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Level 3 Male

 65 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Oct 12 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 1 2019 05:14PM
     Caga Leche
Did you know there is a fish that lives in the waters of the Galápagos Islands called “caga leche” by the locals? Translated from Spanish that means “milk shitter.” Isn’t that a great name? Milk shitter. For those who are interested, the scientific name is Dermatolepis dermatolepis. Call it whatever you want and file this under “who gives a flying fuck at a rolling donut.”

But seriously. Milk shitter. How about that!


Sep 28 2019 08:30AM
     This is how dumb he is
This is how fucking dumb the president is. The stupid fucker can’t even spell words like “little” and “describe.” Good grief.
Attached Links
Trump tweets misspelled “insult”


Sep 25 2019 05:06PM
     Trump Administration Ukraine Sends Talking Points to Dems
Now that’s pretty funny, no matter which side you’re on.
Attached Links


Sep 9 2019 07:05PM
     Lightbulbs you muthas!!!
The Trump administration is rolling back requirements for more efficient light bulbs. That means higher electrical usage, higher energy bills, and more money spent replacing lightbulbs. They can take our lightbulbs, but they’ll never take our freedom. MAGA! Ain’t no go’ment gonna tell me what lightbulbs I can’t buy! I don’t give a shit if it costs me more!


Sep 3 2019 09:29PM
     This Guy is Dumber Than a Turnip
Trump tweets “In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.”

The National Weather Service had to issue a statement to the people of Alabama that they would not be impacted by the hurricane.

The fucking POTUS is scaring the shit out of people of Alabama with his bullshit. I know, they are from Alabama, but still, they don’t deserve this shit. Or maybe they do.

What a fucking moron.


Aug 24 2019 09:58AM
     Better advice from women or men?
Wondering who gives better advice for performing cunnilignus, women or men? I’m actually thinking a lesbian or bisexual woman would provide the best insights due to personal experience receiving and giving.


Aug 16 2019 12:15PM
     I’m Tired of Blogging About Politics
So instead this blog is about tits. One question about tits for the ladies:

How the fuck do you just walk around with those things all day? They’re so fucking distracting. I swear, if I had tits I wouldn’t be able to a get a goddamn thing done.


Aug 16 2019 08:24AM
     Now Trump
Now Trump wants to buy Greenland. Greenland. Fucking idiot. No doubt, though, l some of you Trump cock suckers will claim it’s a brilliant move because he operates at a level that mere mortals cannot even begin to comprehend. Sorry, but proposing to buy another country in the21st century is just plain fucking idiotic.


Aug 15 2019 06:52AM
     Is a Recession Coming and What Does it Mean for Trump’s Support?
I’ve seen several lists of Trump’s accomplishments in office. The economy is typically the top item. Some key indicators are now suggesting a recession is near.

Wondering if the Trump sycophants will stick with him if the economy tanks. I think they will.


Jul 5 2019 07:08AM
     American soldiers took over airports
In his 4th of July speech Trump said our soldiers “rammed the ramparts” and “took over the airports.” And you Trumpkins are totally fine with the person holding the most powerful position in the world being that ignorant. Jesus fucking Christ.


Jul 3 2019 08:52AM
     Goddamn Hospitals and Lawyers
My buddy Ron just got out of the hospital last Saturday after nearly a month “recovering” from a motorcycle crash. He wiped out on I-5 between Camp Pendleton and Oceanside. It was bad. He broke five ribs and dislocated his shoulder, but worst of all, did severe damage to both his legs. After a week in intensive care they told him one of the legs was too badly damaged and would have to be amputated. They did the surgery the next day, and a few hours after he woke up one of the hospital admins told him there was a “mistake” and they took the wrong leg. Two days later they amputated the leg that was supposed to have been taken in the first place. My friend is devastated. This guy was so active and totally into surfing and golf.

I went went with him to the malpractice lawyer yesterday. We’re thinking Ron is going to easily collect a $10 million settlement. Maybe more. He won’t have his legs, but that hospital is going to pay dearly for their incompetence. After gathering all the facts, the lawyer says he won’t take the case because it is highly unlikely Ron is going to win. WTF? Seriously? This should be a slam dunk. So we ask the lawyer how that possibly could be.

And the lawyer replies, “Sorry, but he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.” 🤣


Jun 28 2019 07:21AM
     Trump & Putin
At the G 20 Summit, as journalists shouted questions asking if Trump would tell Russia not to meddle in U.S. elections, the president delivered a deadpan response.

"Yes, of course, I will. Don’t meddle in the election, please. Don't meddle in the election,” Trump said, pointing to Putin and flashing a grin.

Putin appeared to chuckle in response.

If a Democrat president had an exchange like that with the leader of Russia, the Republicans would lose their shit faster than Hussein Bolt runs the 100 yard dash. Seriously. But all you Trump toadies won’t say a word. Hypocrisy doesn’t even begin to describe it.


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