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 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Mar 19 2022 04:01PM
     Today in stupid: why are there still apes? Part 2
"100 years ago, 100% of scientists didn't believe in continental drift
40 years ago, 100% of medical doctors didn't believe that ulcers were caused by H. Pylori
Right now, 100% of Progs believe we're all gonna die from climate change within 10 years."

"Completely false."

Diverdown3, which part is false? Please elaborate.
The scientific community was flabbergasted when continental drift was posited and proved
It took one lone doctor almost 20 years to convince the medical community about H Pylori
So, it must be the last one.
Maybe it's only 97% of Progs believe that "existential threat" bullshit.
Meanwhile everybody outside the 1st world would just like a fridge and an A/C...........powered by what? Renewables?
That's garbage and if you believed in science you'd know it

Lastly, the economics community has been trying to tell you idiots that to lower the temp by 1.5 degrees will cost trillions more than you think. Where's your science there? Any reasonably minded sane person can see that there are other solutions than to 100% all in to this "green agenda", it's garbage science.

Anyway, please tell us what part is completely false. BTW, I'm a believer in Darwin all the way......many of you need to be on his list.


Mar 11 2022 09:10PM
     Jussie and the Clintons!
"I'm not suicidal......."

Anybody know what he did to piss off Hillary?
He seems to be worried about his upcoming jail time.


Mar 11 2022 03:30PM
     Most Democrats Say They’d Flee, Not Fight, a Ukraine-Style Invasion
"A Progressive is someone too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel.

The pollster asked: What would you do if you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, stay and fight or leave the country? Shockingly, more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would cut and run if the U.S. homeland were invaded.

This is most Democrats saying they’d rather leave America than defend it. Only a pathetic 40% said they would stick around. 1 in 4 Republicans said they’d flee—not exactly the don’t-tread-on-me spirit I was expecting.

This, on the other hand, is abject cowardice—at best. The conflict hypothesized by the Quinnipiac pollsters wasn’t a war for oil or empire. Poll respondents were asked to envision a foreign invader on their own front porch. Imagine Vladimir Putin has sent his shock troops to level your hometown, to occupy your high school and drop a missile on the hospital where you were born. If you won’t fight for hearth and home, what would you fight for?

The only appropriate response here is disgust. Making matters worse, the 52 percenters had the option to lie. It would have cost them nothing to say, “Yeah, I’m a patriot. I’ll stay and fight.” That suggests they put antipathy toward their country above the near-universal human impulse not to look like a quisling.

Being born an American is about the luckiest thing that could happen to a person. Sure, we have issues. Yes, Jan. 6 was bad. But government of the people, by the people, for the people, is still a rare thing. It’s still worth fighting for.

I never thought I’d live to see the day half of Democrats would toss the whole country to the wolves if given the chance."

Good Wall St. Journal article, lol


Jan 31 2022 09:42PM
     When will they ever learn?

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Jan 28 2022 10:45PM
     Breyer retiring and Biden's pledge: Part II
Previous OP is gonna love this:

Not predicting this will happen but the Repubs could stop Bidens nomination dead in its tracks if they chose to do so. Of course, they're pussies, so probably won't.

Stay with me here cause it's complicated:

The Senate of 2022 is tied, with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, which presents Republicans with an interesting procedural option: denying a quorum in the Senate Judiciary Committee, thus preventing the nomination from being reported out of committee and placed on the calendar, and ultimately moved to the Senate floor.

Senate Democrats attempted this strategy in 2020 during the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Because the Dems were in the minority at that time, the Repubs were able to move ABC out of committee to the floor for a vote (committee composition is proportional to the composition of the senate itself such that all the Repubs simply showing up composed a quorum, they didn't need a single Dem to be present).

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee would be 50/50, just like the Senate. If the Repub half simply doesn't show up, Senate Rule 26 would not allow the nomination to move out of committee to the floor (a quorum of committee members would not be physically present to allow it).

Theoretically, by simply playing hooky, the Repubs could stymie Joe til the election changes the composition of the Senate. Then he's really and truly fucked.

If the Dems were in the driver's seat, they would abso-fucking-lutely do this cause to them, politics is a take no prisoners fuck 'em in the ass when they're unconscious on the ground blood sport, pure and simple. The Repubs try to play nice now and then, so I don't expect them to try and "run out the clock" on Joe for almost 3 years til the next Prez election.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. There's very small odds that you don't get a woman of color on SCOTUS............unless she's a conservative nominated by a future Repub Prez.

Wouldn't that be ironic, lol

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Jan 7 2022 03:32PM
     367,000 leaving
July 2020 - 2021 CA net domestic migration out

Compared to 1993 of 428,000 and 2006 of 315,000 previous high out migrations
Anybody notice that people leave CA when RE gets overpriced and a recession looms?


Dec 19 2021 09:26PM
     I started this blog so that JustHavingFun1 can post 49 times to close it out
So, don't anybody post here, thank you!


Dec 17 2021 10:26PM
     Choose who you are!!!
Why be an asshole and post 5 times to end the blog?

Why does anybody have to choose between one or the other?
It's not a sliding scale between one pole and the other.
Black vs white, that's the choice?

Nah, homey don't play that.
That's the chickenshit way out of the dilemma of thinking for yourself
Nice little round holes that let you plug people in them, huh?
That's just plain dumb.

