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Level 0 Male

 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Dec 20 2020 04:58AM
     Well, I was wrong.
You got your second dedicated blog, Fishy!

"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
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"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
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"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."
"Well, I was wrong."


Dec 19 2020 02:12PM
     A Law only CA Progressives could love AB 2088
Tax anyone who spends 60 days or more in the State of CA
And, hunt them down for that tax for the next 10 years after they leave
Tax them on their entire worldwide net worth each year for 10 years, even though they don't live here and were just visiting

There isn't a laughing emoji big enough to post so i gotta go with the usual

Introduced by Assembly Members Bonta, Carrillo, Chiu, Gonzalez, Kalra, Santiago, Mark Stone, Ting, and Wicks
(Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Chu)
(Principal coauthor: Senator Skinner)
(Coauthor: Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer)
(Coauthors: Senators Durazo and Lena Gonzalez)
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Dec 16 2020 10:33PM
     What will CNN do?
Now that Trump is gone?
Biden will not drive ratings, so how does CNN survive?
Will they be forced to actually report news?
I figured somebody here will know.
Thanks in advance


Dec 6 2020 04:06PM
     RIP Williams & Johnson
None of you bitches even know who I'm talking about

PS Johnson used to have a house on Balboa Island, where you'd see him out walking around. A gentleman and a scholar
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Nov 10 2020 10:45PM
     Rawdogger is unintelligible
"You refused to explain why you made a hideous comment when John Lewis deceased."

And, I asked you to prove that I did that.
Haven't seen your proof, idiot.
Make it hap'n cap'n or it doesn't exist.

Does everybody talk weird where you're from or are you the outlier?
It might also help us understand why you don't think correctly.
Your cogitation is jumbled, syntax is pre-adult and your conclusions addlepated and constipated.

Where you from, rawdogger?
Help us help you


Sep 6 2020 03:15PM
14 NO
15 NO
16 NO
17 YES
18 NO
19 NO
20 NO
21 NO
22 YES
23 NO
24 NO
25 YES

Vote, you dummies! That includes you, WorldAss!
Not as fun as rioting but you won't get arrested


Sep 6 2020 03:04PM
     Assembly Bill 323
By the time they're done, the only ones getting fucked by AB 5 will be Uber & Lyft

A bunch of people got a "Cali" reprieve

That doesn't mean sanity has returned to Sacraghetto

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No comments yet

Sep 5 2020 01:32PM
     Words of Truth to BLM

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Words of Truth to BLM


Sep 2 2020 09:01PM
     Pay attention to the science!
The failed experiment of Covid lockdowns.

Trend Macro conclusion:

"There's no escaping the evidence that, at minimum, heavy lockdowns were no more effective than light ones, and that opening up a lot was no more harmful than opening up a little. Lockdowns didn't help and opening up didn't hurt.

In theory, the spread of an infectious disease ought to be controllable by quarantine. Evidently not in practice, though we are aware of no researcher who understands why not.

This research was done in the US, but a publication of the Lancet published research that found similar results looking across countries rather than US states"

Holy fuck! You mean we did lockdowns and trashed our economy for nothing???

And, Joe wants to do it again?


Aug 29 2020 02:39PM
     100th Birthday for Charlie Parker!
Bird would be 100 today.
He changed jazz forever
Just sayin'


Aug 25 2020 04:21PM
     PostMaster General is EVIL!
In 1957, Arthur Summerfield, the US Postmaster General attempted to deal with a budgetary shortfall by doing what made sense to him at the time. He cut back on Saturday delivery............. back in 1957!

Everybody went crazy, so Congress passed emergency appropriations and Ike signed off.
Now, we are back to the same old crazy, amirite?

This gets better........

Art was stung by the bad publicity, so he worked out a plan over 2 years, he arranged for the use of the USS Barbero, a nuke sub, and gained access to a 5 ton Regulus missile.
The plan was to load it up with US mail, fire the missile from sea, launched at a distant target.
Then Summerfield would retrieve the letters and have them delivered to their addresses........
THUS, providing a preview of the speed of the future mail, lol

On a spring morning in 1959, 100 miles out in the Atlantic, the missile was fired equipped with landing gear and arrive payload intact. The US Postmaster was there to greet the missile and unload the 3,000 letters, all which had been written and signed by him and had a 4 cent stamp on them.

That was the first and only US Mail delivered by missile...........

And, 60 years later, you fucking idiots are still arguing about the mail and Saturday delivery

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Aug 16 2020 02:39PM
     Corruption in Cali?
Anybody ever heard of Behested Payments?

That's when a politician hits you up for a shakedown "legally"......... only in California.

I am shocked and aghast!

Check out 2020 in the link

While you're looking at links, check out the Top Ten donors to Calif Prop 13, to change taxes on commercial/industrial property.

Anybody here think Unions aren't feeding at the public trough by taxing the shit out of us???

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