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Level 3 Male

 65 yrs old
Inland Empire, CA
Registered Oct 12 2006
Released Mar 20 2008

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Oct 21 2018 10:25AM
     Do you believe?
The Saudis first said Khashoggi left the consulate and they had no idea where he went. Then they said he went missing but knew nothing about it. Then they said he might be dead. Then they said he definitely was dead and it was the result of a fight that broke out inside the consulate.

There is video surveillance that a 15-member team team of Saudi security operatives arrived at the consulate shortly before Khashoggi got there. The Saudi Crown Prince says he had no knowledge of the plan to murder Khashoggi.

And Trump says he believes the Saudis. And you believe Trump.

So the only question that remains is “what the fuck is wrong with you and the other morons who believe Trump?”


Sep 14 2018 09:51AM
     Would it be better...
... to be a dickless fuckwad or a fuckless dickwad? I honestly don’t know but I bet some of you fuckers do.


Sep 7 2018 10:34AM
     Of all the things I’ve lost...
It’s my mind that I miss the most.

1 comment

Sep 3 2018 06:41AM
     It confounds the science
Nice little parody.
Attached Links

1 comment

Sep 2 2018 10:29AM
     Trump supporters are pissed...
... at Meagan McCain for saying this:

“We gather to mourn the passing of American greatness, the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice, those that live lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served,” Meghan McCain said. “The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again, because America was always great.”

Is there a single word she said that isn’t true?


Fuck Trump and his asshole supporters.


Aug 30 2018 07:42AM
     Trump claiming fudged tape
Now Trump is claiming Lester Holt fudged the video from an interview in which the POTUS said he had already made up his mind to fire Comey because of the Russia thing.

Trump is a desperate, lying piece of shit.


Aug 24 2018 02:43PM
     Show some tongue?
What is with all these photos here with women sticking their tongue out? Does anybody really find that sexy looking? A little advice ladies; don’t stick your tongue out for your photos unless: a) there is a dick on the end of it, or there is cum dripping off it.

Trust me, the guys will appreciate it.


Aug 23 2018 10:15AM
     It’s Strange
Years ago I knew a guy who would often say, “Fuck the world, it’s strange.” Turns out, that motherfucker was right. The world is pretty damn strange.


Aug 21 2018 09:46AM
     Take a deep breath...
... while you still can without choking. The Trump Administration is about to roll back Obama era regulations that curtailed air pollution from coal-fired power plants. The fucking Environmental PROTECTION Agency is supposed to PROTECT the fucking environment. The Republicans might as well re-name it the fucking Environmental Destruction Agency. Do fucking Republicans not understand they also breathe air?

I am so sick of this POS president. Coal is the past. Fucking get over it and get with the goddamn 21st century energy technologies. Better paying jobs, cleaner renewable energy. Trump wants to focus on coal? What the fuck is wrong with this asshole? Fucking idiot. Those of you who support this bullshit are also idiots. I hope you all choke to death on coal dust you fucking cock suckers. Fuck every last one of you.

Have a nice day.


Aug 1 2018 10:02AM
     A guy walks...
... into a bar and orders a shot of Jack Daniels, slams it down and orders another and then another. The bartender says, that’s a lot to drink so quickly. And the Guy replies, yeah, but it’s for my first blowjob ever. The bartender says, well that does call for a celebration. Let me get you another, on the house.

The guy says, I appreciate that, but after three drinks it looks like I’ll never get the taste out of my mouth.


Jul 22 2018 10:04PM
     Payment to Iran
A recent blog mentioned that Obama “gave” Iran a bunch of money and that the amount of money he gave to Iran just happened to be the amount our deficit rose. Since the OP stated she liked facts and critical thinking, here are the facts:

In 2016 the US government made a payment of $400 million to Iran. Shortly thereafter, it made another payment of $1.3 billion to Iran. That year, the US deficit increased by about $140 billion to reach $584 billion.

The payments to Iran had nothing to do with the deficit increase, which was essentially due to a massive tax deal.

Why did the US give $1.7 billion to Iran? I because it was Iran’s money, which the Shah of Iran provided to the US to purchase military equipment. The equipment was never sent to Iran. After the Khomeni revolution and the seizing of US hostages in 1979, the US froze Iranian assets, including the funds that were supposed to be used for military hardware.

The $1.7 billion, which was the original amount plus almost 40 years of interest, was refunded to Iran after a settlement was reached between the two countries.

So Obama never “gave” the Iranians anything. It was their money all along.

Here is a link to an article that explains the details:


Jul 16 2018 09:33AM
     Trump & Putin
Although most U.S. officials argue that Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, use of a nerve agent on British soil and aggression in Ukraine and Syria have worsened relations, Trump instead faulted “U.S. foolishness and stupidity” in tweets Monday morning.”

This POSPOTUS is throwing the US under the Russian bus.

MAGA my ass!


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