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Level 0 Male

 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Apr 10 2024 10:46PM
     This is all wrong!
Make "Current Events" just News and Weather now
That unnamed other stuff is now nuclear waste.


Apr 1 2024 12:37PM
     Did everybody celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility yesterday?
Here are more coming up, so you can add them to your calendar.
If there's a TOS in here, I apologize up it's hard to know these days:

Feb 19-25 - Aromatic spectrum awareness week

March 21-25 - LGBTQIA+ health awareness week

March 31 - Transgender day of visibility

April 6 - International asexuality day
April 13 - International day of pink (day opposing homophobia)
April 14 - LGBTQ day of silence
April 26 - Lesbian visibility day

May 17th - International day against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
May 19th - Agender Pride day
May 22 - Harvey Milk day
May 25 - Pansexual & Panromantic awareness day

June 23 - Stonewall day
June 28 - International LGBTQ+ day

July 14 - International non-binary people day
July 16 - International drag day

September 16-23 Bisexual awareness week
September 23 - Celebrate bisexuality day

October 8 - International lesbian day
October 11 - National coming out day
October 17-24 Genderfluid visibility week
October 19 - International pronoun day
October 19 - Spirit day (support for LGBTQ+ clones)
October 23-29 Asexual awareness Week
October 26 - Intersex awareness day

ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER - Trans Awareness Month
November 5 - Trans parent day
November 8 - Intersex day of remembrance
November 13-19 - Transgender awareness week
November 20 - Transgender day of remembrance



Apr 1 2024 12:17PM
     Well, that didn't take long
Expelled from Rash Cream's club!!!

Rash doesn't like when you disagree with his politics, even in his private club.
Rather than just delete a post, he booted me and I don't know what to do know or what club to join!
What a surprise!


Mar 9 2024 07:28PM
     Biden Warns Netanyahu a Rafah Assault Would Cross ‘Red Line’
This after he told that damn Jew, Bibi, they were having a "come to Jesus" meeting lol

Must be one of those "Obama" red lines
You draw it, then forget it.
This old fuck is more performative than Gavin on his best day.


Mar 8 2024 10:36PM
     Biden will deliver the State of Confusion tonight Part 2
"if you don't know it, then you're just a posturing moron sycophant for that side of the aisle."

I posted that..........and guess who volunteered to be the posturing moron sycophant lol

And, the Oscar goes to.............MA
Seriously, you cannot make this shit up but Koala Turd came in a close second lol

QED, the existing partisan rancor is NOT being caused by just one party, it takes two to bicker

AOC has now become "Not left" enough for a party that thinks men can become women to steal awards from them in sports competitions, who commit felonies daily to support a murderous regime called Hamas, who allow millions of "undocumented persons" to show us that there is no border, that think the Treasury is just a piggy bank to be raided for the benefit of a President who just isn't very popular, that would call general rioting in the street "no big thang", that are now crying "uncle" because their "sanctuary cities" are being invaded by the very people that they callously allow to be taken advantage of by murdering cartels who are becoming billionaires on the backs of the very same poor, Dems who seem to enjoy spending billions while housing NOONE..........more billions to support Unions who won't allow poor children to attend schools that work or unions and their consultants that waste money building boondoggles to nowhere........

Like I said, the list is endless. YES, the Dems are just as corrupt, just as venal, just as stupid, just as everything that the Pubs are.........there is NO false equivalency except in your small kool-aid addled brain.

Fucking Screaming Joe will barely be able to beat a thieving Don, if at all............and all your posts that he will beat him easily show what a complete posturing moron sycophant you are lol

Don't immanentize the eschaton, you blithering idiot MA
Have a nice day and be well..............

Attached Links


Feb 16 2024 10:48PM
     $350 million judgement
Discuss lol


Feb 8 2024 06:44PM
     He said a potential jury might see Biden as an "elderly man with a poor memory."
The White House is pissed!

Attached Links
Biden special prosecutor top secret papers


Feb 4 2024 11:09AM
     Butz finances?
Truly mesmerizing lol

Attached Links
Butz credit card


Jan 26 2024 03:56PM
     DeSantis drops out…Part 2
What the fuck you mean we're done?
I'm sure Butz has some more posts he needs to get out, amirite?

And, where's Rash Cream when you need a pithy post?

AF, whatever you want to call Haley is fine but she beats Biden and Trump does not, imo
I could be wrong but the numbers are working against Trump
Too many Pubs and Indys just won't vote for him, even if he were the ONLY one on the ballot

Frankly, given what I've seen of his POLICY statements..........we don't want him to win
This guy has NO decent policy proposals beyond his first day of repealing all of Biden's Exec Orders
After that, he's fucking done.

10% Tariff on all imported goods? That could be the singularly dumbest idea I've heard only rivaled by Joe's immigration policy. AND, there's lots more bad where that came from.

Trump is NOT a Pub, he's just a populist that's shanghaied about 70% of the Pub party.
They should be ashamed of themselves.

Same thing has happened to the Dems, far left has shanghaied that party also.
Hence the polarization, what a mess this is.

Attached Links


Jan 7 2024 10:27PM
     Thank you Joe Biden part 4
Just reviewed part 3 and all i got is........

MA =

Fucking stooge links Salon, The Guardian and NBC News as sources, after an exhaustive AI search of the entire internet universe for articles that agree with his predetermined mindset

Even iWant ain't dumb enough to attach those links, even though these are his same sources lol
Howling at the world that grass is pink and the sky is yellow don't make it true no matter who you cite, little buddy.

The MuellerTurd mentality is no different than the Trumpturd mentality
And, you got it bad..........the Woke Mind Virus obviously has no cure
Apparently, this nasty bug presents as a feces reflux into the cranial cavity caused by premature closure of the digestive system terminus.

Recommendation is for dilation of said terminus by large foreign objects

Thoughts and prayers.......

Attached Links
Part 3


Dec 18 2023 11:21PM
     Thank you Joe Biden part 3

The Dem powers-that-be want Joe Biden GONE...........sooner than later.
They see the looming disaster coming.

The Washington Post, reliable Democratic Party mouth-piece, just published a 4,000 word Report on Biden family corruption going back almost 50 years!! And, yet MA hasn't heard of it

2 Hunter investigations, 9 indictments, Biden family making millions off political connections, Obama-whisperer David Axelrod suggesting that Biden step back, impeachment investigation opening up new investigative subpoena powers...........and NOW........we got WAPO publishing old news about Biden family corruption, including James, his wife Sara, Hunter and Joe?!?!?

The DNC wants Joe gone, don't be surprised when Joe announces he's quitting for the good of the country due to ill health.

Which means Trump is fucked.
Unless they run Harris, Trump loses to almost everybody else.

This just got interesting.
If Biden goes, the RNC will have to wake up and get a new candidate too.

Fingers crossed!
Maybe MA will buy a flea collar for his yappy little dog even!!!


Dec 8 2023 12:38AM
     Are we still celebrating indictments?
Hunter scored 9 new tax indictments today but is still far behind you-know-who.

Just sending a shout out to Hunter for trying his best to make it interesting.


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