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Level 4 Female

 40 yrs old
Registered Jan 8 2017
Released Jan 8 2017

762 blogs/4604 comments
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Feb 15 2024 10:38PM
     Someone noticed I changed my location
And they noticed I usually choose states I can spell words with...

Who was that?

Just as crazy 😧 as Meeeee---hehehe


Feb 12 2024 01:41AM
     Who WON on the Superbowl?
Well, I got 8 to 1 on Chiefs late Jan
.. placed $100 - & just won 900

I prefer under dogs but glad I got in.

During the Superbowl game when Chiefs took the lead I grabbed +250 odds hedging then cashed it out during the game.

Had the over 49pts
No avail

Half time show - vocals were rusty anyone else think they could have sang better?

Wasn't that extra.

Typical for everyone to be on edge of their seats when it was tied. More cortisol. More praying, chanting, witchy omens, beer chips. Etc

I dunno - can this possibly b really real?

Anyone think each week of this season the scores were peculiar on first half and 2nd halfs and a team wins by 1.


I'm much of a conspiracy theorist

On ya draft kings was running 15 seconds ahead of the TV game so saw scores like 15+ seconds plus before on TV.

I think I'm retiring after the NBA finals on sports book



Feb 6 2024 10:56PM
     Ok What If. .
Or have you?

Ever seen a girl have all her nice pics from her albums up on the wall in the bedroom?

Would it be hot to see pics of the lady ur curling toes with while in the room in bed on the wall!?

I can make a shrine I have 100s.

Or don't knock it till u try it?



Feb 6 2024 11:31AM
     Who Thinks
Will Trump Pick As His Next VP?
& why or why not?


Feb 6 2024 08:25AM
     Who Else?
Needs to clean alien 👽 goop out of their refrigerator??!?


I got groceries on the way.....

And an alien 👽 jizz invasion happening...

No way I can take before and after picture - y'all think I got swamp ass too . . .



Jan 17 2024 10:50PM
     Lemme Tell U Bout Snow
It reminds you of beach sand.


Dec 14 2023 12:25PM
     Ideas in San Francisco Area
I have been living outside of CA for over a year, and coming to SF area.

I am treating it like a tourist trip cause it is! So despite the fact SF has bad press over all, I'm sure there's plenty to do.

So far I've found

Science museum: dinosaur, penguins, aquarium, planetarium, and other exhibits

Fisherman wharf for oysters

Trolly car

Golden bridge

Restaurants: going to my fav chains like
Lazy dog, guy kaku, in n out, and somisomi ice creams

Shopping: Macy's and outlets

Looking for maybe something near the beach west of San Jose?

A easy walking trail or nature area?

More restaurant and exhibit ideas are needed!

Post soon!
Thank you


Nov 16 2023 07:17PM
     My Favorite Salad Dressing NOW is!
As I was given a side salad with blue cheese that was on the side, and didn't touch all the lettuce.

What's your favorite Salad Dressing?

In the MidWest


Oct 19 2023 01:19AM
     Pros & Cons of Posting Your Own Porn
So, I dunno
I never been a porn star or a stripper
Just straight here lol

Tho with subscription sites I could totally move 100s of my hx photos and more to a fan page

And then put up live content

And get residual

I would start at $39.99!

Thoughts? Worth? Risk?

No Face?

Worth it for me? The viewer? You?

5 min scenes? Alone
Or with a male "actor"




Oct 16 2023 06:35AM
     Who's Your Favorite

Attached Pictures


Aug 2 2023 07:57PM
     Out Dining - Server is SiCk!
Chances of me getting sick?

Anyone wanna place bets?

On the fact I'm a germaphobe usually- & freaking out inside.

Everyone is sick lately. All in all..... Food service is a super spreader....


Aug 2 2023 03:56PM
     I'm Famous! In AA & Spotted on A Site;
I saw a guy I met on a site here at a AA meeting in my hometown.

Then another....

Go figure they aren't in bars anymore having one night stands am I right!?

I been chilling in AA last Month or So, to work on my cell phone addiction, and pick up some basic principals // examine things unmanageable --- like my cell phone screen time worm hole addiction and many other character defects.

My last drink was Dec 2017.

All 1000 of u who has met me know I don't drink ((I be dead or n jail or homeless if I did) and or came to my socials etc.

(Haters gonna hate)

Anyways, you know all the ppl I met online soon it catch up --- somewhere ! Even in a smaller town right.

Ya know
It always broke my heart to the girls here who had to drink as early in the AM to muster up tolerating meeting someone offline --- they couldn't do it with our booze or Xanax whatever....

Here I been willy nilly so long it's a 2nd nature..

Now I'm noticed in AA out here --- for being on another site... It's like who care!
I did go to Celebrate Recovery for few meetings to talk bout my site use thru one of my retirements --- AA doesn't offer that platform

But the celebrate recovery programs like AA 12 steps in church's -- let u talk bout any issue u have
Co dependency
Porn addiction etc

So--- I'm wondering.... What now!!!
Everyone is so nosey, and ppl believe u can only be sober in AA and for me Faith Base recovery has been always my lean on stopping substance abuse.

I really--- abused alcohol for the most part so I don't have horror stories of alcoholism but enough to know it not for me!!

Anyways venting here!!!

Keep this anonymous!!! LoL

We may get more members here who discover my other accts and I share my HX profile on it as well.

If ur a friend of Bill come say Hi too!

And at the end of the day if anyone in this community would like to talk bout substance abuse I am here for you pm me and join the private club here Friend Of Bill in the club list. All types welcomed.

There's love and support @ leave from me who struggle with the killer use of alcohol and substances.

Pura Vida!



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