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 45 yrs old
Registered Dec 4 2010
Released Dec 4 2010

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Jul 2 2020 04:19AM
     Did the George Floyd Protests lead to the recent increase in coronavirus cases?
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May 23 2020 03:07AM
     What was OBAMA's response when the Ebola virus broke out
Its like night and day looking at Obama and looking at Trump. Obama had a strategy to dealing the Ebola crisis and he spoke about working "fast" to stem the spread before the virus came to our shores.
This is how a real President handles a crisis. It was handled so well people don't even remember things like this were even a crisis. Just like he dealt with the economy meltdown when he took office. People don't hardly remember the economy had just weeks before it was headed for free fall. Since it never happened a lot of people don't even say "Thank you Obama".
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May 18 2020 04:11PM
     Trump says he's taking hydroxychloroquine
Trump says he's taking hydroxychloroquine even though he doesn't have covid.
Hydroxychloroquine was given to people with covid hopefully to slow down the progression of the virus not to prevent the virus.

This Orange man confuses people every single day.
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May 13 2020 02:16PM
     Which President would be better handling a national crisis Obama or Trump?
With Obama
We survived 3 pandemics: H1N1, Ebola, Zika WITHOUT 1.3M Infections, 83K Dead, Stay-at-home orders, 14.7% unemployment & 26M Job loss .

Not to mention he brought us back from the brink a second Great Depression.
Put us on a financial up swing for 8 years of his term.

With Trump


May 13 2020 12:29AM
     Howard Stern tells the truth about how Trump feels about the supporters who follow him
"Radio host Howard Stern has a blunt message for supporters of President Donald Trump: He doesn’t like you.

“The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most love him the most,” Stern said on his SiriusXM radio show, according to the New York Daily News.

Trump, he said, loves celebrities ― not the masses.

“He wouldn’t even let them in a fucking hotel. He’d be disgusted by them,” Stern said, then challenged Trump supporters to visit the president’s most famous property to see for themselves.

“Go to Mar-a-Lago. See if there’s any people who look like you,” he said. “I’m talking to you in the audience.”
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Apr 1 2020 01:35AM
     HX MEMBERS read this important coronavirus information
Please read this article below. It breaks down the risk of getting the virus from intimate contact.

Understand this virus is extremely serious. It progresses very fast, to very bad in the body.
Im looking around and I don't understand the mine set here. Trump even says the next 15 days will be bad. Everyone that has read my post know how critical I am of him but what he said is TRUE.
You can have asthma, high blood pressure or an underling heart condition or diabetes that you don't even know you have. This virus can exploit that and put you in a life threatening situation. There are recent studies that the virus may move faster in men than in women. If you are a 40 plus year man with an underlining condition you could be at risk of ending up an a ventilator or dead. There is NO vaccine for this disease, so only the symptoms can be treated while the virus reeks havoc on your lungs and respiratory system.


Apply for the $1200 stimulus money to hold you over this brief time and take a temporary break.
Do it for yourself, your families and do it for the safety of HX community as a whole.
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Mar 28 2020 12:21AM
     CORONAVIRUS Symptoms Checklist
I know all this shit is driving people crazy taking their temp.many times a day hoping they don't have it. Heres a list of things to look for.
If you have one or two it doesn't mean you have the virus but you should be alerted.

A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs).They�re called coronaviruses because under a microscope, they look like a crown.

The main basics early symptoms:

If you have a continuous dry cough.

Continuous fever. You feel hot to touch on your chest or back. That means continuously over 98.6. They are say for coronavirus 100 or over.

Malise or feeling constantly run down and more tired than usual.

Shortness of breath. Just what it says. If you oxygen level drops you might find it hard to catch your breath

Newly found symptoms:

Loss of taste or smell. Use something like and onion. If you suddenly can smell it or taste it go get checked. Some people that have been positive this is the only symptom they had.

Sore Throat

Gi issues. Diarrhea has been one that many people have talked about.

Constantly runny nose

Other Symptoms:

Ongoing chest pain or pressure

New confusion

Can�t wake up

The most common symptoms and the percentage of people who have them include:

Fever: 88%
Dry cough: 68%
Fatigue: 38%
Coughing up sputum, or thick phlegm, from the lungs: 33%
Shortness of breath: 19%
Bone or joint pain: 15%
Sore throat: 14%
Headache: 14%
Chills: 11%
Nausea or vomiting: 5%
Stuffy nose: 5%
Diarrhea: 4%
Coughing up blood: 1%
Swollen eyes: 1%
Bluish lips or face


Mar 24 2020 03:11PM
TRILLION with a T!


Mar 22 2020 11:35PM
     Gov. Andrew Cuomo for President
Its really fucked up he didn't run. Trump even seems to be following his lead during this crisis. He's seems better than anyone else who was running on the dam. side including Joe.
Andrew Cuomo is tough, He's a to the point New Yorker and he gets thing done.
He's also married to Kerry Kennedy one of RFK's daughters.
Speaking of Joe he really put himself in a box by saying he would pick a woman as vice President. If Gov. Andrew Cuomo continues to look this good as he has during this crisis Biden will really regret doing that.


Mar 21 2020 11:04PM
     CORONAVIRUS information and UPDATES
There some useful information on the Coronavirus. They say that many people who have tested positive for the virus also have GI problems. Meaning stomach issues loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting or abdominal pain.

"You've likely heard the most common symptoms of COVID-19 by now: dry cough, fever, shortness of breath. But now, researchers are warning that another less-common symptom may be more prominent than doctors once thought: diarrhea.
A new study published Wednesday in The American Journal of Gastroenterology claims that digestive issues like diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain may be more common in those with COVID-19 than was once thought, with up to half of patients diagnosed with the disease in the study issuing complaints of those issues. Also important: Compared to study patients without gastrointestinal issues, those who had GI complaints had a higher risk of mortality."

(First link describes the connect with GI issues and the virus) (The second link is a video where this is fully explained)

Here are some commercial testing labs that are doing testing. Find the local testing site near you if you have symptoms of the virus.
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Mar 19 2020 07:40PM
     California Stay at home till April 7th. STATEWIDE SHUTDOWN!
Listen to the youtube clip he spells the whole thing out
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Mar 17 2020 10:38PM
     How long is all this Corona Virus stuff going to last? (3)
This might be a good time to take supplements, vitimins and eat healthy to strengthen your immune system to help fight off any possible diseases or virus while this craziness is going on.

Echinacea with Goldenseal is a good supplement that you can get at any drug store. It supports your body's immune defenses to help you stay feeling well all year-round.

Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system boosters of all. In fact, a lack of vitamin C can even make you more prone to getting sick.

Vitamin B6 is vital to supporting biochemical reactions in the immune system. Vitamin B6-rich foods include chicken and cold water fish such as salmon and tuna. Vitamin B6 also is found in green vegetables and in chickpeas, which is the main ingredient in hummus.

These foods are good to eat to maintain a strong immune system"

-Citrus fruits. Most people turn to vitamin C after they've caught a cold. ...
-Red bell peppers. If you think citrus fruits have the most vitamin C of any fruit or vegetable, think again. ...
-Broccoli. ...
-Garlic. ...
-Ginger. ...
-Spinach. ...
-Yogurt. ...

See the link below for more info
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