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Level 3 Male

 65 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Oct 12 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

173 blogs/944 comments
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Feb 2 2020 08:26AM
     I’m Suffering
Wasn’t sure if I should share this with the HX community, but I figured what the fuck. So here goes. I’m suffering from a serious condition commonly called LBTT. It’s otherwise known as Lack of Bodacious Ta Tas.

So ladies, can you help a guy out who is really suffering? Flash me some of them ta tas, boobies, knockers, titties, love pillows, bazoombas, fun bags, cans.., whatever you call ‘em.

Yeah, I know we’re gonna get some moobs posted as well, but that’s the chance we’ve all gotta take.


Jan 26 2020 07:09PM
     Dangerous Times
Understand that the last days will be dangerous times. People will be selfish and love money. They will be the kind of people who brag and who are proud. They will slander others, and they will be disobedient to their parents. They will be ungrateful, unholy, unloving, contrary, and critical. They will be without self-control and brutal, and they won’t love what is good. They will be people who are disloyal, reckless, and conceited. They will love pleasure instead of loving God. They will look like they are religious but deny God’s power. Avoid people like this. Some will slither into households and control immature women who are burdened with sins and driven by all kinds of desires. These women are always learning, but they can never arrive at an understanding of the truth. These people oppose the truth in the same way that Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses. Their minds are corrupt and their faith is counterfeit. But they won’t get very far. Their foolishness will become obvious to everyone like those others.

2 Timothy 3:1


Jan 14 2020 07:55AM
     Trump Derangement Syndrome
Bill Maher did a pretty funny (and accurate) assessment of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Joe Biden haters are gonna enjoy this too.
Attached Links
Trump Derangement Syndrome


Jan 8 2020 08:43PM
     Trump Taught Iran a Lesson
Iran has apparently taken a page out of Trump’s playbook. After their revenge missile attacks on US bases in Iraq, they claimed to have killed dozens of US troops and inflicted heavy damage. In reality, there were no casualties and very little damage. But they seem to have figured out if lying, slinging bullshit, and presenting “alternative facts” works for Trump, maybe they can do the same.

Who knows, they might just be on to something.


Jan 4 2020 03:46PM
     The Sad Truth
Interesting article in Polotico about a research article that showed people who are exposed to factually inaccurate information respond by becoming more accurate after being presented with the correct information. That sounds pretty good, right?

Well hold on. It turns out, even when presented with and accepting the accurate information, they don’t change their opinions.

In other words, the facts don’t matter. Even if the facts don’t support their position on a particular issue, it doesn’t change their position.

That is essentially the definition of stupid.
Attached Links
The Truth


Dec 26 2019 09:08AM
     Alternative Facts
In a “PressThink” article published today, they had a interesting take on the day Kellyanne Conway promoted the concept of “alternative facts” on Meet the Press. The article indicates everyone in the media thought “Conway’s threatening phrase, alternative facts was just hyberbole, the kind of inflammatory moment that makes for viral clips and partisan bickering. More silly than it was ominous.
In reality she had made a grave announcement. The nature of the Trump government would be propagandistic. And as as Garry Kasparov observes for us, “The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.” This exhaustion, this annihilation were on their way to the Sunday shows, and to all interactions with journalists. That is what Kellyanne Conway was saying that day on Meet the Press. But the people who run the show chose not to believe it.”

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Dec 17 2019 06:58PM
     Trump’s Letter to Pelosi
Trump’s 6 page letter to Nancy Pelosi was very surprising. I didn’t think his vocabulary is large enough that he could write that many pages.


Dec 11 2019 07:37AM
     This makes so much sense
This may actually work. Thoughts?
Attached Links
Fixing the System


Dec 8 2019 05:55PM
     What the actual fuck!
There are currently three blogs by me on the main page, and two of them are from over a year ago. In fact, I’m seeing a lot of old blogs recycled. What is up with that?


Dec 8 2019 09:08AM
     Take the “Trump Challenge” at work!
Take the “Trump Challenge” at work:

1. Tell a person of color that you work with to “go back where you came from.”
2. Find a person with disabilities and start waving your arms around while speaking in an altered voice to mock them.
3. Tell a female coworker you can grab them by the pussy any time you want.
4. Call a less attractive coworker a dog or a horse face.
5. See if you last until lunch without getting fired.

If you aren’t willing to do this, you obviously realize that it is unacceptable behavior for adults.


Dec 7 2019 12:49PM
     The end of democracy in America?
What we're seeing is five things. We're seeing somebody go to mass rallies, constantly lie, to incite fervor in a "cult of personality" base. We're seeing him make victimization honorable, they're all victims...right? We're seeing allegations of conspiracy, the deep state, hidden nefarious movements that only the Leader can see. We're seeing the scapegoating of minority populations, the vulnerable population. And lastly, the assertion that "I need to exercise these powers that no president has ever claimed to have".

This is deliberate. This is an assault on objective truth. And once you get people to surrender their sovereignty --when they think "what is true is what the Leader says is true" or "what is true is what the Leader believes is true", even though what is actually true is staring you in the face--when that happens, youre no longer living in a democratic republic. Thirty-five per cent of the country has checked out, they have joined a cult, they are obedient to the Leader, and this is straight out of 1984.

When Winston, at the end of the book , when the party leader is holding up four fingers, and asks Winston how many fingers are there and Winston says I see four, and the leader of the party says but it could be three or it could be five, it's what the party tells you. And that is when democracy dies in America."

Steve Schmidt
Former Republican Strategist


Nov 28 2019 08:52AM
     Giuliani, meet bus!
Bill O'Reilly asked the president what the ex-mayor was "doing in Ukraine on your behalf." The reply: "Well, you have to ask that to Rudy, but Rudy, I don't, I don't even know ... Rudy has other clients, other than me. I'm one person."

Watch out Rudy, the Trump bus is headed your way and it’s gonna run you over.

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