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 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Sep 12 2023 09:21AM
     Another fucking impeachment?
Do we really need this?
We know that there's NO way enough House representatives will say yea, so why??
Payback for Pelosi's previous stupid impeachments?
Far-rightys off the deep end?

The only positive I can see is the ability to subpoena bank records and get to the bottom of the Biden influence peddling by Hunter, but why not just wait for the Hunter indictment and go from there?

"The ultimate question surrounding Hunter�s overseas millions from places such as China and Ukraine�and whether his father was the quo for the quid his son received�is political. More important than seeing anyone packed off to prison is learning whether Joe Biden, as vice president, willfully enabled his son�s schemes and twisted U.S. policy in the process.

It may turn out that Joe Biden committed no crime. But even if he never received a nickel from his son�s businesses, his cooperation in Hunter�s selling of the Biden brand was corrupt. Ditto for President Biden�s Justice Department, which repeatedly sabotaged the federal investigation into Hunter."

We KNOW for a fact that FJB lied during the 2020 debates when he categorically denied Hunter was paid millions from China and said the laptop was Russian disinformation but is this worth dragging the country into another impeachment???

Anyhoo, we also KNOW that 61% of Americans believe that FJB was involved in Hunter's business and 40% believe it was illegal.

If the OLD demented guy stepped down, I think the Dems would have a better chance of beating FDT but I guess we'll see.........ugh, what a mess.


Sep 9 2023 09:19PM
     Part I Rash Cream gets his first 50 circular obsession
Please do NOT post on this blog.

This is a silent moment to bow our heads and celebrate our illustrious and learned colleague.........

Rash Cream
Raw Dawger
Rat Crawler

Whatever name he goes by, he's a rock star and a credit to his pathological profile.
Congratulations sir!


Sep 3 2023 07:00PM
     What's the over under?
FDT reported 6' 3" 215lbs.

I say 6' 2" 278lbs, what say you?
Let's get the pool started.


Aug 30 2023 06:00PM
     The Great President Joe Biden, Old racist white guy
The Southeastern Legal Foundation on Monday sued the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) under the Freedom of Information Act, demanding access to some 5,100 email messages in which then-Vice President Biden used a pseudonym for government business. NARA has admitted having Joe Biden�s emails from,, and

Uh oh............

Why use obscure emails to communicate with Hunter?
Unless you're hiding something.......


Aug 28 2023 10:11PM
     What I take away from this blog is
There sure are some long winded motherfuckers on this site.

Finally, after a world record setting dry spell by Buttz..........

Funny quip with a truism chaser!


Aug 19 2023 10:09AM
     1 Trillion trees?
This is why Gloom Guy is wrong and Progs are full of shit!

Human ingenuity uber alles..........a ray of sunshine amid the gloom.

I'm getting one of these for the house and plant me some trees.

Attached Links
Robot could help plant 1 Trillion trees


Aug 15 2023 07:02PM
     Climate Change?
"When President Obama launched today’s worldwide gush of green-energy subsidies in 2009, his allies in Congress added financing for a National Academy of Sciences study, which would later conclude, at a length of 198 pages, that such subsidies were a “poor tool for reducing greenhouse gases and achieving climate-change objectives.”

FJB doubled down and is fucking even more shit up.

"With deployments goosed by Obama-like handouts around the world, wind and solar still accounted for less than 2.4% of humanity’s total energy consumption. Their annual increase was still a small fraction of the annual increase in fossil-fuel consumption. They remain functionally additive to humanity’s energy budget, rather than displacing coal or oil on a global basis."

Let's turn the AC up a notch and just learn to live in a little warmer world, k?


Aug 13 2023 10:17PM
     The reason this country is doomed troisieme partie
The whole site understands that MA is a worthless partisan hack but when you guys use up 1 of the 50 to just say that much and nothing else........well, we run out of room and have to start another blog.

Happy to start the ball rolling by pointing out the following:

According to the latest polls, the vast majority of American voters and Independents agree!
That MA is a completely full-of-shit potted plant
How do I know?
Here you go...........

"A new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds that across a range of issues, Joe Biden’s worst rating is on “corruption”-- with just 26% of Americans approving of his handling of the issue. Especially ominous for the White House is that among independents, the number is even lower at an embarrassing 24%."

So, regardless of the bullshit MA spews AND the spin most media use to report on HB, the American voter has caught on and realized that FJB is basically a crook.

And, isn't their opinion much more important than a lame, hackneyed, kool-aid drinking, partisan, cock-smoking, wannabe keyboard warrior like MostlyRetarded, n'est ce pas?


Aug 12 2023 07:39PM
     The reason this country is doomed deuxième partie

My popcorn just came out of the air fryer and you guys hit 50 already.
Post more before it gets cold, thank you!

PS. Why in the world would you have an ongoing discussion with MA?


Jul 30 2023 10:43AM
     Koala Turd
What a load of Koala Shit

"It is easily recognisable by its STOUT, tailless body and LARGE HEAD with round, fluffy ears and large, SPOON-SHAPED nose. A female may scream and vigorously fight off her suitors, like SOA!

Koala poo is about the size and shape of an olive, and it's usually a dark greenish colour. It's probably one of the least offensive types of poo, because it smells strongly of eucalyptus. Koalas produce these little pellets 24 hours a day, even when they're asleep, and they produce a lot of them – up to 360 a day.

SOA, is that you?

Attached Links
Koala Turd


Jun 16 2023 09:32AM
     For Jimbo and the WEHO Boyz
Realizing that all you ladies have already seen this but thought I'd post for the HX tribe

Gloom guy flogs the hog to this kind of thing

Attached Links
Randy Rainbow


Jun 7 2023 06:12PM
     FJB grifted $5 million as Veep and nobody on HX has said a word?
Guess it had to be more explicit for some of you.

They got the bank statements, lol


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