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 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Nov 11 2023 11:52AM
     4 Boats Sunk by Orcas
The last one went down early this month after the yacht was pounded for 45 minutes.
Who wants to go sailing?


Nov 3 2023 09:47PM
     NASA scientist James Hansen says we need more pollution on planet Earth!!
James Hansen, who alerted much of the United States to the harms of climate change in dramatic congressional testimony in 1988, said Thursday that since 2010, the rate of warming has jumped by 50%.

Hansen argues that since 2010 there is more sun energy in the atmosphere, and less of the particles that can reflect it back into space thanks to efforts to cut pollution. "The loss of those particles means there’s less of the cooling effect that they can have."


Nov 2 2023 08:52PM
     Scam Bankrun-Fraud convicted
Could get more than 100 years
Still another trial to go in March, same time as sentencing for this conviction.

Who gets more years in prison..............SBF or Fat Orange?


Oct 29 2023 06:12PM
     US Navy blew up the Nord Stream pipeline?
I did not know that we declared war on Germany.................again


Oct 14 2023 03:24PM
     Gloom for the Gloomster!
The sun is headed for the peak of its 11-year activity cycle.
Mass coronal ejaculations threaten the worlds power grids.
In 2022, a solar surge caused 40 Starlink satellites to crash to Earth.
Unfortunately, none hit Hey0's single-wide.

Could this also be the peak in Climate warming for a while???

Have a nice day and enjoy the warm weekend!


Oct 8 2023 02:31PM
     iWanto post some Kershaw
"What "action" did you want Hillary to tahr? The dossier originated from the bush campaign then was passed on to Hillary. She has her people send it in to the FBI. The FBI investigated and the DOJ decided you can't charge a sitting president. As well as collusion isn't a statutory crime. Mueller made a report. Barr completely misrepresented it. Right wing media, as well as the msm, called it a day. Case closed. Hillary has nothing to do with it at this point"

You got absolutely EVERYTHING wrong except the part about collusion NOT being a crime, lol
Don't look now but that "legacy media" is double-fisting your pooter.
Hell, for all we know, you're enjoying it.


Sep 29 2023 06:57PM
     The Fuehrer gives Cali a break
"The California Air Resources Board on Thursday approved a waiver at the request of Gov. Gavin Newsom to allow the early use of winter-blend gasoline.It's an effort to lower the current spike in gas prices."We expect to see those prices begin to decline over the course of the next few weeks," said Newsom on Thursday"

Just shows how rigged our gas market is by these Prog fools.
Gas prices will start dropping now, maybe 80 cent drop pretty quickly, is what I've heard.


Sep 19 2023 06:37PM
     Climate change and younger students
Just when you think Gen Z is composed of nothing but airhead, they surprise you!

The Empty War on Climate Change

"The day President Biden was inaugurated, the price of oil was $55.66 a barrel. Today the price has soared to $94.58. While everyday Americans are concerned about putting food on the table and gasoline in their cars, the Biden administration is making performative sacrifices to climate-change deities and undermining national security.

Restrictions on domestic oil production do almost nothing to combat global warming. If the U.S. and other countries implemented their commitments under the Paris Agreement from 2030 onward, it would cost $1 trillion to $2 trillion a year and only reduce the global temperature increase by 0.05 degree Fahrenheit by 2100. The only way to address climate change substantively is to find clean-energy alternatives that undercut the price of fossil fuels. Yet the Biden administration pours hundreds of billions into inefficient regulations and subsidies, while neglecting research and development on new energy technology.

While not doing much about climate change, the Biden administration has managed to increase the cost of living and weaken national security. Canceling oil leases signals to markets that making new investments won’t be profitable. This restricts domestic supply, increases prices and weakens Western economies. It also bankrolls our adversaries. Russia depends on higher oil prices to finance its war. Mr. Biden has also drawn down the strategic petroleum reserve and, more recently, allowed huge Iranian oil sales to China. The climate-change war on domestic fossil-fuel production is truly an all-around disaster."

Amen withheld


Sep 18 2023 07:52PM
     Defund the FBI and DOJ! Part 2
You forgot another member of the alphabet soup, oh great jimbo.

The CIA Politicizes Intelligence on China and Covid
"A whistleblower says that analysts who favored the lab-leak theory were paid to change positions.

“The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their positions,” according to a Sept. 12 letter from two House committee chairmen.

An inscription in the wall of the CIA’s headquarters quotes John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

^ now that last part is funny
Given the amount taxpayer's fork over, you'd think we'd get a guvmint that wasn't totally inept

Attached Links
Part 1


Sep 15 2023 11:16PM
     He's such a great President, how could Joe lose?
This one's for Jimbo.......

"That Joe Biden has loaned his name to the state of the American economy is one of the greatest mysteries of our time. There is no group of Americans, not any region in the United States, in which a majority believes that the economy is getting better. Seventy percent of Americans believe that the economy is getting worse. Among white respondents, that number is 70 percent; among African Americans, it is 58 percent; among Hispanics, it is 77 percent. Seventy percent of men think it’s getting worse, as do 70 percent of women. In the South, that number is 73 percent; in the Midwest, it is 66 percent; in the West, it is 72 percent. Eighty-four percent see their cost of living rising, 71 percent are eating out less often, 58 percent are postponing or canceling vacations, 68 percent are cutting back spending on clothes. Joe Biden calls this “Bidenomics.” Americans call it “horrible,” “awful,” “bad,” “shambles,” and more, and 60 percent of them blame Joe Biden for this personally."

Democrats........please, wake the fuck up
Your inability to tell Joe "no mas" may very well give you that which you fear most
A FDT presidency..........again.........
Please don't let it happen
Put FJB in the home, I'd recommend lock down memory care
And, let's move on
This has been a PSA sponsored by Depends.
Hey0's first choice in personal security.
Thank you.


Sep 15 2023 05:12PM
     Getting the jump on Gloom Guy
Nipah is coming!
40 to 70% mortality rate, Covid was 2 to 3%
Hide bitches........


Sep 13 2023 06:51PM
     Gov. Lujan Grisham vs. the Second Amendment
"The Democratic Governor’s diktat proved far more brief than she intended: It lasted five days before federal Judge David Urias granted a temporary restraining order. Will Ms. Lujan Grisham appeal? On Tuesday she was sent a letter by New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez, a fellow Democrat, who said her suspension of the Second Amendment is unconstitutional."

“I am writing to inform you that my office will not defend your administration in the above referenced cases,” Mr. Torrez said. “Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence.” Given the experience of Covid, he also found it “unwise to stretch the definition of a ‘public health emergency.’”

Holy Jeebus, is there no end to the stupid???


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