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Level 4 Female

 40 yrs old
Registered Jan 8 2017
Released Jan 8 2017

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Aug 2 2023 02:43PM
     NonNegotiables In Life
If my partner is shorter than me.

Moles on face that should have been burnt off.

Bad breath or F up teeth

Nose hair, curly eye brow hair

Doesn't get the door even going to CVS!



Jul 29 2023 06:09AM
     Would you stop participating in the Marketplace if?
If you are sick of tracking from ur phone?
And CC
And Bank info

Being sold as consumer data
Tied to your online presence?

And if u had to limit what you did spend.

Would Walmart be on ur list? It's just so much cheaper!

Could u stop watching TV/News/Movies?

Is the Music industry independent? I would keep music

I can listen anywhere.

When u think off the Grid / where does that take u, and or mean and why?

I'm done bringing my phone places if I don't need it for GPS, or someone to reach me.

I keep a burner 2G in the car tho.

Now when I Meet ppl offline! I stuff all the phones in a pill of towels/blankets/pillows etc.


Jul 27 2023 10:09PM
     Implant a Chip in Your Hand Get 2k a Month
@ 35min of the video it talks about getting the chip for the new digital currency. And get $2k a month?
Universal income?

I mean ..... 2k a month? Ain't bad..

Who knows how to sign up?

Attached Links
Go to 35 min ....


Jul 13 2023 11:54PM
     Making my room PINK

Bought lots of Pink
Pink bedding, bathroom curtain bath rugs, bedroom area rug, picture, and thank you Amazon prime day for some of these were already in my cart and discounted.

I now need a pink indoor house plant!

Right now it's purple in this way, and it just makes me stay cozy. Same with muted blues and greys

Pink energizes me, and have done it for this reason before.

Does anyone else choose colors in their life for specific reasons??


Jul 10 2023 12:46AM
     Ask Old Lady
Gina Galaxy a Question.

I'll c if I'll remember to come back and answer ...


Jul 9 2023 10:44PM
     What's the difference seeing a Milf?
Versus non milf?

What's the kink?

I'm at the age I will never be one.


Jun 10 2023 01:17AM
M@rr!O++= IBM,GEE
H1L+0/\/= same


Jun 8 2023 10:36PM
     Let's Talk About Real Shit-- Really!
Ok, in most lady like fashion
How can I say this.

Men have no problem after they turn off the shower, all wet grab then grabs the towel, to THEN stick their finger in their butthole thru the towel. Without fail leaving a brown circle.

Please in ur 20s u should have learned by then how ass cracks work n smell n taste like and how to keep ur ass clean.

U shit, u shower. Don't think u can get away with it. Without showering off what exited u from ur Taco bell two nights ago. LoL

Cause even After showers it's hardly "cleared up"

U should be rimming ur asshole with ur finger even insert the tip to swish swish soap over in over. With a leg up to rinse it over n over. ((omg I need to make a tutorial)

But yes,
Hell it's the first thing I do , leg up on the edge. I don't want shit in my V = problems

Which is why I hate smelling it, when I can down there then ball juice mixed with swamp ass seeps down to my u know what!


Don't forget !!!!! U can wash ur ass
But did u rinse that Shit Away?? Remember leg up and rinse that booty hole..bootang.corn holio. Throne hole. King Stool, Charmin wiping ass mo fo u wanna call it.

I highly recommend leaving soap on all the lower region for minutes for soap to work hence WORK AND. Leave a clean smell.

Additionally to those muffs, or body hair use shampoo to pull the oils please and let that sit

I swear to God there's nothing wrong with what I just said.
My last two hook ups I sent them back to the shower twice!!
I cringe when I hear the shower run for less than a minute. What r u men doing this for lol it's torture. Ladies chime da fuq in!!!

And all awhile my germaphobe inside is freaking da fuq out.


I literally can give u poll numbers based off of my network.and hell

2-4 men out of 10 have not practiced this.

Ok rant over!!!

Irish spring bar soap guys girls makes ur skin lights ..shit is strong so it is nice on the butthole.

Why r butthole dark?
From shit dying it.

And that's another issue bout what is in the food can it be causing it lol.

Gross I mean if made a mix of all the color paints and mixed together it's looks like shit

Okkkii..... Thank u lol

Consider this a public service announcement. Your welcome.

Ps again

Gum does not clean ur mouth!
Tooth paste/mouth wash does.

Guys, this is how u attract woman,and keep the woman in ur life ATTRACTED TO YOU.

do come home from work and want nookie before cleaning ur cookie ...ewww

And mouth lol


Apr 29 2023 08:35AM
     Sioux City SD & Minneapolis 💜 The Heart 💕 Land USA
Hey Beeswaxers,

Gina here--- getting to Sioux City, SD today!
And then to Minneapolis, MN Tuesday-Saturday!

Any random HX ppl in between? Wanna meet up for some BBQ? LoL.

Anyone wanna throw in their 2 cents come on in drop ur pennies in the pond here!

Who has a little experience out here in America's Heartland ❤️

Loving life in Middle of America, on my way to Mall of America, to go to Macy's & Ikea as they are far from where I live out here.

As always, still delightful and charming

GinaGalaxy, Heartland's MostWanteddddddd

I am going to learn to drive a tractor tomorrow!

Attached Pictures


Oct 13 2022 10:27PM
     Who Wants To See What I Look Like

But before I upload a recent pix

Let's have some fun and guesses.

I'll start off with the worst guess

100lb over weight, pale scaly skin, oily dandruff shoulder length grey hair, deflated t*ts, inflated ass,
Headgear, hearing aid, eye patch, and missing a button on my sweater....

Ok your turn...

Am I still fantasy?
Or disaster?

I'll set a memo in my phone to come back here bout 1am your time Friday night....
Cuz I will forget lol.

MissY u All


Aug 26 2022 12:14AM
     GinaGalaxy Visits Hell 1 More Time
I mean Cali...


U guys r the only good thing bout it besides old friends n fam.

Will b exhausting doing a turn around trip ..

But I'm getting my braces off finallyyyyy Jesus fukn fuk on that 3 years NOW suppose to be 18months!!

And I'm getting Invisalign too!!! So not done errr

Anyways.... Looking for sushi & where I live now... Sushi isn't good... I did go to one of the best sushi places in my life in DT Minneapolis called Billy's

Anyhow... I'll b flying in soon...I'm not even gonna bring anything lol .

Oh ya slight chance damn moving company gonna show up this weekend so

I'll cancel coming if they come Sunday...of course they pick to leave yesterday out of thirty days they have..dunno they have loads in Colorado and montana do it's close...errrr..

But certain things in life are a SHAM!

Loving my newwwww homeeeeeee omg if u ever wanted to leave just DO IT



Dec 26 2021 09:51AM
     2022 NEW YEAR "resolutions" and the old ones we kept!
My new year "promise" is to not use-straws not just for the environment

But cuz I notice without I drink beverages slower and then can still have soda cuz I don't chug it lol

However single serving drinks like a frappachino doesn't matter cuz I'll b drinking the whole thing any ways lol

Old promised kept

No bagels 7 years ago (had like this year and guilty n yes they r more fattening than a donut)

Scrubbing my feet every shower 9 years ago...



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