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Level 0 Female

 57 yrs old
City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Registered Mar 3 2020
Released Mar 11 2020

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Apr 6 2020 01:25AM
     Covid-19 is not our enemy...
The virus(COVID-19) is not our enemy. You know who is the virus??? It is us Humans. We are the VIRUS. We polluted , we trash, we didn�t honor and respect our EARTH, our Motherland. We take advantage and abuse of our land. We forgot how beautiful our World is. Even our bodies, we forgot to give it respect and honor it. We abuse our bodies by eating the wrong food. We abuse our bodies by letting it go and not respecting its boundaries. We forgot that our Land and our bodies are our TEMPLE and SANCTUARY that needed RESPECT and HONOR. Now, the Universe is teaching us and making us all STOP for a while and REFLECT back in what we had been doing from before few months the Covid-19 hits us. Instead of getting angry and anxiety and stress to why is this happening to us, we had to learn ACCEPTANCE and ACKNOWLEDGMENT.
We had to learn and embrace and be in love with our pain as we are the one who causes pain in our land and our bodies. The Universe is actually doing us a favor for us to learn to acknowledge and accepts from our forgotten mistakes. The universe is doing us a favor to spend time with our loved ones as we are all busy with our lives. The Universe is doing us a favor of letting us know that money is not everything. Money is not Power. Spending time with our loved ones is the key to a lasting happiness. Honoring and respecting our land and bodies. Treating it as our temple and sanctuary.

A lot of people are talking about the virus but they forget to talk about what�s going on with the people right now. The emotions. The anxiety. Our nations are in grief as we had lost what we had been doing for the past few months like our social gatherings, attending the Wedding, attending conventions, eating out, going out with friend�s.We grieve as we cannot do what we had been doing before the Covid-19 hits us.

I hope I had enlightened some of you in this tough dark times that we are all encountering at this present moment. Please stay safe and take care wherever you are and whatever you�re doing. Have an Awesome Blessed Day. I love you all...


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