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Level 4 Female

 40 yrs old
Registered Jan 8 2017
Released Jan 8 2017

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Apr 27 2020 05:07PM
     Places To Get Saniter in OC

I just wanted to share some information regarding where to get sanitizer.

@Gelson Market on Pch/2nd they have 67% alcohol, I do not think its the correct strength for Co-Vid via the CDC wesbsite, but maybe you can determine that yourself. it was $11 for 12oz

*Also Gelson now has toliet paper regularly. I also heard HB Costco has TP

@HB Distillery - This distillery is selling I think 80% alcohol sanitizer - all the standards are listed and follow the recommendations. They sell it 4oz for $5 or 5 Galons for $200

Ill attach the link for HB, you can order online and do curbside.

I also have access to 12oz 77% alcohol they are $12 each or a case of 12 for $140 Pick up is in Fountain Valley by costco. I ordered my case there. There is no profit for myself, just spreading the info and help those who need supplies. If you want info for the deal in FV please Pm/Text me. I will not be there, and he has 7 cases of 12pack, and or can sell individually.

@ walgreen they have 3oz for $5 so I think $12 for 12oz is reasonable, figuring all the pricing I have listed elsewhere here.

I hope this doesn't get voted down - I know I am advertising where to buy these life saving essential products.. and hope it can stay up for awhile to help a few of you out.



Attached Links
HB Sanitizer Order Online


Apr 21 2020 11:38PM
     $5 Dollars Back In My Day. .

Could buy a pack of ciggs.
Could buy pizza hut at school and soda.
Could buy a movie ticket
Could get 3 gal of gas
Could have change left over after buying a Frapachino

What else?

& What does $5 dollars still get you today?



Apr 21 2020 12:06AM
     Who thinks they might have allready had Covid this year?
and didnt know?

me. in February. and dont worry I contacted the 1 person I saw ( A Doctor ). I saw that day.. and came down with aches at night.
3 weeks later I asked if he got sick. and he said no. So i figured he had the flu shot and i had the flu.


i had came back from Vegas 2 days prior... airports are dirty!

id like an antibody test
when it ez to get...


Apr 20 2020 01:11AM
     Opening Beaches During Pandemic - But No Sunbathing?
Ok, so how are they going to know the difference for who is sunbathing?

If you get out of the water, and sit on your towel-

You are kinda automatically bathing in the sun.

If I go to the beach - I cant sit on my towel?

I have to go in the water? and stand when I get out?

So Stupid.

I think - for the longest time the BEACH is where people social distance the most on the sand. Always setting yourself up like 15 feet from another.

(obviously not on busy summer holidays when its pack but yea)

I think the predicted 80 degree weather coming our way... Set this up! cause people woulda been pissed.

No work - but cant go to the beach?!~

SADLY this will bring in the bottom feeders from all over this weekend... to like my fav beach..HB


Hmm.. Will the bon fire pits b open?!



Apr 13 2020 09:46PM
     3 Favorite Foods
For years if someone asked me what my favorite foods are I would list:

French Fries
Potatoe Chip n Dip
And Beans

I LOVE BEANS so much I would marry them!

What are your 3 fav foods you never get sick of?


Apr 12 2020 05:32PM
     I guess people don't read updates in 2000 word profiles any more 😭😭
😭Guys! 2 weeks ago I posted in my profile a few lines down on the left that I ordered a 1000 piece puzzle set. IT'S A picture of a Map of the Old World. AND NO body even followed up with me yet.

WELL I received it. And Some of the pieces were still stuck together?? And so I pulled it apart then thought "Oh Crap" maybe they are together to "get me started"

I saw it as disappointment to the challenge and pulled them apart and was going to return. This set cost $70 dollars and was made in the good ol USA.

I'm stuck.... should I attempt?



Apr 11 2020 12:55AM
     Who Has Their Own Tanning Bed?
Asking for Casper the Friendly Ghost


Apr 10 2020 09:12AM
     Who is exercising?
How are you guys doing?

I started doing some aerobic exercise. I can't really say it's all that much since I'm in the house. But
Now it stopped raining I think I'm gonna walk 3 miles.

Ladies / Gents.. are u doing indoor workouts? Crunches? Pushups?

I'm sure some might have home gym or a work out machine. If I had space I maybe get 1.

Anyhow. I'm sore from working out yesterday.

So if any1 has a nice jetted Jacuzzi lmk!



Apr 9 2020 12:08PM
     Who is a Notary?
I've seen girls post sometimes they are notary.
I'm looking for 1.

Please pm or post!


Apr 5 2020 11:16PM
     Tiger Test Positive 4 COVID19 NY Bronx Zoo / CBS News
Tiger at the Bronx Zoo
Test positive for Covid19


I'm scarred

I wish now more than ever that I have a boyfriend


Apr 5 2020 08:09PM
     CBS Presents OUR Country Music Concert from Home!
Watch with me!
Just started at 8pm


Apr 4 2020 08:23PM
     Vaccine is underway!
Quoted From The NYTimes (And you know thry are nosey!) SAYS:

Meanwhile, an experimental vaccine is ready to test in people as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants permission, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center said.

Mice given the vaccine produced high levels of antibodies against the new coronavirus. But only clinical trials can determine whether it will be safe and effective in humans.

The vaccine will be given through a small patch dotted with 400 “microneedles” made of sugar mixed with a coronavirus protein. The microneedles penetrate the skin and the sugar melts, releasing the full protein dose in 10 minutes or less. This approach takes advantage of the skin’s ability to set off a powerful immune response.


I now feel a State of Confidence and Pride!
Attached Links
Found at bottom of article on link :)


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