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 92 yrs old
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Registered Jan 30 2016
Released Jan 30 2016

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Mar 9 2022 04:03AM
     What do baldwin and biden have in common?
Someone else is always at fault. Oh and baffling their fans with bullshit.
They do have great smiles.

Gotta blame it on?



Dec 14 2021 04:34AM
     Spending other's money is what Nuisance is all about. Bravo

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom started the group himself and in an interview last week with The Associated Press said some of the report’s details will be included in his budget proposal in January.

“We’ll be a sanctuary,” Newsom said, adding he’s aware patients will likely travel to California from other states to seek abortions. “We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

With more than two dozen states poised to ban abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court gives them the OK next year, California clinics and their allies in the state Legislature on Wednesday revealed a plan to make the state a “sanctuary” for those seeking reproductive care, including possibly paying for travel, lodging and procedures for people from other states.

The California Future of Abortion Council, made up of more than 40 abortion providers and advocacy groups, released a list of 45 recommendations for the state to consider if the high court overturns Roe v. Wade — the 48-year-old decision that forbids states from outlawing abortion.

The recommendations are not just a liberal fantasy. Some of the state’s most important policymakers helped write them, including Toni Atkins, the San Diego Democrat who leads the state Senate and attended multiple meetings.

We the Government of the California State, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United State of California.


Dec 9 2021 12:42PM
     Alec Baldwin


Nov 27 2021 06:20AM
     Gummie Bears?
Now I understand why women are fascinated by them .

I always wondered why women went to the restroom in pairs.


Oct 29 2021 01:08PM
     Alec Baldwin is he guilty of anything?
Your thoughts.


Oct 26 2021 03:13PM
     Congratulations Newsom
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law on Saturday that will phase out the sale of gas-powered leaf blowers, lawn mowers and other small off-road engines by as soon as 2024. Assembly Bill 1346 directs the California Air Resources Board to phase out the sale of small off-road engines by 2024 or as soon as feasible, whichever comes later. The new law also directs the board to identify and make available, where feasible, funding for commercial rebates to go toward the purchase of electric equipment. Newsom's signature comes a year after he signed an executive order phasing out the sale of gas-powered vehicles by 2035.

Be sure and put in for your free electric powered generator.


Oct 5 2021 12:22PM
Is there any chance you will take a blogging break anytime soon?

I have no problem with what you type it is the volume.

Please consider a week vacation.

No comments yet

Oct 4 2021 06:10PM
     This just in. Gavin Nuisance has just mandated that
All HX bloggers will show their vaccination certificate.

Failure to comply with be an immediate jab in the place where the sun never shines by none other than Adams aka SOA.

This message approved by state senator Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco)


Jul 23 2021 03:40PM
     Cleveland changing name from Indians to Guardians after 2021 season
Known as the Indians since 1915, Cleveland's Major League Baseball team will next be called the Guardians.


Jul 12 2021 06:02PM
     Entitled California drivers
Stay the fuck out of the number one lane if you're not going to pass.
I don't care if you pay the ridiculous California gas prices or insurance.
You do not own the number one lane.
I've never seen such a rude bunch of drivers in any state as California.
You probably even voted for Gavin Nuisance


May 2 2021 12:13PM
January 31, 2020
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released this statement after the Trump Administration announced it is adding Myanmar, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Tanzania and Sudan to the travel ban that the President instituted three years ago:

“The Trump Administration’s expansion of its outrageous, un-American travel ban threatens our security, our values and the rule of law. The sweeping rule, barring more than 350 million individuals from predominantly African nations from traveling to the United States, is discrimination disguised as policy.

“America’s strength has always been as a beacon of hope and opportunity for people around the world, whose dreams and aspirations have enriched our nation and made America more American. With this latest callous decision, the President has doubled down on his cruelty and further undermined our global leadership, our Constitution and our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants.

“In the Congress and in the Courts, House Democrats will continue to oppose the Administration’s dangerous anti-immigrant agenda. In the coming weeks, the House Judiciary Committee will mark-up and bring to the Floor the NO BAN Act to prohibit religious discrimination in our immigration system and limit the President’s ability to impose such biased and bigoted restrictions. We will never allow hatred or bigotry to define our nation or destroy our values.”


Apr 29 2021 07:41AM
     Over 25,000 barrels of alleged DDT.
Could that be a bad thing?


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