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 45 yrs old
Registered Dec 4 2010
Released Dec 4 2010

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Mar 16 2020 01:57PM
     How long is all this Corona Virus stuff going to last? (2)
"Stocks crash as Trump says new normal could last months"

Trump final confronts the reality of the crisis. Says this could last till July or Aug.
Gov't says to limit gathering to (10) people or less.

(How do we shop for food? Theres more than 10 people in each line at the Supermarket)

****Dow logs worst one-day point drop in history today*****
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Mar 15 2020 05:21PM
     How long is all this Corona Virus stuff going to last?
This shit will pass but things will be this way two months at the very very least.

Because of the lack of available virus testing theres no way to get an idea of who is infected and who is not. Plus there are so many people who aren't following the virus protocol social distancing, washing hands, people who are sick stay home etc....some people are just victims of their jobs. Bus drivers, store cashiers, first responders, sex workers, health providers workers anyone who is coming in close or intimate contact with members of the general public are at risk of getting infected. There are some situations that are forcing everyone to be at risk. Going to a crowded supermarket because we have to get food. I saw people standing in a crowded airport because they were returning from the travel restrictions. Things will get worst before they get better.

Take a look at what is happening in Italy. 368 deaths tallied just today Sunday to total 1,809. The country is on total lockdown. Only pharmacies and supermarkets are open. This could be our reality.

We haven't seen anything like this in last 150 years but there have been plagues in the past history.
This is a doom day scenario a global pandemic. A virus you can't see that is transferred from person to person by touch or cough or sneeze.

The best thing to do is listen to the health care professionals, follow virus protocol and use common sense.

This situation will likely be with us many months or longer. Look at it that way and plan for it.


Mar 13 2020 10:15PM
     Have you been in a Supermarket in LA lately? Bare!!
The shit is crazy!!!! Supermarkets everywhere completely bare!!
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Mar 11 2020 07:55PM
     Actor Tom Hanks and NBA Utah Jazz Player Rudy Gobert Test positive for the coronavirus
NBA suspends the rest of the 19-2020 season


Feb 26 2020 04:04PM
     Corona Virus INFORMATION
CNN's Sanjay Gupta answers top questions on coronavirus
Listen to this video by CNN's Sanajay Gupta it talks about how someone can catch it.
On top of this info I would try not to come in direct contact with someone who has been to Asia in the last 30 days. The virus has an incubation period where no symptoms are shown.
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Feb 20 2020 04:04PM
     Steven Spielbergs daughter an Adult Film Actress
"Mikaela Spielberg, 23, the daughter of legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg, 73, and his actress wife, Kate Capshaw, 66, revealed Wednesday that she is starring in her own solo porn videos."

It better be some high end porn not that cheap stuff
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Feb 15 2020 02:43AM
     michael avenatti
I feel sorry for the dude.
I liked when he went after Trump but I must admit I never really understood his whole deal. He was on like 4 morning shows every day in their studios. I didn't know how he was even doing that till I found out Cnn, Msnbc and CBS are down the street from each other in NYC. He was talking about potentially running for President I was like wtf.......I never understood where the dude was coming from.
I know porn chicks and I knew some how working with Stormy was going to turn back and bite him. Along with yesterday's verdict in the Nike case he's got to deal with charges from Stormy saying he stole money she was supposed to get for her dumb book. I've never seen someone so ambitious and smart do shit so dumb and fall so far so quickly. Its really ashame!


Feb 8 2020 10:38PM
Its crazy to see the out pouring of constant grief over Kobe's death everywhere in LA. There are a lot of people that don't remember a time when Kobe was not playing for the Lakers. I see people everywhere wearing Lakers stuff some two weeks after his death. There something about Kobe on Sportscenter every night. Its similar to when Micheal Jackson died. To a lot of people of an older age they followed his music for like 30 years. Kobe played for the Lakers for 20 years. Those of us Lakers fans that bleed purple and gold were really in a daze when it happened but now its starting to settle in. I also think his death in the age of social media further amplifies it. They need to finally do a memorial service.........its time.
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Feb 1 2020 11:13AM
     Trump is GUILTY but Republicans don't care 2
"Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role"


The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to the President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.


Then Trump supporters can AGAIN for the 100's time twist themselves in knots trying to justify and explaining it.
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Jan 31 2020 02:59PM
     Trump is GUILTY but Republicans don't care.
Senator Lamar Alexander said "I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the U.S. Constitutions high bar for an impeachable offense.1/15"

"no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven"
He doesn't think blackmailing Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden a rival for re-election doesn't meet the U.S. Constitutions high bar for an impeachable offense.

Nixon resigned for much less than that!

The second article on impeachment is for obstruction of Congress. Trump turned over NO documents that the House asked for and he made it so none of the crucial witnesses could testify before the House. You have a long and well knows Republican Secretary Defense who quit or was fired right around the time this incident came to light and is writing a book in which he documents that the President says to him directly that he was holding up the aid for a Joe Biden investigation announcement. Now you have the White House trying to stop the publication of that said book. At the same time you have the Republican lead Senate involved in a cover up to vote NO on compelling or hearing any of the relevant witnesses or documents that would CLEARLY shed more light on what happened. Even when asked about witnesses they bring up people that had nothing DIRECTLY to do with the President conduct with the impeachment is based on.

BEHOLD ladies and gentleman this is where the experiment called American begins to go off the rails!


Jan 17 2020 07:25AM
     Happy 98th Birthday Betty White
Damn 98 years old. She's incredible!
James Earl Jones aka the voice or Darth Vader turns 89 today. God bless them both
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Jan 15 2020 01:05PM
     Can a woman be President and can a woman beat Trump?
This is a very interesting question.....
Personally I do think a woman can be President and a woman can beat Trump.
Im just not too sure the women running for President now on the Democratic side can do either.

I will personally like to see anybody as President other that Trump but realistically Im not convinced Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar can win.


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