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Level 1 Female

 31 yrs old
Registered Sep 21 2019
Released Oct 12 2019

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Oct 20 2020 07:34AM
     Credit scores at a record high....
So everyone is chiming in about the current standings of America's credit. Apparently, Americans' have reached a record high during the pandemic.

I always LOOOOOVE to hear the HX communities insightful and hilarious take on things like these.
Do you believe it's all inflated and in a few months it'll plummet? Do you think this will usher in a new era of financial success for the everyday man?

Also, toes ❤️
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Aug 2 2020 09:57PM
     Fiscal Fiasco
Honestly watching the state of our economy is like....better than t.v at this point. Today I've literally witnessed my entire city (Atlanta, GA) basically scam the government on social media and post bank account statements enticing others to do the same for a same fee...�. They arent the only ones...I've seen it's been a popular thing to file for unemployment, SBA loans, PPE, etc..

Totally none of my business. You're an adult who chooses to get money how they choose.

But I'm curious if anyone else is waiting for this entire thing to implode?? I'm a little nervous...


May 8 2020 08:26AM
     Warm Paydays....
Are absolutely delicious, that perfect combination of sweet & salty...on the verge of melting is HEAVEN.

*sigh* I need to get in the gym, like now....


Apr 28 2020 08:25AM
     Weird subculture docs...
Do you have any for me? I've always been interested in documentaries that really serve no other purpose than to let us know these sects of people exist.

I love the gritty HBO 80-90's drug docs.
Z0o l0ve is also a top fav! (Violated the last time I mentioned it so I won't go there)....

And a lot of the BBC stuff is pretty awesome when you find the right topics

Thanks in advance babes & I hope you all are in high spirits



Apr 7 2020 06:20PM
     COVID19 Murder suicide....
Apparently a man in Illinois killed his girlfriend of 8 years and then himself out of fear they both had contracted the virus....

Autopsies came back negative - they were fine.

This hasn't been the first case of murder/suicide attributed to the outbreak. I'm seriously fearing the mental health of the world right now.

Hugs to all of you...we will get through this ❤️
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Apr 3 2020 08:05PM
     You're so stupid for working. LADIES STAY INSIDE
....yeaaah, let's keep the judgement to a minimum. Everyone is living in their own realities. Not everyone was prepared for this, not everyone is able to remain completely isolated and still maintain their lifestyles or support their families. Please, be a little kinder with your words regardless of how you view the situation.

On a lighter note, I hope all of you ladies & gents are feeling well and maintaining a positive outlook during these times. I'm sending you all virtual hugs, I have faith this will be over soon!! How are you spending this time?

...lastly, here are some buns because, who doesn't feel better after seeing a little cheek
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Mar 20 2020 01:10AM
     To buy a plane ticket or?
I don't know if I should be taking this more seriously than I am but, I'm just not convinced....

I don't believe this mass hysteria is necessary.
I don't believe we are going to go into a NWO in fema Walmart camps (LFUCKINGOL)
I don't believe all stocks will crash and money will suddenly be useless.


I do believe people should realize the world has been through and overcome wayyyyyy more pandemics in its history.
I do believe everyone should follow the social distancing rules for the time being so this entire process would run a lot smoother, and hopefully quicker allowing us to resume life as we know it.
I do believe Donald Trump calling the virus the 'kung flu' was insanely ignorant and quite frankly hilarious (I'm sorry but plzzzzzzzz tell me that shit made at least ONE of you laugh?!?!)
I do believe the economic fallout is much more damaging overall to everyone than COVID will be.

I'm way more afraid of what the media will cause citizens to do out of scaring the shit out of them than I am of this virus. A senior citizen was stabbed in Cobb County, GA in a sams club over TP. GTA shit man.

How are you feeling about it all?


Mar 19 2020 09:00AM
     "You get what you pay for"
"How can you expect wagyu with a ramen noodle budget?" - anonymous

True or false?

Do you personally not have a problem paying premium for certain items/luxuries
In you life? Are you an extreme deal seeker?

I'm curious to hear your take on it.
Apply this to any facet of your life!


Mar 17 2020 09:48PM
     Are you worried?
Do you believe this entire virus situation is another "distraction"?

Are you panicking & buying all of the TP in your local grocery store amid the disapproving stares of the wide hipped cashier?

Taking advantage of stock? Going underground with your AR? Laughing at this entire situation as you hear CNN report China has lifted the travel ban & resumed business as usual?



Where do you stand?

& have you eaten all of you quarantine snacks yet .....?


Jan 6 2020 08:42AM
     Risky Behavior ?
So I've just been unloaded on (and no, not in the yummy toaster strudel way) I mean the harsh, hate filled way that only a jaded individual under a rock and level 4 rating can deliver.

Apparently I'll "never be successful or highly rated on HX being a stuck up cunt" because I choose to play safely. There is no judgement whatsoever to providers who choose to offer more intimate sessions, but why degrade those who don't feel comfortable or safe doing so?

I've spewed all of that to i wasting time on HX ?


Dec 28 2019 10:24PM
     Strange Snacks?
I’m curious as to the weird things you eat behind closed doors...
I LOVEEEEEE Cheeto puffs dipped in melted caramel

& no, nothing with 2 legs that walks away counts


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