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 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Aug 20 2021 08:32PM
     CGEM and the triads
I dont do DM's
You must be a young woke type
Words are violence or some such BS
I don't buy that shit
And, everybody/everything is fair game
Especially if you're the sensitive type, gotta have thick skin around these parts

Gotta say I'm disappointed that you don't know one of the earliest Chinese actors in Hollywood
Yeah, he got typecast with typical racist bullshit roles
Ironically by the Jewish owners of the studios, who should've known better
But, he was the real deal

So, the reference is NOT what you thought

Meet Hop Sing (see link)
No hard feelings

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Aug 9 2021 08:58PM
     Mario Cuomo

Can't believe nobody's got anything to say about this arsehole serial titty grabber
Bring it


Jul 8 2021 10:24PM
     Dumb and Dumber 2 The Sequel
Did I not predict that I would post something completely stupid from my Rawdawger account?
Hit the link
Read post #50
Take a bow

Course, Rawdawger is my retard shill account
Gotta stay within the parameters of my 3rdth personality
Need to stop posting from that account though
I'm killing myself with laughter spewing witty banter
From my ginormifucktard handle

Attached Links
Jimmy's dumb blog, one of many


Apr 4 2021 04:47PM
     So happy that Joe is different than Don
Even the Washington Post gave him 4 Pinocchios for his lying about Georgia election law
I really really thought it would all be different now that a trusted old friend like Grandpa runs the show
What a cuck.......

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Mar 14 2021 10:17PM
     China is eating our lunch, according to Bill Maher Part 2?
I'll just add that the rare earth issue is a canard.
It's just a name folks, they're not all that rare.
US military has already got alternate sources for what our defense industry needs
And, a cutoff by China would send a price signal for companies to open new mining operations
Then the idiot politicians would enact a law creating the National Rare Earth Reserve
Another giant boondoggle like the National Helium Reserve
Which probably none of you ever heard of
There are NO lengths to which the guvmint won't go to fuck shit up
Yet some of you morons think we should let them run everything and just send us $1,400 now and then

Attached Links
National Helium Reserve


Mar 6 2021 11:02AM
     Things I will put up your ass, if you don't STFU
by Dr. Seuss


Mar 4 2021 09:54PM
     Vernon Jordan dead at 85
Civil rights leader and one of the cool Dems
Not an idiot Progressive
We need more like him

No comments yet

Feb 21 2021 04:28PM
     Crip Camp
Anybody seen these retards on Netflix?

Not sure how Barry and Michelle are Exec Producers but this is one fine documentary
2 thumbs up!


Feb 19 2021 11:22AM
     Gloomy News for Trump and Democrats
From Trumps own pollster, post election analysis:

In 10 highly competitive states that he won in 2016, he lost 5 in 2020.
Trump lost in those states even though the electorate was more Republican in 2020 than in 2016.
Largely due to a massive swing among Independents and erosion among Republicans.
Now you know how the Reps gained a dozen House seats but Trump lost.

"While a majority of voters said they didn't find EITHER candidate honest or trustworthy" (lol), Biden held a double-digit advantage over POTUS.
Trump was favored 6 to 1 on the economy but Covid was the top voter issue and Biden carried those voters by 3 to 1.

MOST STARTLING is that Trump suffered his greatest erosion with WHITE voters, particularly white men in both state groups......this offset his double digit gains with Hispanics while he did about the same with blacks as 2016.

Basically, Trump lost to himself. While he blamed everybody else for his defeat, 2020 was winnable........he just fucked it up and now we got Grandpa sitting in a corner drooling while his #2 plots Regicide.


Feb 17 2021 09:19PM
     Courageous Progressive steps up
This guy from Queens has large testicles
Cuomo = POS

Attached Links
CNN Cuomo


Feb 14 2021 03:51PM
     Should they get "hero" pay?
Not those idiot grocery workers, lol

I'm talking 'bout the ladies of HX


Jan 31 2021 03:03PM
     California Deaths
2020 = 310,701
2019 = 270,959
2018 = 270,129
2017 = 269,409

If the average over the last 3 years is about 270,000 and we had 310,000 in 2020, do we really have excess deaths of 40,000 in the year due to Covid?

And, how many were due to Covid vs. Lockdowns and other reasons? Denied or deferred medical procedures, increased suicides, etc etc

Did our Governator cause the spike this fall by closing outdoor dining options forcing everybody to stay at home with their superspreader offspring?

And, why did he disproportionately damage the poor/homeless/people of color? Did he do this purposefully cause he's white and privileged and has nice slicked back hair?

Will he survive the recall?


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