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 50 yrs old
Newport Beach, OC, CA
Registered Aug 19 2019
Released Aug 20 2019

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Jan 7 2020 10:07PM
     Get Ready part 2
Sorry Ks

OK I misread your intent. Sincere apologies. Some corrections though. It is well-known he didn’t care about investigation/corruption. He specifically said he wanted a statement that Biden was under investigation. That’s all he wanted. To have that cloud over him. He know Biden (if he doesn’t mess up too badly) can beat him.

And his intent was absolutely proven. He wanted a qui pro quo. That was unequivocally stated and accepted. I hate to name drop but Ken Starr and Judge Napolitano (remember Trump called him one of the sharpest legal mind of the 20th century) said as much on Fox News.

The Democrats had no choice because he committed impeachable offenses. That’s not an opinion. That’s a fact. Countless historians, judges, politicians of all flavors said as much.

Impeachment is a political process. It played out the exactly the way it’s supposed (or was designed to). The Democrats knew Trump was not going to be removed from office. But they carried out their duties. I’m not implying they are impartial here. But if the roles were reversed, Republicans would have the exact thing. And it would be the right thing to do. If that strengthens Trump, it just tells you that his people really only care for the rule of law when it’s convenient to them. That’s all.

Trump knows his followers; ‘I could shoot someone of 5th Ave and not lose a single vote’. remember that one? That's where he’s a lot smarter than people give him credit for. He knows how to appeal to the ugliest side of our country. At a rally the other day he said ‘the radical democrats want to take away your bibles and your guns to replace it with socialism. The radical Democrats like crimes, open borders and a weak military’. He got the biggest ovation. I was just stunned. I keep being stunned because at one point I’m hoping some common sense will prevail. But from what keep seeing, even here, maybe not.

And that’s the disadvantage some of us have; we think that facts, truth and science matter.


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