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 123 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Dec 12 2019
Released Dec 16 2019

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Jun 6 2023 08:27PM
     Form FD-1023
FJB grifted $5 million as Veep and nobody on HX has said a word?

There must be a conspiracy!


May 20 2023 04:06PM
     shits been going on for years, but they keep voting the same - Part Dos
"U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: What caused inflation to spike after 2020?"

If you had any real experience with the BLS, you'd understand that they're good at gathering data but not so good at explaining it. I picked out Biden only so far as he added an extra $2 Trillion to the budget knowing that Powell would bitch about it privately but monetize it anyway. No president since Ike gets off the hook except maybe Clinton. Beside which, if you knew the Fed budget, you'd understand that about 65% is on auto-pilot and neither the Pres or Congress has any intention of doing anything about that (see attachment, pictures to help you understand it .)

As Friedman said years ago, �Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.�

All that shit the BLS talks about would not pass thru to inflation unless the Fed monetized it thru Quantitative Easing and money creation. During the last 4 months, as 3 major banks went under, the Fed QE'ed another $400 billion which is now running into the market and RE. ALSO, the major component of the inflation gauges is not oil.........that's specifically excluded, lol. It's the imputed value of RE as rent. Anyway, not to go too far down the rabbit really need to understand what you're posting before you use it as a leg for your argument.

I do appreciate your graph, shows very well the damage that inflation does, thank you. Frankly a Federal minimum wage is just bullshit, States can do that any time they CA has already done. As you unknowingly pointed out, a minimum wage that works for CA price index would be stupid to implement in Alabama.

I also noticed the pivot away from your bad Oxfam info, too............nice triple flip with 2 twists!

So it goes.........

Attached Links
Fed Budget on Auto-Pilot in pictures


May 13 2023 08:30PM
     $5 million dollars Part 2
Trump appeals decision, stating "I can't get a fair trial in New York"

Doesn't he have to put up some kinda bond in order to appeal?

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May 4 2023 06:31PM
     The Biden economy takes a wrong turn
Funny as fuck video

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Harbor tour


Apr 24 2023 08:48PM
     Good Credit - YOU get to pay more. Setting the record straight
"It's just a proposal and it will never pass. It was stupid for the Democrats for even suggesting it."

This is apparently NOT just a proposal.
This is another rule being put into effect by a group of unelected bureaucrats that is completely and totally fucking I said, here we go again. Pardon me while I trash my credit so I can get a better mortgage rate. Un-fucking-believable.

"CHICAGO (NewsNation) As part of the Federal Housing Finance Agency's push for affordable housing, homebuyers with good credit will soon have to pay higher mortgage rates and fees to subsidize people with riskier credit ratings, according to a report by The Washington Times.

A new federal rule enforced by the Biden administration will make it so that people looking to buy a home with a credit score of 680 or higher will have to pay about $40 per month more than people with worse credit when taking out a home loan of $400,000, the report said.

The new rule, which goes into effect on May 1, will affect mortgages from private banks across the nation. According to The Washington Times, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, federally-backed home mortgage companies, will establish the loan-level price adjustments (LLPAs)."


Apr 20 2023 09:58PM
     New High-Tech Alloy Could Enable Nuclear Space Travel
This one is for Gloom Guy cause he thinks he likes this kinda shit and I don't do PMs

"NASA researchers may have found a revolutionary method to do just that. By combining metal alloys with ceramic particles using 3D printing technology, they produced a new material that in one test proved more than 600 times as resistant to stress and heat than existing high-performance metal alloys.

GRX-810 is made primarily of nickel, cobalt, and chrome, but it is laced with nanoscale particles of a ceramic oxide called yttrium, yielding an “oxide-dispersion-strengthened” (ODS) alloy. It’s long been known that incorporating such materials into metal alloys can enhance their strength, ductility, and hardness."

Gloomy could replace his johnson and finally get a hard-on.
Whattayasay, want summathis?

1 comment

Apr 20 2023 08:55PM
     Good Credit - YOU get to pay more part deux
First blog was pretty humorous
Plenty of banks AND non-bank lenders partly at fault
Biggest contributor to the 2008 crisis?
Congress, several Presidents and FNMA

Hands fucking down
And, the fact that MA doesn't know that pretty much tells you
He don't know shit on this topic

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Apr 19 2023 08:59PM
     Hunter becomes the hunted
WASHINGTON—An IRS supervisor has told lawmakers he has information that suggests the Biden administration is improperly handling the criminal investigation into President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and is seeking whistleblower protections, according to people familiar with the matter.  

A letter sent to Congress on Tuesday says a career Internal Revenue Service criminal supervisory special agent has information that would contradict sworn testimony by a “senior political appointee.” The supervisor also has information about a “failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case,” according to the letter. 

The supervisor has details that show “preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected,” according to the letter. 

Say it ain't so, Joe!


Mar 28 2023 10:09PM
     Remember Andrew Cuomo?
"Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) slammed the New York and Georgia investigations into former President Trump as being part of a “cancer in our body politic,” arguing they are politically motivated."

Cuomo is so gonna get canceled!


Mar 19 2023 09:28AM
     NR to the white courtesy phone, please.
Saw 2 people yesterday completely masked up, look like bank robbers.

You still double masking?

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Mar 17 2023 04:01PM
     WTF? rip again?
Lance Reddick dead at 60.
Fuck that!


Mar 15 2023 11:00PM
     Who the fuck is GG?
Why would you shit me, Gloom Guy?
Am I not your favorite turd?

Who the fuck is GG?

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