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 65 yrs old
Murrieta, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Oct 10 2016
Released Oct 11 2016

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Apr 19 2021 11:24AM
     The Ingenuity Helicopter Has Flown on Mars!
Pretty darn amazing.

Attached Links
Mars Helicopter Ingenuity's First Flight


Jan 19 2021 05:37PM
     The Night Before Biden

�Twas the night before Biden, and all through the White House
Not a patriot stirred for that Democrat louse.
The thieves and the criminals, liars and frauds
Were all celebrating their rigging the odds.
They corrupted the system, they broke many laws,
They stole an election from victory�s jaws.
True patriots fumed at this vile twist of fate
While Joe�s minions laid plans for a one-party state.
Afraid of the people, they summoned the Guard
But not before playing the �Vet them all!� card,
In case any Guardsmen had negative views
Of the senile impostor about to make news.
And even before he took hold of the nation,
That meat puppet sanctioned the latest invasion,
And proclaimed he would open a �pathway�, in quotes,
So illegal aliens could give him their votes.
And his allies among the Fake News now demand
That those who support the TRUE President be banned,
Or �re-educated�, in the words of a clown
Too stupid to know we will NEVER back down.
Other anti-Americans openly call
For purging from businesses, any and all,
Each person who dares to oppose the regime.
The very attempt is a terrible dream.
The fool stocks his departments with the worst of the worst,
With weirdos, and leftists who put CHINA first,
And openly boasts he will shut pipelines down
And run the economy into the ground,
And strip citizens of the choices they made,
And implement schemes of a brainless barmaid.
As Big Tech tries to wipe out conservative thought,
True patriots must learn a new word: SAMIZDAT.
Like Han, Chewie, Obi-wan, Leia and Luke,
We must join the rebellion, and sternly rebuke
The usurper, his minions, his crew, his machine,
The Deep State, the Fake News, and all in between.
So keep your eyes open, fellow patriots. Pray
That God will see fit to restore us someday.
And until that day comes, be prepared for a fight,
And �God save us all,� and to all a goodnight.


Jun 4 2020 01:08PM
     Would You Meet Up with Someone with Opposite Political Views?
In the current heated environment, battle lines have drawn. Some Democrats are refusing to be friends with Republicans, much less hook up with or date them. And vice versa.

Would you meet up with someone on HX whose views you oppose? Dudes: would you ignore her party affiliation, posts, etc., at least for purposes of hooking up (e.g., if she's hot enough)? Gals: would you leave politics aside because (whatever reason)? Would you consider it "hate sex"?

Does it matter to you one way or the other?


May 20 2020 09:03AM
     Good Day Turns Sad
Today is my dad's 99th birthday. There was going to be a video birthday party for him.

Yesterday I found out that my niece was exposed to someone with the China virus and had to be quarantined. My dad lives with my sister's family, so he has to get extra protection. I was hoping to visit him in person.

DAMN but I hate this bug.


May 8 2020 07:58AM
     This is getting ridiculous -- Souplantation goes belly-up!
All Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes buffet restaurants are being shut down due to the China virus.
And there's talk of shutting down ALL buffet restaurants.

No. NO. N-to-the-O. NO!!!

This is utter and complete bullshit. Entire restaurant chains weren't destroyed the last time there was a new strain of flu, or the time after that, or the time after that, or MERS, SARS, and whatever alphabet soup label someone came up with for a newly discovered virus. There is NO reason for doing this.

Our society, our economy and our FREEDOM are being destroyed. Are we a bunch of frogs sitting in big pots and not noticing that the water keeps getting just a little bit hotter? It's time to JUMP OUT of that hot water and get back to NORMAL!

Enough with the China virus. It's not the Black Death, it's not the Spanish flu, and it's not a reason to wreck this country!
Attached Links


Mar 27 2020 10:56AM
     The Impending Population Explosion
Condom shortage + confinement to quarters = A lot more babies.

Prediction: the increased birth rate will outweigh the China virus death toll. Beer bug, you've met your match.
Attached Links
Condom shortage looms


Nov 14 2019 06:46PM
     Have You Ever . . .
had hate sex? What was it like? Was it worth it?


Oct 14 2019 07:26AM
     NOT "Indigenous Peoples' Day": Six Reasons

The SJW crybabies and other assorted fools who whine about Columbus are really saying they wish they'd never been born. Because that's how it would be but for Columbus. Don't expect them to figure that out, though.

Wokeness is a mental illness.


Sep 13 2019 11:35PM
     Friday the 13th Full Moon!
It's really cool looking up at it tonight. Especially when I was out back in my pool.

The next one won't be until 2049, so check it out tonight or wait another 30 years!


Mar 24 2019 10:02PM
     Ladies: A Question
Do you ask for pictures when someone contacts you? If you do, what kind of pictures to you expect to receive? Are you looking for home, everyday selfies? Professional photography? Or something more . . . revealing? How do you react when you get a kind of picture other than what you had in mind (either more or less)?

I myself only take pictures that are PG at the most. Never take, let alone send, anything more. Would you consider this a positive or a negative?


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