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Level 2 Male

 43 yrs old
Registered Mar 18 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

74 blogs/204 comments
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Humaniplex's Blog Blogs about Humaniplex 1865 people have subscriptions!
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Aug 1 2024 01:16AM
     Took longer than expected
But email alerts work again?


Apr 30 2024 11:47AM
     Maintence down time
05-01-2024 from about 6am to 8am Pacific.

Site will be unavailable as we finish the migration to new servers.


Mar 28 2024 11:58AM
Maintenance window

Planned start date and time: 2024-04-09 02:00:00 CDT

Planned end date and time: 2024-04-09 05:00:00 CDT

Expected disruption

30 minutes.


Oct 20 2023 02:27PM
     Server Upgrade
Date: Saturday - October 21, 2023
Time: 5:00 AM PST - 6:00 AM PST

This update should take approximately 20min. During this time the site will be offline.

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Jul 14 2023 02:47PM
     Network Maintenance
Maintenance window

Planned start date and time:  2023-07-16 00:00 CDT

Planned end date and time:  2023-07-16 05:00 CDT

Expected disruption

Up to one hour

Maintenance Information:

During this maintenance clients will lose connectivity for up to one hour.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

1 comment

Jun 6 2023 08:32PM
     Crypto is back
Purchasing FXP with crypto is again available.

Instructions and links to purchase with cash, credit card, debit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay are in the Crypto101 page.

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Mar 14 2022 11:18AM
     Scheduled downtime Sunday March 20th 11pm
Equipment updates will take about 20min to complete.

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Jul 19 2021 12:12PM
     Important Announcement Regarding Scheduled Downtime Wednesday 2am July 21st
Like the previous time last year, another much needed hardware update is in the works, which in turn required that we update some of the nuts and bolts software that runs behind the scenes to make everything run. Which in turn required us to do some updating to the custom software system that drives this site.

We will be doing this in a couple phases. We've gotten through some of the required changes without disrupting the user experience (or if you're sharp-eyed and happened to load a page during one the split-seconds we happened to be actively working on something, you may have seen a test message here and there). The next phase will require we take the site down for just a couple hours to copy some data over to the new hardware.

We plan to do this at 2am Pacific Time this upcoming Wednesday, July 21st, before the normal nightly downtime at 4am.

No problems are anticipated for this procedure. We've "rehearsed" it a few times, we just need to take the site down so no new data is entered while we are copying it over to the new hardware.


Feb 9 2021 09:38PM
     Crypto Payment and BTC
CoinPay is having an issue with $25 BTC payments.

You can use the $25 option to purchase in any coin but BTC.

You can use the $50-$75-$100 option to purchase in any coin.


Oct 10 2020 10:07PM
     Mail Delay
Voting? Covid? Slow postal workers? Not really sure why but mail seems to be about 3 days behind.


Sep 20 2020 08:20PM
     Possible extended downtime tonight at 1am BEFORE regularly schedule backup downtime
Hello everyone!

We are doing a hardware update tonight... fingers crossed, barring any unexpected issues!

At 1am tonight (Monday 9/21/2020) we will begin the process so you may experience some irregular downtime for possibly 30 minutes or so before our usual 4am downtime for our daily backup.

Apologies for any inconvenience, and thank you!

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Jul 1 2020 03:13PM
     Today's issue with our secure certificate
Apologies for the inconvenience.

The various blogs about this basically have correct information about the expiration of our secure certificate.

Not that anyone in the community wants to really know the nitty gritty details, but here are the basics of what occurred...

We saw the expiration coming awhile back and submitted for a renewal multiple times, but it wasn't going through for some reason.

As it turns out, the certification was registered under our server hosting service, not Humaniplex, LLC, so Thawte (the authorized secure certificate service) was not accepting our request.

We FINALLY got it worked out and everything is back to normal (after a whole lot of phone calls!)

Rest assured, your information was safe regardless, and any purchases via gift card or cryptocurrency were through 3rd party services that weren't affected. We do that intentionally via 3rd parties so that we never have your financial information under any circumstances.

So thank you again for your patience, and we hope everyone has a great and safe long holiday weekend! Happy Birthday, USA!


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