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Level 0 Male

 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Mar 8 2023 09:20PM
     Gloom guy will love this
Coming revolution in electronics, nuclear fusion, power name it
Progressives never understand that human ingenuity is the greatest asset of all

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Feb 8 2023 08:53PM
     Joe's SOTU
Was the best ever......discuss


Jan 1 2023 03:05PM
     The Wardens new plan
Since we can't build any more homes, find any more water or make electricity in this state
I like Gruesome's new plan to shrink the Cali population back to manageable size!
And, he's fixing our problem with too many Progressives by losing more House seats!
Go Warden!


Dec 25 2022 11:07AM
     Merry XMAS
To You!
If you're one of the 350,000 that left CA in 2022


Oct 6 2022 10:21PM
     DACA Illegal?
Obama did that, how can it be illegal?


Oct 5 2022 10:47AM
     Life imitates art
Kamala, is that you?

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Veep vs. Kamala


Sep 14 2022 03:27PM
     LA Supervisor's house searched by LA Sheriff's Dept.
Bwahahahaha, you fucking LA people, what a shithole.
Maybe they're searching for a place to put all your homeless?

You idiots pay the City Council morons $207k/year to fuck you in the ass and your Supervisors $258k/year to break their cock off in your ass.........and I'm talking about Sheila Kuehl's cock.

Fucking Zelda

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Sep 12 2022 10:13PM
     Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change (cont)
Since Progressives are the dumbest fucks on the planet
Yet refuse to eliminate their carbon footprint by killing themselves
And seem intent on nagging the fuck out of the rest of us
I would just like to know their plan to solve this little problem?

"Beijing is building more coal-fired capacity than the rest of the world combined, U.S. climate lectures notwithstanding. S&P Global Commodity Insights recently estimated that China is planning or building coal-fired power plants with a total capacity of at least 100 gigawatts."

Global Energy Monitor estimates that, as of July 2022, China had some 258 coal-fired power stations—or some 515 individual units—proposed, permitted or under construction. If completed they would generate some 290 gigawatts, more than 60% of the world's total coal capacity under development.

Since China signed the Paris pact, its coal-fired power capacity has increased by some 185 gigawatts, S&P Global Commodity Insights estimated earlier this summer. The U.S. has decreased its coal capacity by about 80 gigawatts since late 2015.

President Xi Jinping addressed carbon-neutrality goals in March, saying “we can’t be detached from reality. . . . We can’t toss away what’s feeding us now while what will feed us next is still not in our pocket,” according to a South China Morning Post report that cited the state-run People’s Daily. But Biden officials don’t want to believe what they hear.

While the Biden Administration does all it can to restrict U.S. fossil fuels, no matter the economic harm, Beijing is charging ahead with coal imports, coal mining and coal power to become the world’s leading economy. They must marvel at their good fortune in having rivals who are so self-destructive.

If you meet a Prog on the street, do the world a favor and please delete them and their carbon.


Sep 8 2022 09:25PM
     Trump selling secrets part 8 - foreign consequences
You guys are funny
About as far out of the loop as anyone can be
But still got an opinion on both sides
Well, here's your chance to keep it going
Don't post til my popcorn is hot, k?


Sep 1 2022 06:03PM
     Bank of America announces zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages for first-time homebuyers
Get you some fine mortgages at B of A!
Does Beverly Hills or Newport Coast qualify?
Close the racial gap today but what about the fags, gender fluids, binaries and trans???
All you gotta do is buy a house in an area you don't want to live in.

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Aug 26 2022 11:07PM
     Trump search affidavit has been released Part 2
Keep going, part 1 was hilarious
Frank, stop with the serial posts, k?
My boner is monumentally ginormous
And I'm ready to jizz

If I can get a few more posts
I will blow like Krakatoa
And send a cloud of splooey around the globe
Thanks in advance!


Aug 25 2022 09:37AM
     Socialism, if ran properly, is for the people. plain and simple.

The beauty of socialism is that there's never ANY corruption, favoritism, nepotism, power grabbing, rando killings or any other negatives. AND, it's the best economic system ever and ever, lol.

Fucking idiot............


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