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 43 yrs old
Registered Mar 18 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

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Jul 3 2018 10:20AM
     New Membership Bonuses for Purchases via Cryptocurrency
We should have a more convenient payment option available shortly (hopefully! Wish us luck and caffeine!), but in cryptocurrency payments are here to stay!

However, we have heard the concerns and complaints, especially regarding the hefty Crypto ATM fees, and confusion about this new technology in general.

As such, we are offering higher bonuses for those using crypto to make a membership purchase. There is nothing we can do to decrease the fees that the ATMs or Exchanges are charging, but we CAN offer you more value for your purchase

Every purchase $25 or over includes:

  • 30 Days Unlimited Mail Membership for every $25 (1.2 days per $1)

  • 1 FXPoint per $0.01 USD (1 FXPoint per 1 cent) BONUS

Every purchase $50 or over includes:

  • 1.5 Mojo per $0.01 USD BONUS

  • 1 Day Private Mingle per $1 BONUS


  • $50 - $74.99 USD : 12% FXPoint SUPER BONUS!

  • $75 - $99.99 USD : 20% FXPoint SUPER BONUS!

  • $100 - $999.99 USD : 33% FXPoint SUPER BONUS!

  • $1000 or more USD : 100% FXPoint SUPER BONUS! That's DOUBLE the FXPoints!

Also, for anyone who has already made a crypto purchase, don't worry, we'll be going through and applying these increased bonuses to your accounts. But that might take a few days... we have a lot on our plates lately and we're doing our best to keep up!


Jun 28 2018 01:51PM
     Looking for sponsorship sites to send our traffic to!
We have a lot of traffic... and we'd love to send some your way!

Hit us up via onsite mail and let's see what we can work out.


Jun 28 2018 01:13PM
     Credit Card processing with Skrill is back (and don't forget about crypto!)
You can use Skrill again to make purchases with your credit card

Skrill is a PayPal-like system where you can use your credit card to make purchases.

It is now back up and running. Some of you won't be able to sign up, unfortunately, because your credit card's backing bank will decline the charge as a foreign transaction.

In that case, you can use cryptocurrency to make purchases.

In the meantime, we are still working on several other solutions to make things easier for you!

Thank you for your patience.


Jun 26 2018 10:45AM
     Are you an experienced cryptocurrency user? Help us with some testing and get FXPoints!
If you are already using cryptocurrency, we'd like your help with just a little testing!

Before 12pm Pacific time today (6/26/2018), please send $1 USD in any of the 4 currencies below to the address listed below, and we will add 1000 FXPoints to your account!



Jun 26 2018 10:16AM
     Cryptocurrency coming soon... so fund those crypto wallets now!
We sincerely apologize to those of you trying to unlock mail etc and have been unable to.

We are moving at full speed to implement various solutions.

We should be accepting crypto currency later TODAY! The currencies we will be accepting are:
  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Ethereum
  • LiteCoin
If you are not a current cryptocurrency user, you will need to create a "wallet" and add money to it.

We will have a full tutorial available to walk you through the process later.

Currently, we suggest Coinbase as your cryptocurrency exchange. they are well-regarded and established, as well as one of the largest hosted wallet solutions available. But you can use any wallet, including hardware, "paper", etc.

But as a very brief primer before our tutorial is available, please read the below to understand the basics of crypto wallets.

For ALL cryptocurrencies, the currency is NOT actually stored in a wallet. All currency is stored in a global ledger that is managed by computers all of the world. If you've heard of cryptocurrency "miners", that is basically describing people who allow their computers to be used to manage the data of the currency in question, for which they are rewarded tiny amounts of the currency.

A wallet is just a set of 2 "keys". One is public, and one is private. The public key is the "address" that people can send funds to. This is public is every sense of the word. Anybody can see the transaction history of that wallet in the network (assuming they know how to look). To actually access those funds and move them somewhere, you need the private key (NEVER give this to anyone else!)

So your wallet is really just an address and a password, so to speak. That is an acceptable way to think of it.

So get ready by heading over to Coinbase, opening an account, creating a wallet and connecting it to your bank account to put some money into it with one of the 4 currencies listed above!

If you are not a current cryptocurrency user, this is a good way to get yourself started on the wave of the future!
Attached Links


May 12 2018 08:32AM
     You got more free stuff!
We are still working on some things and should have everything straightened out in a couple of business days!

BUT... in the meantime, just just like last time, if we can't get things straightened out by Monday 5/14, everyone who had mail any time after 1/1/2018 will get another 30 day extension!


Apr 25 2018 05:57PM
     Looking for Photos of Members for Graphics

We are looking for photos of members for some graphics for the site.

If you are interested in licensing some photos of yourself to us for use in graphics, please submit a ticket with the link below.

Let us know if you are interested in licensing photos to us!

You will be compensated for the use of your images, you will need to sign standard licensing agreement with us, and ID will need to provided. More details if we decide to use your images.

Do NOT send this account a message. There is nobody on the other end. Please submit a support ticket!

Thank you!

No comments yet

Apr 22 2018 10:37AM
     Letting friends know where you are
We are in the process of making a small system update.

You can currently set your current location to let your friends know where you are. However, to make that "recent", you need to also update your profile.

This change will make it so you don't need update your profile to make your current location recent.

Just FYI if you notice system oddities and pages not loading white correctly temporarily.


Apr 20 2018 02:48PM
     Auto search People by your location
If you click people, it now defaults to searching for the latest updated profiles for people near your current location.

If you haven't set it, it will use your homebase.

If you haven't set either, well, you'll just get the search form as usual.

When searching by location, if you for example, set to search by California, the results will contain every profile anywhere in California.

If you search by Mountain View in the Bay Area of Northern California, you will only get profiles back that are specifically in the city of Mountain View.

So when searching, you may want to start specifically, then slowly broaden your search to find your friends!


Apr 18 2018 05:48PM
     Your home page
You might have noticed it's a little different.

Apologies for the shock, we rearranged things a bit and everyone's home page pods got set back to the default.

But please feel free to move them around or click "Add Stuff" in the upper right of your home page to change things around!

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Apr 11 2018 05:54PM
     You Got FREE Stuff!
As we work through the credit card processor issue, you get some free stuff in the meantime.

  • If you have active mail as of today, you got 30 days added onto your expiration.

  • If you had active mail anytime between 1/1/2018 and today, you got free mail until 5/11/2018.

  • Cloaking effect is now free because it is a privacy feature.

Thanks again for your patience!

1 comment

Apr 9 2018 11:49AM
     A few new features coming very shortly
Happy Monday!

Be on the lookout for a new Report button on items. Please click that button to flag items that either:

- Indicate illegal activity
- Violate the terms of service of this site
- Do not conform to community standards

The staff of moderators is hard at work, and this will help them by prioritizing their work a bit.

There are also a couple other items in the works on this site, keep an eye out!

Development resources have been a problem, but it should be resolved, and work has resumed on the completely new version of this site (that is mobile friendly). When it is a little more usable, we are going to open it to public testing.

Thank you.


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