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 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Aug 20 2022 11:21PM
     With regrets to Theodor Geisel
They gotta be punking us.....
Republicans are coming out with a special lineup of books, lol

Horton Hears a Dog Whistle
Green Eggs and Hannity
How the Grinch Stole the Election
The Cat in the MAGA Hat.

Hansel and Greta Thunberg
Snow White Anglo Protestant
Goldman Sachs and the Three Bear Markets
Roger Stone Soup
Little Red State Riding Hood

"Where the Woke Things Are", about a little DNA clone that visits an island of leftist monsters who try to scare him with accusations of racism, transphobia and climate denial. He discovers they're a bunch of oversized snowflakes and he sends them to bed with no supper.

Then there's "The Three Little Libs", 2 get eaten. One after declaring the wolf an endangered species and the other when a liberal DA reduces the wolf's charge to a misdemeanor and releases him. The third little lib wisely switches parties, joins the NRA and enjoys some wolf fajitas

Then theres....
Cloudy With a Chance of Rand Pauls
The Phantom Voting Booth
James and the Giant Impeachment Hoax
Heather Has 2 Mommies......Who Will Burn In Hell

The Chronicles of Antifa
Harry Potter and the Soros Stone

Plus for adults, we have.....
Curious George Bush
Goodnight Roe
The Little Elon That Could
Charlotte's Web of Conspiracy Theories
And To Think I Saw It On MSNBC
Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad FBI Raid

I lol'ed, kudos to Roy Rivenberg formerly at the LA Times
That's fucking funny

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Jul 9 2022 05:26AM
     I just got clubbed like a baby seal the Site!
Now I know what Chris Rock felt like when Ali slapped the shit out his face.

How many of you have received a personalized PM from the site?
With their posted permission in this blog, I'll happily copy/paste the message as proof.
All I can say at this time is this.
Apparently, they were very very close to some of my family members at the 4th of July BBQ.

I think that's fantastic, but my brothers are kinda bummed at being left out.
Maybe we can set something up for them on Thanksgiving?


Jul 3 2022 04:18PM
     Biden admin is a disgrace Part II
Here's some facts for the crash test dummy of HX..............MA

Americans are 3 times more likely to cite economic issues (inflation) than abortion as a voting concern.......per Politico poll

Two thirds (2/3) or 67% blame Biden's policies for inflation (IBD/TIPP poll)
That includes a majority of independent voters, as well as...........
Wait for it...........
Wait again for it.........

Even a majority of your own party blames Uncle Joe for the shit this old fuck is putting us thru.
Now their 401k is down 25% and they're about to be evicted from their double wide
MA, your team is fucked..........totally fucked............fucked by the Biden peen..........

Enough with the hopey/changey crap, deal with it............ like the human garbage that you are
Somebody, please take out the trash!


Jun 29 2022 09:30PM
     Progressive Armageddon
Come November, I expect most voters will elect not to live in a state of constant political rage and moral chaos.

How many are sick and tired of incessant bullhorn politics?
If you hated mean tweets, you're probably fed up with Progressive nags.
This book may explain why they're so miserable.
Hope so........

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Liberal Misery


May 18 2022 03:25PM
     Joe Biden's stock market
Sea of red on my monitors

At least we'll all have the same racial and gender "equity" in our destitution.
Biden is awesome!


May 13 2022 02:41PM
     Roe v wade to be overturned part trois
"The same thing can be said about GBD's question, 1st or 2nd or 3rd trimester, I never thought about it before. We are strictly talking about the rights to abortion. That is all. Again, I am not a physician, and never asked women to do abortion. I am not too familiar with the detail. All I know is European countries are adopting 10-14 weeks peirod, that is all. So excuse me"

EXACTLY, you've never given a thought to the BS that you post.
But the devil is in the details so why don't you think about it and give us all an answer.
How do you think that abortion should be treated in the 3 trimesters???

By the way, the Europeans aren't "adopting" 10 - 14 weeks, that's where they've been for a while now.
Poland and other Catholic countries don't allow it.
So for all you Euro loving Prog about 10 - 14 weeks?
Mississippi's law is currently the 20th week, which is more liberal than most of Europe.

WTF is wrong with you morons?
Answer the question, Rawdawger.........what's it gonna be in your opinion on those trimesters???


May 12 2022 09:45PM
We got Joe fucking Biden and they got Sanna Marin???

I'd like to play hide the sausage with this one

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Prime Minister of Finland


May 2 2022 01:49PM
     Artificial Real Estate Market?
700,000 foreclosures not processed in last 2 years due to Foreclosure moratorium
3 million evictions not processed in last 2 years due to Eviction Ban

Skyrocketing home prices and 15% rent increases due to artificially low inventory
Can anyone say "unintended consequences"?

There's a price to pay for this bullshit.


Apr 25 2022 11:12AM
     Anybody know if Putin's girl is on the site?
Alina Kabaeva
Check out her signature gymnastic move
I'd like to meet her
Hit me up if you know her handle
Thx in advance!

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Apr 18 2022 04:51PM
     For Jimbo
Here you go, ya homeless basket-case............

In the LA Times yesterday:

"When Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers settle on details of a new California budget in June to provide another year of government services for almost 40 million people, they will do so largely by tapping the fortunes of one of the most exclusive groups of taxpayers in the nation.

The group includes almost 100,000 taxpayers with incomes above $1 million — residents who represent only about one-half of 1% of all tax returns filed in the state but collectively pay about 40% of all California personal income taxes.

State data show that of the more than 17.5 million personal income tax filings in 2019, there were 96,322 tax forms with an adjusted gross income of at least $1 million. These taxpayers had a collective tax liability of $35.3 billion — the single biggest share of the state’s $90 billion in personal income taxes."

But those bastards need to pay their fair share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 13 2022 09:20PM
     People die by becoming tangled in their bedsheets?
It has something to do with cheese consumption
Does Gloom Guy know about this?

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Apr 12 2022 10:17PM
     NR, Cali comes in at #47. A Final Report Card on the States Response to COVID-19
Born and raised here, never leaving, love the place
But some of you are fucking this place up
And you know who you are

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