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Level 0 Male

 40 yrs old
Registered Jul 29 2010
Released Jul 29 2010

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Jun 24 2020 05:45AM
     CRACKA - new series coming to Amazon
Certainly a series that will help America heal and bring the races together. I can’t wait until it is released.
Attached Links
CRACKA Official Trailer


Aug 19 2017 04:42PM
     Alt-Right Racist White guys and the Asian Women that love them
LOL if you look into the backgrounds of many prominent men in the Alt-Right they are often dating/married to Asian women or at least have been connected to them at one point.

My theory is that the enemy to many of these men is feminism and most western white women wouldn't want to have to deal with the negative backlash of being associated with fringe right-wing movements. You will often see these guys on Reddit/4chan complaining how white women are mudsharks and are contributing to white genocide.

Their solution is to pair up with more traditional Asian women who will worship them for being white which in all honesty they (Asian women) do. The irony is they will end up having half-Asian sons/daughters that will be treated as Asian by society. The sons often have the worse end of the deal since women of all races are generally not into Asian/Hapa males but are raised thinking they are white. Richard Spencer even mentioned how he sees many half-Asian dudes show up at his white nationalist rallies. It is an iffy area for him on whether they should be accepted or not.


Jul 16 2017 05:38PM
     Women are terrified of MGTOW
The pendulum is swinging away from 3rd wave feminsim/gynocentrism and many men are taking the red pill.

I predict that a high number of milennial women will hit the wall (i.e. being over the hill after age 30) and have no male prospects in the not too distant future. They ride the cock carousel in their 20s always looking to trade-up but their ability to play that game will cease once they are past their prime and become fossils.

Their male peers (30s and 40s) that were patient and working on their careers aren't going to want to drive a used car. No! They will go for much hotter, younger women. The women past their prime will have to get used to being a guy's perpetual girlfiend (no marriage or commitment) or be a cat lady.

MGTOW men can ignore women entirely, use sites like HX, and go for much younger women when they have a accumulated status/resources. They do not need to get married.

Heck with the coming advancements with AI and robots, women will most likely be replaced with replicants by 2030! Women will be DYING for male attention but they won't get it lol


Jun 7 2017 04:23PM
     Conservatism IS the NEW counter-culture
Leftist Hollywood celbrities and musicians would like you to believe that they own the counter-culture movement and are fighting the establishment. However over the years they have become the establishment and are the epitomy of the mainstream.

Nowadays Conservatism is the new punk rock. They are the new "cool." Young Conservatives are the ones shaking up the system and rebelling over the dominant culture the left has been feeding them since the turn of the century. Sorry libs, you can't be the dominant culture and counter-culture at the same time.

Generation Z is projected to be the most Conservative generation since the Silent Generation. Millennials are pretty much a lost cause that have fell for the lies of Globalism, political correctness, degeneracy/hedonism, and celebrity worship. Their successors are not buying into the bullshit and are destined to shake up the system similar to what hippies did in the 1960s.


May 16 2017 01:13PM
     Liberal ABC cancels Tim Allen's show for not joining the GROUP THINK
Last Man Standing has been cancelled after 6 successful seasons because of Tim Allen's conservative politics. The show had high ratings and CRUSHED the immoral degenerate Modern Family's.

The big whig ((( producers ))) were still butt-hurt over Tim Allen's comments on Jimmy Kimmel's show and retaliated against him. He mentioned the industry was akin to 1930s Germany and you have to be very careful in what you say. Looks like Tim was right.

You listen ABC. You can keep pushing filth on your audiences and they will reject it. The heartland is yearning for wholesome shows and they don't want the Fag/Tranny agenda pushed down their throats. It is about time you listen if you care about your bottom line.


May 9 2017 02:00PM
     THUG throws old lady into a pool
An old white lady (and her dogs) was body slammed then thrown into a pool by a black thug. All while the crowd laughed and cheered him on.

Looks like she crashed their pool party and thought she could reason with the crowd. She was wrong.

I wonder how the MSM would react to a group of white folks blasting country music, getting confronted by an old black woman, and proceeding to throw her in a pool? Hmmmm......


May 7 2017 02:59PM
     Globalism wins in France. LePen defeated
Wow great job France, vote in the ((( Rothschild ))) banker.

I guess France was not ready to take a stand against Islam and haven't had enough monthly attacks by the practitioners of the religion of peace.

"I wouldn't go to France, because France is no longer France." -Donald J. Trump


Apr 21 2017 02:15PM
     Tomi Lahren's Butt Warmer
Would any of you like the job of heating up her butt warmer in the microwave?

Apparently she is a major diva. Shocker

If she does not get a job at Fox soon she should become a member here. I doubt she would hold the title of #1 HX Diva.

Plus a lot of Libs here can take out their aggression on Republicans, Trump, etc. on her. It would be therapeutic.


Apr 19 2017 06:04PM
     Fresno HATE crime murder spree buried by the MSM
Black Islamist male kills 3 White males in downtown Fresno and no one bats an eye.

The THUG involved has shown no remorse and planned to kill as many White males as possible. We all know ((( those ))) in the media would be salivating and pumping out coverage left and right if the situation were in reverse.

Of course he was yelling "Allahu Akbar" as he mowed down 3 noble men with bullets.


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