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Dec 8 2021 10:00PM
     Who's the Biggest Liar?
Not who told more lies but who told the bigliest lie?
It's my blog, so no adding new names.
Just who and which lie

1. Jessie Smollett
2. Donald Trump
3. Elizabeth Holmes
4. Joe Biden


Sep 16 2021 09:29PM
     Lockdowns Part 2
Shout out to Mad
For having the Balls to step up
They may be baby steps
But it's a start

Thanks for leading with ur chin
Knowing you'd get shit for it
At least, you're willing and able to explain ur journey

OTOH, poor fucked up dty with nary a clue
Say thank you to NR for rescuing ur drowning ass

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Lockdowns Part 1


Sep 15 2021 02:46PM
For the gaping maw of an axe-wound cunt DTY:
Here you go shit-for-brains, wasn't even that hard to find.
Hard to get all the links on this but there are a lot here
Couldn't possibly link them all as attachments, so you'll have to copy/paste
But, I know you won't.......
Cause you aren't on the Blogs all day and don't wanna know anyway

The Truth About Lockdowns


People Suffering from Other Diseases
1.4 million additional tuberculosis deaths due to lockdown disruptions Tweet: 1.4 million additional tuberculosis deaths due to lockdown disruptions.

500,000 additional deaths related to HIVTweet: 500,000 additional deaths related to HIV projected because of lockdowns.

Malaria deaths could double to 770,000 total per yearTweet: Lockdowns could could double Malaria deaths to 770,000 total per year.

65 percent decrease in all cancer screeningsTweet: This is bad. Because of lockdowns: 65% decrease in all cancer screenings.

Breast cancer screenings dropped 89 percentTweet: Why do we ignore stats like these? Breast cancer screenings dropped 89% during the lockdowns.

Colorectal screenings dropped 85 percentTweet: I have 2 friends who have died before the age of 50 this year. In part - I blame the lockdowns - Colorectal screenings dropped 85%

Projected increase in cancer deaths, including up to 16.6 percent increase in colorectal cancer deaths, 9.5 percent increase in breast cancer deaths, and 5.4 percent increase in lung cancer deaths over the next 5 yearsTweet: Projected increase in cancer deaths
- 16.6% increase in colorectal cancer deaths
- 9.5% increase in breast cancer deaths
- 5.4% increase in lung cancer deaths over the next 5 years

75 percent decrease in suspected cancer referrals in the UKTweet: The UK got hit even harder: 75% decrease in suspected cancer referrals

At least 1/3 of excess deaths in the U.S. are already not related to COVID-19Tweet: Did you see this study? At least 1/3 of excess deaths in the U.S. are already not related to #COVID19.

Widespread disruption of access to health care in the UK, disproportionately for poor individualsTweet: Lockdowns are starving kids. Widespread disruption of access to health care in the UK, disproportionately for poor individuals.

Increase in cardiac arrests but decrease in EMS calls for themTweet: Someone listened in to 911 calls across the country, then compared stats. They found an increase in cardiac arrests but decrease in EMS calls for them

38% decrease in heart disease-related treatmentsTweet: Not a good stat: 38% decrease in heart disease-related treatments. People are afraid to go to the doctor.

33% drop in heart attack patients, 58% drop in stroke patientsTweet: Oh look! COVID cures heart disease. Or not.
Harvard study: 33% drop in heart attack patients, 58% drop in stroke patients

Significant increase in stress-related cardiomyopathy during lockdownsTweet: Significant increase in stress-related cardiomyopathy during lockdowns. (Also known as
15,000 additional non-COVID Alzheimer�s deaths (as of June � likely much higher now)Tweet: 15,000 additional non-COVID Alzheimer�s deaths (as of June � likely much higher now)

By mid-October, 3 million people in the UK had missed out on cancer screenings since the start of the pandemic
Starvation and Food Insecurity
168k child hunger deaths predicted in AfricaTweet: Fewer than 200 deaths of children in the US from COVID... but consider:
168k child hunger deaths predicted in Africa

r deaths expected per day globally due to lockdown disruptions, up to 6,000 "ofspring" Tweet: As many as 12,000 additional hunger deaths expected per day globally due to lockdown disruptions, up to 6,000 children

World Food Programme sees an 82% increase in food insecurityTweet: Devastating. World Food Programme sees an 82% increase in food insecurity

132 million additional people in sub-Saharan Africa are projected to be undernourished due to lockdown disruptionsTweet: From Nature: 132 million additional people in sub-Saharan Africa are projected to be undernourished due to lockdown disruptions

More than 50 million people living in America, including 17 million children, are likely to experience food insecurity by the end of the yearTweet: NBCNews: More than 50 million people living in America, including 17 million children, are likely to experience food insecurity

UNICEF is having to feed UK children for the first timeTweet: The 1st world has lost. UNICEF is having to feed UK children for the first time

2 million Filipino families are starving because of lockdowns, at levels �never seen before�Tweet: 2 million Filipino families are starving because of lockdowns, at levels �never seen before�

UN warns that the famine and lockdown fallout in 2021 will be catastrophicTweet: UN warns that the famine and lockdown fallout in 2021 will be catastrophic

Effects on "Offspring"
Study estimates up to 2.3 million additional child deaths in the next year from lockdowns
Lockdowns are fueling child labor, including in commercial sex exploitation, mining, and tobacco production
Up to 104% increase in new HIV infections among children
Millions of girls have been deprived of access to food, basic healthcare, and protection and thousands exposed to abuse and exploitation
FGM increases in Africa, setting back previous widespread efforts to end FGM
Lockdown impact: an estimated 13 million more child marriages
Teen pregnancy up in many countries
Low-income students are suffering in online classes, widening inequality
School closures leading to a disproportionate increased health, social and economic divides between low and high-income families
School closures in the US decreased reported child abuse by 27 percent
Billions of days of lost education worldwide
Decreased access to healthcare
Anxiety and stress from stay-at-home orders
Sharp rise in eating disorders among children
Child abuse reports increased 34% in Ireland between March and December
Children, in greater numbers and at younger ages, are facing suicide and drug problems in Bradford, UK due to lockdowns


Sep 14 2021 09:21PM
     Warden Newsome survives recall


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