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Level 3 Male

 65 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Oct 12 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jul 2 2018 01:38PM
     Would calling somebody...
... a cunt, even if they were acting like a cunt, be considered uncivil? I don’t want to be uncivil, but some people just act like a cunt.

Not asking for a friend.

1 comment

Jun 28 2018 06:42PM
     Another mass shooting by an immigrant
Oh wait, it was just another white guy. Everything is cool, no worries. Carry on, nothing needs to be done.


Jun 4 2018 07:21PM
     Gropecunt Lane!
Whatever your feelings are about Ivanka Trump being called a feckless cunt, I have to say the word has a really interesting history:

The earliest known use of the word, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, was as part of a placename of a London street, Gropecunt Lane, c. 1230. Use of the word as a term of abuse is relatively recent, dating from the late nineteenth century.[4] The word appears not to have been taboo in the Middle Ages, but became taboo towards the end of the eighteenth century, and was then not generally admissible in print until the latter part of the twentieth century. The term has various derivative senses, including adjective and verb uses. Feminist writer and English professor Germaine Greer argues that cunt "is one of the few remaining words in the English language with a genuine power to shock."

1 comment

May 9 2018 06:06AM
     Bye Bye Moonbeam Jerry Brown Part 2
It’s interesting how so many commented about people voting against their own interests (they won’t get “free stuff”) while those same folks support conservatives whose political positions nearly destroyed our civil liberties here.


May 5 2018 03:51PM
If I fucked three women, one right after the other, would that be considered three cuntiguous sexual encounters?

Asking for a friend.


Apr 5 2018 05:10PM
Is cuntiferous a word? Asking for a friend.


Feb 14 2018 01:19PM
I was talking to a buddy of mine who is an airline pilot and I asked him, “Why do they call the part of an airplane where the pilot sits the cockpit?” Without missing a beat he answers, “Because if they called it a cuntpit nobody would ever sit there.”

True? I dunno. You tell me.


Jan 23 2018 10:17AM
     Dick Pick
An actual photo of an actual dick for a profile avatar? Seriously, we don’t need to see that shit.


Dec 25 2017 11:21PM
     Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas one and all. May your pudendum be filled with joy (or whatever floats your boat) this holiday season.

No comments yet

Dec 2 2017 02:49PM
     Two Things
1) The Republican tax plan now allows churches to endorse and promote political candidates. Highly religious people are overwhelmingly Republican.

2) The Republican tax plan taxes free tuition that graduate students receive. To reduce utilization of a service or product, tax it. There will be fewer people receiving advanced degrees. The more educated a person, the less likely they will vote Republican.

The new tax bill just increased the likelihood that it will be easier to get elected if you’re a Republican.


Oct 6 2017 12:41PM
     The Bank
So I went to the bank during lunch and this new teller might have had the most awesome tits in all of California. Just spectacular. Goddamn, why aren’t there any topless banks? I mean, what the fuck is wrong with that idea? I’d put my money there.


Sep 26 2017 01:05PM
With a handle like “SuckuDry” I’m thinking this chick must be a vampire, right? What else could it mean, right? Just askin’ is all. Just askin’.
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