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Level 4 Female

 42 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Aug 17 2012
Released Aug 17 2012

21 blogs/82 comments
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Eva_Gotti's Blog Blogs about Eva_Gotti 2289 people have subscriptions!
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Aug 29 2024 09:49PM
     Greetings Work out Buffs, Trainers & GymnRats!
Any of you Guys and Gals who like to work out! Ill probly duplicate this blog in the Barter and Trade Club. But for those that see it here, I will elaborate!

Just looking for other like-minded individuals who enjoy working out and can help me Love it too! I already have a Black Vip Membership for any Planet Fitness anywhere in California and Nevada. To my knowledge there's over 2000. Benefit is I can go to any location anywhere and bring a friend so its always free for you. Every city I post or travel in has a minimum of 3-4 Planet Fitness gyms. Besides the weights and equipment we'll have access to the Tanning Beds, Massage recliner chairs, Hydrotherapy Massage beds, Body Enhancement (infrared light therapy) Machines aaaaaand some locations have Meditation Pods. Anyways , ALLLLLL is FREE With Me and my membership. Either way. Send me a PM and lets work it out! Certification not required.

Luv Eva


Apr 1 2024 11:50AM
     Does Anyone Know the Answer to this?
How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck if a Woodchuck could Chuck wood??

Age old riddle but does anyone know the answer?

Thanks for your input

Attached Pictures


Dec 17 2023 02:08AM
     Are there any BASEBALL CARD COLLECTORS out there?!
Greetings Boys, Toys and Gentlemen...

I hope this Blog finds you healthy, wealthy and wise. Regardless, I figured this might be a good place to ask if any of you Baseball fans might know something about Baseball card collections and the best way to sell them. I know they have to be authenticated and graded first but considering I have easily over 5000 cards all in original, protected condition. I don't want to pay for each one to be graded because that costs money for each. I've already looked up over 200+ cards to know the current value but there's too many to look up. (I'm trying to figure out which ones are worth getting graded etc) But I need someone with much more knowledge of which cards are worth it. I found and registered on PWCC MARKETPLACE which is an online Auction, Buy, Sell, Vault and trading site. How do I submit thousands of cards? The point is I need someone who knows what they're doing because I don't. I have complete collections from 50 years ago and they are all in plastic binders. Last question , is there a local store or business i can walk into and grill their brains?!?

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Who knows I'm sure I can compensate you for your knowledge and experience and advice.

Luv Eva_Gotti

PM me.


Nov 23 2023 08:28PM
     Tell Me Have You SEEN Her? Reported Missing!
FUNNY! , At the same time... NOT FUNNY. As some of you might know I live in Reno but decided to return to the OC for a "Flashback Reunion" trip after 10 years of being away. So I was in OC over the last 10 days. I left Reno only telling 1 person I was going to California. When I got there my iPhone got fried and my service was disconnected so my phone was useless to me. Therefore I didn't update or call or check in with anyone at all from Reno.
I understand I SHOULD HAVE, I GET IT YOU NEED TO LET PEOPLE KNOW YOU ARE OK especially if they have ZERO way to find you or contact you. So that they don't worry. It's selfish and inconsiderate. At the same time everybody deals with Grief/loss( of a loved one very recently) and you have turmoil in your life.... in their own way. I have a tendency to isolate, run away , hide and avoid everything/ everyone specifically to be alone. And that's what I did. Right or wrong . That's what I did.
* LESSON LEARNED! OMG. haha as I was driving back to Reno after midnight last night I was in Bishop area and my car phone rang through my iphone and it was the Riverside Sheriff's Dept. Missing Persons Unit!
" Holy Shit! WHO??" RIVERSIDE SHERIFFS DEPT. "Are you XYZ?" I said yes can I help you?
They said did you know you are on the National database for MISSING PEOPLE?" I said noooo. Long story short my sister and my mom reported me missing in Calif and Nevada. I said well I just went on a little road trip etc. But I'm fine . And I had to try and prove who I was. Afterward I called my mom to let her know I was ok and I apologized repeatedly & explained etc. She was just worried and hadn't heard from me in 5 days etc. But then while I was about 2 hours away from Reno a black SUV is behind me. I'm exhausted, on Cruise Control trying to stay awake. ( Nobody to talk to
BLUE & RED LIGHTS behind me.
They pull me over and right away say " Are you XYZ?" I said yeeeessss. They said did you know You are Listed as a missing person.? I explained that I was informed of that but already contacted my fam. Etc. I gave him my ID and info so he was really really nice and said ok let me see if I can help you out with this and get you taken off the runaway list. Lol. Becuz we are happy to see you are perfectly fine! I said yes,yes I am . So sorry I just needed a little time away so I could go shack up and play in hotels with all my HX lovers. OOOOPS My bad. ** LESSON LEARNED!
Omg .So Crazy. SEE you guys next month !

Luv Eva_Gotti

Ps thank you to my sweetheart who called me back & answered his phone @ 4am to talk to me the rest of the way~~ I O U


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