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Level 1 Male

 53 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Jun 21 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

8 blogs/121 comments
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Mar 18 2017 01:26AM
     Help me find this girl from 2009, been missing her, Part 3
Thanks for all your help everyone. Especially the Level 0 guys who had no life but to talk shit and keep posting over and over. Just thought someone might know, if they did, would have appreciated some info. Even if you had a one liner, very creative. But the losers that kept posting over and over, guess no life but to keep trolling.

It's all good. Some of the girls on here saw the responses, some were funny and we all know the douches now and so do they.


Mar 17 2017 03:18AM
     Help me find this girl from 2009, been missing her, any old dogs on here remember?
Sorry guys and girls, took a long break. I am wanting to reconnect with a girl from here in 2009, sorry to say, I only remember a few details about her. She was a pretty white girl, probably in her mid to late 20s and saw her a couple of times in O.C. The only thing that I remember about her that would distinguish her is that she had a tattoo on her arm of a cartoon character with headphones on and some music notes.

Does anyone remember her or is there a way to get in contact with her? She's the unicorn that go away and would love to reconnect with her. Just a really nice person.


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