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Level 1 Male

 57 yrs old
Torrance, Coastal, LA, CA
Registered Sep 24 2017
Released Sep 25 2017

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May 4 2018 11:05AM
     The answer to proof of income
Found an answer for you ladies that need to show source of income
Attached Links


Oct 17 2017 11:59AM
     Life is funny
Here's one for you liberally minded mental midgets

Who's right?

Harvey Weinstein: Says Trump talking about grabbing a woman's pussy is deplorable and evil. Even though he rapes women.

Trump: Says Harvey actually raping a woman is deplorable and evil despite talking with another guy on a hot mic about grabbing a "fictitious" woman by the pussy

Please explain your answer if your liberal, we need the laugh


Oct 9 2017 10:59AM
     RadioShack customers
Btw, as stated before I used to be a RadioShack store manager and here's a bit of a laugh for you guys and gals.

I ran the store in Rolling Hills, CA and had a older gentleman come in and plop a phone on my counter and say he doesn't like it and wants his money back. I looked at the box and then looked at him and told him we don't sell this phone. He said he just bought it the day before so I asked for his receipt which he said he doesn't have it. I told him we need it to process all returns, he wanted to see my manager so I told him I was the manager. He insulted me a few times, picked up the phone and went home.

An hour later he comes back, I have the fucking receipt. I look at it and he bought the phone from Best Buy. I told him he needs to return it there. He tells me he returns all of his stuff he buys at Best Buy here. I told him I'm the manager and I can guarantee you you never returned a Best Buy product here. He argues for a bit, calls his wife and say's he wants his lawyers phone number so he can sue Best Buy and then walks out the door.

Two days later he comes in again, apologizes and said he thought he saw it on the news that Best Buy had bought out Radio Shack. He still wanted to return the phone to me because he hated going down the hill and dealing with, as he put it, those assholes. I told him I can't do it and he left.


Oct 9 2017 10:21AM
     People suck
I'm a full time Uber/Lyft driver, used to manage a RadioShack for 6 years so I love the freedom of driving. I got a fucking asshole customer who gets in my car after making me wait for 5 minutes so she could get a cup of coffee and a banana from the coffee shop in her hotel. I'm taking her to another hotel in Beverly Hills. Talking on the way she's from NY and she's a fashion editor. Not bad on the eyes too mind you but we get to her destination and I ask her to please take any garbage (aka banana peel) with her as this is my car.

Next rider asks why there's a banana peel mushed into my LEATHER SEAT! $50 cleaning fee later I get dinged for a messy car...

I actually miss RadioShack some times. I can throw those assholes out of my store and make them take their garbage with them.


Oct 1 2017 02:52PM
     Energy healing
Any energy healers or students here?

I'm a practicing Reiki Master, was taught the art by a Japanese master in the 80s when it was still called voodoo medicine.

If your interested in Reiki healing do not let your practitioner tell you "of course you can do this fully clothed" they don't know crap.

Reiki uses your body's energy combined with the practitioners energy to heal energy constricting scars from your central meridians, better known as gates. There's no way to read someone's energy unless you make close contact or direct contact with skin. Clothing acts as an energy barrier when doing a reiki scan or healing session.


Oct 1 2017 12:31AM
How many prefer a lady in makeup / no makeup

I actually hate women using makeup. It covers their actual beauty to me. It's such a waste to me but I know it makes the ladies feel sexy so I don't say anything. I always tell them how sexy they are without it though.


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