virus.
No matter how bad the economic situation currently is.
No matter how blatantly corrupt he has been.
No matter how much of a bigiot they know he is.
No matter how much they know he is twisting and lying and pandering to them.
No matter how much they know he maybe doing something to try to steal the election.
No matter if he loses all 3 debates or wins 1 and loses two, Doesn't matter to them at all.
Its very hard to defeat any incumbent President.
Though this RNC convention has been extremely weak, it appeals directly to the people that blindly support Trump.
The convention has tried to humanize him and almost gives people thinking of supporting him permission to vote for him even though they may have their personal reservations about him.
So in that way it has been effective.
The people that like Trump can't be convinced other wise.
The people the don't like Trump don't like him but a few of them can change their minds before the election.
The next 70 days are extremely important.
That would only be fitting with this reality show president.


Aug 24 2020 06:24PM
     Republican National Convention
So far good production. Good visuals well produced.

Other than that there are a bunch of Trump robots.
They are not just saying good things about him they are worshiping him.
Putting it on real thick lol

They had a bunch of Zoom videos with a lot of people close together nobody wearing masks, then they cut to a produced video with people with masks. Strange.


Aug 20 2020 08:49PM
     Joe Biden gave an excellent speech at the Dem Convention
Very very good.
Game on!!!


Aug 16 2020 09:37PM
     What the NEXT President will face in 2021 and beyond
Im really not sure why anyone would want to run for President right now unless they have confidence and a plan to turn this very bad situation around.

The link below just gives you an idea of what NYC is facing in the near future.

This virus is not going to just disappear right away even with a vaccine.
-If a vaccine is produced how many people will take it.
-How long will it keep a person immune.
-Will in create long term problems in people who take it.

The financial impact has so many moving parts to it they can't be listed in this one blog.

People not being able to pay rents and mortgages at some time really soon is going to hit critical mass.

An increase in homelessness

Unemployment even though there have been slight increases in employment where states opened back up the fact that many businesses will be forced to close for good will keep a large sector of these people unemployed for sometime.

Restaurants, bars, movie theaters, sporting arenas etc.......many of these businesses that employ large numbers of people will take some time to come back and longer to rebound.

The number of small businesses are closing at an alarming rate. Some can get loans and stay afloat some may never come back. Small businesses are the engine of our economy.

Things get worse and worse as long as the crisis continues.

The unknown.
A large scale natural disaster. If a war breaks out or some unknown internal or external conflict in the middle of this pandemic were to happen with all this financial pain could be devastating to individual states or the nation as as a whole..

All these factors and more will be facing the next President. We need someone to come in and rescue our country. Whom ever it is..........

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Aug 15 2020 01:36PM
     Trump messing with the Post office to try to fuck up the election
You can't make this shit up!

First he got email info from Rodger Stone on Hillary's Campaign in 2016

He got impeached for trying to blackmail Ukraine to get dirt on his Democratic Challenger Joe Biden

NOW he's trying to have his new appointed postmaster fuck up the post office to try to derail the mail in voting of the election.His guy who was appointed this MAY is decommissioning huge mail sorting machines, pulling up corner mail boxes, limiting delivery trucks and reducing post office hours during a pandemic before an election where he is clearly behind in the polls. I really don't think another President has been so blatantly corrupt to try to hold on to power. If I am mistaken please tell me what other President has done this kind of shit.
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Aug 14 2020 02:57PM
     Look out Michael Cohen's book maybe the biggest Trump book yet
"From ‘golden showers in a sex club’ to tax fraud: Michael Cohen releases explosive foreword to Trump book"

Wait that golden shower reference. Isn't that what was said that Trump did with girls in Russia??
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Aug 11 2020 01:28PM
     BIDEN's VP choice is Kamala Harris
Good pic


Aug 10 2020 09:24PM
     Will Trump Dump Pence when Biden picks a woman as VP?
Knowing Trump I wouldn't be surprised.
He's fired everyone in his administration but Pence so far.


Jul 25 2020 07:48PM
     Do you think Trump really wants to run for a second term?
I don't think he does.......

Trump likes the rallies and saying the economy is great and he likes tweeting and seeing it on TV etc.....
I really don't think Trump likes the hard work ahead of dealing with the virus and the mounting death toll. REALLY trying to rebuild the economy after all the job loses. He's totally failed in dealing with the racial crisis so now he just resorts to trying to painting all the protestors as bad people. Its getting so obvious what he's trying to do only the true RED HATS are buying it. The next year is really going to be tough, plus Trump doesn't like to be looked at as a failure.
Do you think theres any chance he bows out before the Republican convention?


Jul 7 2020 05:26PM
     Mary Trump's book
So is Donald going to call his niece a dummy, wackco, lair etc......just like he has called everyone else that has written a book about him. He seems to have a patented response to all criticism. The difference this time the criticism is coming from someone named Trump. Someone within his own family. She says: " her uncle is a sociopath, suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as well as a long undiagnosed learning disability. Also: Mary Trump holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology."

She says he has a "learning disability"
She know exactly how fucked up he is because she a psychologist lol


Jul 4 2020 06:43PM
     Kanye West announced he is running for President 2020
Did anyone tell this fool the 2020 primarys are over lol

Maybe this is some deal him and Trump cooked up to try to peel of some young African American votes ...I don't know.

If he won Kim K would be first lady. She would be the first First Lady with a porn tape out there lol
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