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Level 2 Male

 49 yrs old
Livermore-Amador, East Bay, Bay Area, CA
Registered Feb 6 2015
Released Dec 17 2015

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Nov 18 2021 02:45PM
     Is this worth the negative network rating
In 5 years on humaniplex I've never been flaked on. It's happened off other sites, for sure. I'm usually very forgiving and let it go if the lady explains or apologizes. I think on hx we tend to treat each other a little more respectfully, at least in my experience.

However, yesterday I showed up at the appointed place and time. She never responded at all. It was very inconvenient for me to uber to her and then back again. I called her out on it and then left. More than a day later she has posted her ad again and I never got an apology or anything, so now I'm pissed.

Is that worth the negative network rating? I hate to do it. Frankly, it always looks bad on both parties, even if one was the wronged party. OTOH, hx seems to have higher standards and I would never flake on anyone. If I did, I wouldn't be surprised to receive a negative network rating.


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