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 45 yrs old
Registered Dec 4 2010
Released Dec 4 2010

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Sep 30 2019 12:18PM
     California just passed a law that allows college athletes to get paid
Its about fucking time.
The NCAA and colleges have been taking advantage of college athletes for way too long raking in millions of dollars and the athlete gets none of it. I don't know how this is going to work in other states or even how its going to work here in CA but its a great first step.
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Sep 25 2019 12:02PM
     Trumps Ukrainian Transcript Released
or what was released.

Trump is clearly asking the guy to investigate Biden and the Ukrainian president is saying he will do anything Trump wants to bring the two countries closer.
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Sep 24 2019 02:43PM
     Nancy Pelosi calls for official impeachment inquiry into President Trump
Not over Russian Collusion

*Not for attempting to get Comey to drop an investigation into National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn.

*Not for firing James Comey, the FBI director responsible for overseeing the investigation into Trumps relationship with Russia during the 2016 election.

*Not for making two more attempts at stopping the investigation by trying (unsuccessfully) to fire Robert Mueller, Comeys predecessor.

*Not for Obstruction of Justice in the Russia Probe

*Not for violating the Constitutions Foreign Emoluments Clause prohibits the president from accepting personal benefits from any foreign government or official.

*Not for retaining his ownership interests in his family business while he is in office.
Or that every time a foreign official stays at a Trump hotel, or a foreign government approves a new Trump Organization project, or grants a trademark, Trump is in violation of the Constitution.

ECT.............on and on and on. They are opening the formal Impeachment inquiry into Trumps attempt to get the Ukrainian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Bidens son. This act of faggtry is similar to very similar to Russian Collusion. He's trying to get Russians aka Ukrainian or a foreign government to get involved in helping him win and election by digging up dirt on the potential Democratic frontrunner for President Joe Biden.


Sep 23 2019 08:10AM
     Accountant dies after charging mobile phone 'slips' into bath and electrocuted her
There are women who do this all the time when taking a bath. Maybe you should think twice.
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Sep 19 2019 12:01AM
     Porn star Jessica Jaymes dead at 43
Fire and EMS got a call for cardiac arrest for a female. When they got there to her home, nothing seemed amiss. They pronounced her dead at the scene. The cause of death is unknown and now the L.A. County Coroner's Office is investigating.
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Sep 18 2019 04:06PM
     The US Navy just confirmed these UFO videos are the real deal
WTF these shits are real?
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Sep 14 2019 06:31PM
     Winston Churchill had a fucking Golden Toilet and now its been stolen :o
This dude had a fucking real golden toilet. Was he wiping his ass with dollar bills? My fault lbs is what England money was called back then
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Sep 12 2019 06:05PM
     Internet porn business submits $10M naming rights bid for Miami Heat home arena
Can you see the Miami Heat next season playing basketball in BangBros Arena?
If some how this goes though it wood be a first in Professional sports lol


Sep 5 2019 12:05AM
     The Craziest thing happened in the Post Office earlier today.
So I was in Hollywood and was trying to mail a letter. I stopped at the post office there some place I've never been and wanted to get some stamps. Im standing in a good size line that takes forever. Im looking right ahead of me and there is this Indian looking guys about 5'7 or 5'8 guy with a button down shirt standing in line in front of me. I look at the guys profile and I said to myself that dude looks familiar. Its Hollywood so I didn't pay that much attention. Dude takes out his phone and is doing stuff. I happened to see his phone and the name George Papadopoulos. He turn around and I see its motherfucking George Papadopoulos. I didn't speak to him but I could see he was mailing out a gang of what I could later see was black and red books that said Deep State or something on it. It looked like dude is personally selling this book online some where and mailing them out one by one himself. Im thinking to myself THIS DUDE RIGHT HERE IS THE PERSON that started the whole Russian investigation.


Aug 23 2019 09:43PM
     Astronaut accused of first crime in space-now thats a new one.
New York Times: Astronaut accessed estranged spouse's bank account in possible first criminal allegation from space.

Now we have criminal astronaut. Whats she going to do refuse to return to earth so she won't go to jail.
Wow this is a first!
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Aug 20 2019 01:17PM
     Giannis Antetokounmpo sues over the name Greek Freak
Is he serious. If you want to sue every person you used that term he will need a big team of lawyers.

Where in the hell does he think this term came from anyway lol
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Aug 13 2019 02:00PM
     'Cancer-linked' chemicals in Chipotle, Sweetgreen packaging
You really have to watch were you eat nowadays.
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